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  1. Paysafecard as a donation option?? It's the only alternative I have I would be grateful for an answer
  2. Hey. Some of us have only one device to play with so it's really difficult for us to trade between the alternate accounts. So I hope you introduce a method which allows to trade between two accounts from one same device. Or maybe we can link our accounts. Please give your feedback
  3. It would be nice to have the option of redeeming a Mysterious Ticket in exchange for a temporary Party Exp Share, just like in the Halloween event. If it requires balancing, you could adjust the duration of the exp boost and/or add a preview release discount or something like that.
  4. I know that breeding has been removed but how about bosses. They already give pokemon as rewards. So, how about they give pokemon eggs instead rather then pokemon. It will give the eggs tab in our inventory a use. And add more flavour and difficulty to boss rewards as ivs are already visible. The rarity can depend on colour of eggs and difficulty of boss. The type on speciality of the boss defeated.
  5. There must be an update on the game about shiny encounters cause the value of rare shinies are decreasing time after time Some rare shinies encounters should be stop for few years which were encountered too many in last few years ... Form pokes can be created more and more as example: weawile have two Halloween form and more form of it can be created but shinies have thier own high value and if that will be available more it will no longer have any value after a time and nor it can created more as like form .... All what I wanted to say is that the game should have any kind of update to balance the rareity of shinies in this game or the value of shinies will became thrash in game ... For example : last year Halloween shiny hawlucha was encountered by too many players and this year shiny jagmmo-o , as a result it'll loose it's rareity like it was before
  6. Hello there When I enter the pvp q I waited for like 14min but no match found . Can u all please add a system that will give us +10 rating or idk u may think for being waiting in pvp q for long time? If ppl get free rating then obviously many ppl will enter and we will get our q fixed This is a good idea to fix the inactive news of ppl in PRO pls think carefully about this
  7. Just an idea of mine. Is it possible to make an event where paradox pokemons are skins for the pokemon? (Like the ones for beast trio with bidoof) List of Paradox Pokemons: Great Tusk - Donphan Scream Tail - Jigglypuff Brute Bonnet - Amoonguss Flutter Mane - Misdreavus Slither Wings - Volcarona Sandy Shocks - Magneton Roaring Moon - Salamence (Walking Wake - Suicune) (Raging Bolt - Raikou) Iron Treads - Donphan Iron Bundle - Delibird Iron Hands - Hariyama Iron Jugulis - Hydreigon Iron Moth - Volcarona Iron Thorns - Tyranitar Iron Valiant - Gallade(Gardevoir?) (Iron Leaves - Virizion) (Iron Crown - Cobalion)
  8. Hey, dearest people of all PRO! I want my idea to be fulfilled, it Is important indeed. Move animations! We all know PRO is a great game, fun, innovative, and exciting. But... battle systems lack efficiency! I want all people to hear me! PRO needs all Pokémon moves to be animated so PvP can run more elegantly and stylishly. Look at all Pokémon games! They all have animated movies, so we should have too! Please, trainers, help with my idea so the staff developers can prioritize the production of move animations more. I can design moves, but unfortunately, Walrosskastanie didn't reply to my message We all need move animations or at least the most used moves in PvP or PvE! Vote now to tell the staff to prioritize more move animations! I am a volunteer to design moves. I have experience. Thank you, friends. Kind regards, Lumizen
  9. I know this might suck the fun out of hunting to an extent, but maybe make the mints a large amount of pve coins to purchase? Like between 500-1000 coins per mint? Make it so we have to properly earn them and make them unable to be traded, any Pokémon that has a mint used on them also becomes unable to be traded to keep things balanced. What do you think?
  10. So I just read the announcement about the new battle server and about the 1-2 pvp coins drop per every win which is really an interesting thing to do. My suggestion is to add this 1-2 pvp coins drop feature every weekend (Saturday & Sunday), which will attract many player and not only pvp coins as drops if we can add some additional items as random drops.For example Common drops will be like no drop, ethers, repels, escape rope etc. Uncommon will be rare candy, mysterious candy, fossils etc. Rare drops such as rr shard, mysterious shard, small train ticket, safari pass etc. This will at least make people to participate in pvp not just plain hunting and pve stuff. Feel free to drop your opinion about this suggestion. Thanks & Regards -MassKiller
  11. I feel bisharp is so univolved. The final evolution of bisharp would spice the game up more I think. Bring Kingsgambit into the game please. Like Aeigisshield. People would enjoy such a pokemon immensely! Thanks :Nortavon
  12. So I had an idea for a new event like the Bidoof or Star Wars event. I was thinking of an anime event because of how involved a lot of the community is with anime. For example, an easy one should be Ninetails being a Naruto form, or Gengar being the devil spirit from Death Note. It could range from a lot of different animes some very popular like Naruto, Bleach, dbz, and One Peace. But others could be like black clover or One Punch Man and many more! I'm not sure how the copyright would work or if it would even be a problem but it could be a fun little week-long event around like comic con. I think it would be a great idea and I asked some others in all chats when playing this week and a lot of them loved the idea.
