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Everything posted by Crucifixuz

  1. start
  2. yes i headbutt all trees for low level natu and all early bird so i punch my screen pls back change
  3. seems like he and the pokes are banned
  4. just bring back the old ones they were perfect :/
  5. can make tower reard 50 instead of 25 pve coins? pls it takes some time to beat and you have to pay entry fee too but compared to the new bosses that drop pve coins in mass the rewards are very lame... it is still fun to make but with a good reward would be even cooler xD
  6. bump?
  7. any answer ? :D
  8. same with the mount animations :( was so cool to see all the different sprites
  9. hey guys in past u were able to force the moving pose of ur trainer while standing still by walking against a wall... can this come back ? was so awesome haha xD
  10. since u cant go in queue with banned pookes anymore i think this is comment is irrelevent yes and every hard mode boss could easily deal with a mewtwo or xernias
  11. Is it possible to make something like ? or sth like a battle tower with more known enemies: Evil team leaders and commanders, Elite 4 trainers, gym leaders, anime enemies, rivals etc. The battle tower is really good but fighting trainers that you know would feel a lot cooler :D maybe elite 4 rebattles with a pve coin reward or rare item chance that would be super cool wouldnt it? xD
  12. best poke bump legendary almighty pkm from anime opening 1 first seconds and most epic pls i need
  13. Very weird and bad idea. why not bring blaziken and dugtrio back then too they are cooler... or gothielle
  14. tier 6, -spatk nature and untrained... i can offer 800k
  15. can there be an option to remove sunglasses from the crown it look weird ?
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  17. Crucifixuz


  18. Crucifixuz


  19. Crucifixuz


  20. Crucifixuz


  21. Hey guys please invent that when you logout in pvp you dont have to wait 10 mins to play another game anymore plsssssss. Sometimes when u play pvp for fun and get 6x tanker team or random standard team u just want dc instantly and queue up again but then u have to play against boring trainers because u would have to wait 10 mins again so pls remove that timer trust me pls
  22. nice idea but won't happen :(
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