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Everything posted by Thatkid

  1. Starting offer = 500k min raise = 100k Insta = 3m Auction end in 24 hours from 1st bid or when the insta is met. ---‐------------------------------------------------------------- The insta of 3m has been met by khaihoan2662004
  2. I have a Choice Specs on my horsea. I used up surf and hydro pump and when I try to use dragon pulse it says I can only use one move because of the choice item. But when i clicked on bubblebeam, I could use that attack. Just thought i'd mention this strange occurence.
  3. Thatkid

    PRO Wiki

    I feel like the PRO Wiki should be listed under Menu in the HomePage. Right now it's sitting riiiiiiight below at the bottom and I think it should be one of the main links on the Menu too. Not sure how you guys feel about it. Let me know. Thanks, ThatKid
  4. Price is 5m. Lowest I can go is 4.5m.
  5. Hi. I would like to make the suggestion to add a command to check the WQ remaining IV's without having to go to the Mysterious Cultist or asking in All Chat.
  6. 3246
  7. Hello PRO Community. I feel I want to share my own opinion on Prehax/Qeight. I feel that as a Game Master you should always display a higher level of maturity than the rest to balance the strict nature which the position sometimes has to deal with. I have seen how he acts and responds in the discord and it gives an impression of arrogance. That said, we do not know what he has to deal with daily. It can be stressful. I saw what happened on discord but I think we need to be more understanding as players. I see discord as a place where staff and the community can "unwind". Ofcourse within the boundaries. We don't know the struggles they go through or what they have to endure every day. Prehax/Qeight is not a bad person at all but because the work he does requires hard decision making that sometimes results in banning, we assume he's bad or corrupt or abusing his power. I know it sounds like I am sucking up but those who know me well can vouch, i'm anything but a suck up. All i'm saying is, let's try and understand one another and support each other, no matter the faults we have as individuals. We are a great community and I hope we can reach newer heights together. Thanks.
  8. I think I'd be the best staff ever! But wow, I had no idea things were so hectic out here. Players cutting themselves and such. It's very concerning. If anyone feels down or depressed or anything they'd like to get off their chest, you can send me a PM. It will just be between us. I have suffered from depression so I know what it's like. Regards, ThatKid
  9. I have edited my service fee. Please read that before making use of my service. Thankyou. With that said, I am open for business for a few hours.
  10. But as the original poster said upwards, I would also like to know more about this special ticket. I was wondering about it the other day too.
  11. Tanoby Ruins is located on Sevii Island number 7.
  12. I have a suggestion but i guess i'll have to create it first because the explanation could get confusing. Bear with me.
  13. Very nice collection. Gib me shiny goomby :3
  14. Not gonna lie, this is awesome. Good job <333
  15. I don't want to criticize an idea someone puts forward because it might discourage them to do so in the future for fear of negativity but, thankyou for your suggestion. So from my side, i feel the purpose of an event that makes event form pokemon available to find by hunting for them, is to feel like your effort and time put in to find them, has rewarded you by finding them. And when you they have the correct nature and decent iv's makes it feel so much more rewarding to me. Now if i take your idea of an xmas event form capsule and use that capsule on, let's say, a pokemon with very good iv's, what's to stop me from selling that for a good price on the trade market? I believe in making easy money but that is simply to "exploitative" in a sense and everyone would become rich very easily instead of working towards it. So for me it's a no this time around but that doesn't mean your suggestion was bad or anything, it's just that nothing should come easy. We should hunt for them and feel like "Damn, i spent all this time trying to find this pokemon and i finally got it!" sort of thing.
  16. The superbosses were a horrible experience for me and can you imagine if the sharpedo nerf came before that?? Thank god it didn't lol.
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