  13. As suggested in the title, maybe add an toggleable option for auto-use repel? I'm lazy to refresh repel when it expires especially when i'm hunting all day haha
  14. Do you want Toxapex to be included on the summer map?
  15. hi dear staffs, i wish intead of showing this messge ....... encountered a shiny /rare form; you link the pokemon so players will be encouraged to hint & that will create a competition & rivalery ,joust betweenn players
  16. Hey. According to your rules, you can't say die to other players, but there is this problem i feel offended by the dialogue from battle boss where it say "Welcome to die" - so to hold a good standard, maybe change dialogue? Greetings a concerned person.
  17. I am kinda new to the game and without a mount or bike, they game feel extremely slow as you have to run around a lot of times. With my first mount it was way better but still pretty tough. As there is no fly, you have to run a lot of times over very long distances. So faster Mounts would help in that process of getting through the different maps. I do like actually everything about the game except the "walking-simulator". Suggestion: - Increase the speed of mounts - Allow Mounts in all maps, including in-door, houses etc. as they feel also very slow - (Optional, in case it would be too fast for some people) add a Feature where you can change a slider on the mount to set his movement speed multiplier from current one to the new one and everything in-between.
  18. add a command in discord to not be tagged in announcement when staff are looking for mapper /spawn/ artist or something in this way because we get bored with this tag and got annoyed ...
  19. Hello evryone! Here its medu5a or how old players know me as paok123 My suggestion is! So many players from 2016 have take perma ban and can't take there accounts back! If this accounts stay locked for ever the pokes was existing there have simply desipere right? So why you do not take the shiny and good pokes from banned accounts and make them somthing like give away for evryone with 1k hours + ? I mean if you was knew my old acc i was playing all day i lose so many shinys if i was know i will take ban propably i whould give them away! I do not say that for i take somthing , give them maybe at players with -1k hours ? For other players can buy them! Now days only shinys exist in game its 2 low cause as i said many have take ban many have stop playing and for us we love shiny buying and selling its nothing 2 do with that! We need hunt like for 1-2 weeks in a row for tier 1 shiny ratata! I hope evrything make sense cause you know me my english its not the best so hope my idea get some attension and if do not make it true maybe at the future change it a litle but keep the main ''head'' and make somthing with that! Peace and love Shop back then : shiny charizard shiny luxray shiny breloom shiny shiny shiny Shop now days : shiny clefa shiny ratata shiny zubat ......
  20. Hello, Currently in Normal Ranked PVP we the option to enable (avoid last opponent). This is good cause like that we could play more to other players and not always to the same ones in a row. Currently In Random Ranked, something like this doesnt exist (yet). My suggestion would be to add the same for Random Ranked. I battled sometimes 4 or more times the same player in row. Personaly i think its not a bad idea if we could enable (avoid last opponent) for those who want this. Thanks for taking this in consideration .
  21. I've noticed from time to time at a decently common rate, that newer players myself at one point had no clue that evolving our Pokémon causes the exp requirement to be higher for the next level an further up, many newer players pop into the help chat asking or are confused as to why their Pokémon are taking forever to level up and when confronted with the fact that its because they evolved them, they feel a little let down or maybe some of them lose the will to want to put more effort into playing, my suggestion is simple add in Bold or capital letters that evolving a Pokémon will increase the amount of exp required to level them. I think adding this to oak at the start or in his lab will give newer players a chance to not feel like they made a mistake that slows their progress. this way at least they're informed, I was also told that a optional to talk to NPC will tell players this but not every new player just talks to every NPC they see so making it part of standard dialog will keep a new player well informed about this. TLDR; Add exp rate changes when you evolve a Pokémon as a warning for new players to a mandatory conversation so that it is less likely to be missed.
