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  1. After the staff auction ended i was pretty mad ngl , cause like 99% of those epic shiny /themed pvp mons were locked into accounts of players that will never use them in pvp . So i was thinking , maybe staff can start a service when for example if u have gathered 50 mil u can get an epic themed mon , 100 mil epic shiny mon and so on ( the prices are just examples and should probably be set to even higher so that shiny market doesnt perish ) . That way u can create huge money sinks while also pleasing some players . I am aware there are some lurking dangers like i said above about shiny market but i think its not bad taking a minute or two thinking about this suggestion . Its sad to see all the epic shiny / themed mons locked into pve accounts . Also might motivate some players to comeback into the game ( for example i have been actively pvping the last 2.5 years but recently 3 months now i have kinda lost motovation to pvp and i barely play like 5 battles per month , so maybe it could be some kind of incentive ) P.s. obviously the mons wont be tradable
  2. Hi, Just wanted to suggest adding nature mints in coin shops. Reasons: It will be added to game economy. It will increase the values of shinies who previously had wrong nature. It will make those poke PVP able which could be epic if not sync failed and increase their values. Hunting ill be less torture. Gen 8 Sync is 100% i am not saying make sync 100% cuz it would be too easy and kill fun(who doesn't want to laugh at failed epics), but with mints they have a chance. Cause if u hunt for a whole week and best u got is a sync failed godly ivs poke it's sad. It will not make hunting less rellevant as we still have to hunt for ivs, it's just a backup for godly fails which could be saved by nature and make hunting less stressfull and more enjoyable even if sync fails. Ability and IVS can't be changed for normal poke i understand but nature is something which can be changed in my opinion.
  3. Hello PRO Team, I think I may speak for some people in PRO who have been banned for dumb stuff and are now regretting it. Me who also got banned for dumb stuff was trying to get unbanned by writing appeals, I wrote one directly after my ban and one 6 month later and still got decliened. I made an new account but it doesn't really feel the same as before. For me 1700h of playtime just went right into the dumbster and I really regret it. That's why I'd ask to make something like a fine to first of all support PRO and second of all to get unbanned. How high the fine would be is of course up to you guys but I'd really hope this could somehow work in the future! Sincerly agencyneverdies!
  4. Personally I think a good thing would be to include custom made brand new pokemon never before seen. I recently played a new game called pokemon xenoverse and they had some awesome new pokemon that would be interesting to see them appear on here
  5. I feel like there are a lot missing move animations in the game. I know they are surely hard to make to be unique and appealing, but why not just copy lets say animation of flamethrower to that of ember and all other fire-type special attacks? Or to copy surf as dive and waterfall etc? Or, maybe you should prioritize to firstly make common npc moves (most used ones) like tackle, scratch (slash), growl, body slam, quick attack (could be the same as extreme speed, dig, sucker punch), air slash (wing attack, air cutter, ... ), ... This would make the game more appealing than making new events and such, IMO.
  6. As the title already said, since you’re putting more legendary mounts in the game, I wish there was legendary mounts for those who don't pvp can be the 3 birds or the 3 dogs thanks for listening
  7. I just joined the game a few days ago but i already have had some troubles while trading, I would like to suggest that if both players are in a pokemon center they should be able to trade to eachother, other than the current situation where both players need to be in the same pokecenter. This could potentially also be narrowed to only pokecenters in the same region can trade with eachother. Would like to hear how you guys think about this
  8. please this stop house is illogical please rework it see the dimension from out and in area there is a big difference how could this little small house be long inside lol as if scripter were against logic and physic and maths xd
  9. Hello. I'd like to suggest that after using escape rope pokemon won't get fully healed. It's annoying to kill synchronize each time you get to new spot just because you used escape rope to get there faster. Thanks!
  10. My suggestion is that you may have an option to disable a level animation in the general option > this would make players who didn't like the animation to be able to play with it disabled
  11. Hello fellow pokefans, some of you probably heared of the "pokemon unity" project, that aimed to create a tool for pokemon fangames (like pokemon essentials) within unity. To my great sorrow it got abandoned half way trough. Pokemon Fangames are still beeing made within RPG Maker XP. They could be so much better if there were based of unity. To my knowledge Pkmn Revolution Online was created with unity. So i was wondering if you plan on releasing the project or parts of it as a preset for the community to create fangames with. A preset for creating Pkmn games in Unity could finally replace the old RPG Maker Xp with Pkmn-Essentials! Having a working base in unity would be a milestone in pkmn fangame developing! Have a nice day and thank you for the replay! :D
  12. For repel trick on snivy on Easter had froakie, or lower the snivy tier a bit tier 7 deal I could do this for all the initials, also to be fair
  13. Let us use up to a certain amount of repels at a time to reduce clicks to apply another. Even simply allowing us to use up to 10 repels to get up to 2000 steps would save a lot of clicks, especially since we can't keybind the yes/no menu to anything. There is risk involved with this, as obviously if the server drops when you have a big stack of repels up you would lose them. I think this is a small QoL change that would greatly benefit a lot of users, especially with the summer event now out.
  14. Hello friends, since we are all hunting gibles rn, the idea came to me that we should be able to stack repels, just make them add steps to your repel counter, so you can stack up 10000 steps if you want, and like to life on edge with these server crashes, or like 1000. It would increase the quality of life on repelling a lot imo.
  15. For a pve player like me, completing my pokedex is one of (if not the) most important goals to achieve. When I say completing the dex, I'm talking about maximizing the caught, seen and evolution data, that currently is or ever has been viable to obtain. With the option of trade chat, alot of grinding and a bit of luck (world quests, outbreaks), it is possible to maximize the caught and evolution data. The problem lies in the fact, that currently there are seen datas, that are not obtainable anymore. I can think of hoopa and zygarde right now. (Yveltal lost his spot in ash westbrooks team but suspicious bot still has it). So my suggestion is to add them to the game somehow. An example would either be to add them to a boss team, do a new boss or even just do mini bosses for hoopa and zygarde, so players can actually complete their pokedex.