  22. Hello, I would like to make a complaint/suggestion concerning Ditto shiny (Imposter abililty) . I owned a shiny ditto imposter for a few years. In Pro shiny ditto imposter could transfer in any shiny when sent out in battle. Apparently since a few months ago we noticed that this was changed and that imposter ditto shiny only transformed into a shiny if the opponent is a shiny poke. Pvp players told me that the change is normal since (in current gens it works like that). see below. (What was frustrating back then was that NO ONE annouced this change). Due to this change me and other collecters (sia , and justbillionaire others) lost value on our shiny dittos imposters and so we sold for less then the actual value. An other point: Whitout this change to new gen mechanics me and the others collectors would never have sold our dittos. Apparently since recently (this month april 04/2023) players were telling me that shiny ditto is changed back to as it used to be in past (transform in all shiny pokes). Again this change (was NOT annouced). Past Generation 4 (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum), whether Ditto is shiny or not, a Ditto will transform into the coloration of its opponent. If the opponent is shiny, shiny Ditto will Transform into shiny. If the opponent is not shiny, shiny Ditto will Transform into normal coloration. This is cleary not fair for people that sold their pokes before due to this change. The people who bought got basicaly an upgrade of their pokes. i am an old player, and things like this make it very frustrating to play this game again. As mentioned me and other players sold our shiny ditto only for these reasons. To make it fair for everyone DITTO should be changed back to current gen (Only show as shiny when the opponent is shiny) I hope my concerns will be taken in consideration. Thanks for handel this.
  23. Hi, i usually play pvp on pc since it easier to check smogon, db, sd etc. Problem is sometime my pc got dc from wifi and when it does, usually it takes times to reconnect. if it takes time to reconnect system auto kick us from server and its instant lost at pvp. My suggestion is we can relogin on other device but not getting insta lost. As we know per turn we have like 2min to make move. i think its enough for player changing device in case got dc (to phone or else). iam aware sometime people rage quit on last move and if it does opponent have to wait 2min but i think its not really problem. my suggestion; when we relogin on ther device there will be team perview feature but it show 'will u continue battle or no?'. its really anoying when we lost rating because dc, but have to wait 10 min to play again is much worse anoying what if people boosting using this feature? like 'hi iam losing againts this guy, can u login on my id and beat this guy'. i think its not hard to track down something like this if its really happen, and besides, if people really want to help for boosting, they will ask friend to come/ using dc share screen or somthing.
  24. I have an idea to reduce toxic and annoying behavior among players. Players interact with each other during PvP, chats (such as All, Trade, and Help), and trading. My proposal is to introduce a rating system that allows players to rate each other without affecting the rated player's PvP/PvE gaming. The rating system could help in several ways: 1. During PvP, if a player time-stalls, abuses, or taunts others, a low rating would show that the player has a poor attitude in PvP. 2. In All chat, players may share irrelevant or personal information, which other players could ignore if they notice a low rating. 3. During trading, if a player tries to scam others or engage in any bad behavior, they may receive a low rating. The rating system would not impact players' gaming experience, but others could see their reputation. Each player would start with a 3/5 star rating in each category and could build a good reputation from there. To provide positive reinforcement, a reward system could be implemented for players who achieve a full five-star rating in all three categories each season. I have also attached a concept image for reference, so you can better understand what I have in mind.
  25. The Reborn bot of Pokemon Revolution Online is a crucial tool for players in a competitive environment. It provides essential information such as the leaderboard, guild ladder, and member list of a guild, all of which are necessary for players to make informed decisions and strategize effectively. Although the bot is available in the official Discord server, it is better to have the bot in the guild server. This is because it allows players to access the information directly from their guild server without having to switch between different servers, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. The leaderboard displays the ranking of the top players in the game, allowing players to see where they stand in relation to their competition. This information is essential for players who wish to improve their skills and climb the ranks of the game. However, manually searching for this information can be time-consuming and tedious, making the bot a vital resource. The guild ladder is another critical feature of the bot, as it allows players to see how their guild ranks compared to others in the game. This information is especially important because guilds often participate in battles and events together. Knowing the strength of other guilds can help players prepare and strategize accordingly, which can give them an edge in the game. Furthermore, the bot provides players with a member list of their guild, including each member's rating and other essential information. This feature is crucial for guild leaders who need to keep track of their members and ensure that they are active and contributing to the guild's success. Therefore, it is essential that the developers of Pokemon Revolution Online consider increasing the limit on the bot or creating a new bot that can perform the same functions. This would allow players to continue to access this important information and compete on a level playing field. The absence of the bot would significantly impact the competitive environment of the game, and players would be at a disadvantage without it. In Conclusion, the Reborn bot of Pokemon Revolution Online is a crucial tool for players in a competitive environment. It provides essential information such as the leaderboard, guild ladder, and member list of a guild, all of which are necessary for players to make informed decisions and strategize effectively. Having the bot in the guild server allows players to access the information directly, which can save time and improve convenience. It is necessary for the developers to consider increasing the limit on the bot or creating a new bot to ensure that players can continue to access this information and compete on a level playing field.
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