  16. Hello! First I want to say I like this new idea of pvping weekly which hypes players to pvp more even non pvpers. Although, I also would like to make a suggestion. Would you consider making 1 pvp win = 2 pvp coins, instead of just 1? I think logically this would hype more people in general to do more PvP games, being them pvprs or non pvprs and not just win 5 games a week and then wait next week. Also would be helpful, considering the new shiny mounts that will cost 2000 pvp coins. Thanks in anticipation! Hace a nice day!
  17. Hi my nickname is Brandonlee1 and my name is Brandon Lee I'm an old pokemon revolution player and I come here to make a suggestion that should have been made a long time ago about the "rules" the rules that sometimes work for some but not for others... but this is not the "point" here, let's talk about "provocations" when i say provocation soon we already think about pvp right? yes obvious because the pvp you want to beat and sometimes provokes that opponent you don't like and of course many take advantage of the staff's flaws and use this to their advantage I really want a reformulation of these rules, to be banned for simply saying "noob" or "gg easy" is irrelevant in all games we have provocation, it doesn't make sense for you to ban someone for 20 days because of that. I'm talking about my case at the moment, but I know many other players who are angry with this... Of course, I’m also not asking for the game to be a toxic community, I just want these little things not to be so relevant, they are normal provocations in any game you deal with luck... it makes the game more competitive too, we all like it when we are challenged I ask you not to delete the post, this is not an offense to the team, just a player's indignation I also want to see the opinion of other players ... Edit1:the rules hardly work for both sides, that's why I'm asking for reformulation, not everyone takes SS out of things thinking about protecting themselves Edit2:about the reformulation I'm not asking anyone to be immune, just to think, a mute ban is more than fair Sorry for my bad english, i use translate ^^
  18. hi all; i see that kanto starter have no repel trick i suggest to add repel trick to charmander & bulbasur & squirtle in safari kanto or just add another spawn location without repel trick best regards algerie31;
  19. Well, we got some cool new mount and cosmetics for both PvE and Coin Shop. Sadly PvP cosmetics looks so boring right now, same clothes with just different colors. and think a hundreds time before purchasing PvP mounts that can't be traded. and recycling it for half price not really a big deal. So, i would like to suggest same cases for PvP cosmetics/mount to be able for trade, at least its change monthly like tz clothes etc. thank you
  20. Hello, I'm new to Pokemon and still using THIS CHART to determine which attack element should i use vs opponents Its not that complicated but before using the chart i have to determ which element my opponent are and to do so i have to use database site https://pokemondb.net/ right now, in combat when you mouse-over on your or opponents name you get this pop up box: Can these boxes have better use and have Type + weaknesses, for example: Or another visual improvment to my suggestion by @SainteBaguette and the pop box can show the weaknesses Also idea by @KyloRen :
  21. Hello everyone! Since battle animation & text is client side thing why don't we have the options to speed it up? This is example of a single turn: 1. Selecting Fight 2. Selecting skill 3. See dialog about what skill opponent used 4. See opponent skill animation 5. See dialog about what skill I've used 6. See my skill animation If you wonder, this takes 7-8 seconds This is example of a pokemon swap: 1. Selecting Pokemon ball 2. Choosing pokemon 3. See dialog about what pokemon just entered battle 4. See ball throwing aniomation 5. See dialog about what skill opponent used 6. See opponent skill animation If you wonder, this takes 8 seconds, if it was my turn, it would take 12+ seconds. This old level up experience animation, Yeah there's no animation at all, Rattata level from 58 to 61 intently without us seeing experience bar getting unnecessary experience animation. While with new system each level takes 2-3 seconds, means, if your Rattata should jump from level 5 to level 40 it will take nearly a minute to do so. Its cool and all to see these interaction for first time, but you get tired of it pretty fast.. Can we get some real-life time and have these unnecessary things adjusted? If someone like to see slow motion Battle animations, Texts & Experience bar, let them have it x1. But for the rest, allow us to change it via , just like this:
  22. This is concerning the OT req. using the Mega update as an exmaple but also applies to future and past events where an OT pokemon was or will be required. When I make a non-subscription purchase I like the feeling of owning said purchase In every possible way. When you have bought a pokemon and have used it for years and/or months it feels like a kick in the face when something tells you, you can't use this pokemon because you weren't the first owner. You have done the full process of purchasing said item. Legally, morally, and with proper etiquette both sides consented of transferring ownership. So who's to say how I can or can't use my pokemon. (Besides of course rules that help the quality of the game of which I don't agree this is one.) Now to the three factors that make this thread worthy of attention. Is my suggestion feasible? I have no experience of coding so I can be swayed to either side. Comparing this to other projects you guys have done from the outside this would seem like a "simple" unlock or lock. How does my suggestion benefit the community? Makes it so people that have bonded and trained their poke, regardless if they are the original owner use the non-ot poke for an ot specific quest. Strengths and Weaknesses The only weakness I see to this is making questing too easy. Meaning someone buying a pokemon and finishing a quest right away. My solution to this would be adding a cooldown to how quickly someone can use a bought pokemon for OT quests. This would be up to you of course, but I wouldn't be against around 3 months of a waiting period. This would discourage someone from buying a pokemon simply for a OT quest. (Of which I have no problem against btw) uwuchan
  23. i cant believe they added this levelup animation to the game and not make it optional..i lost all my interest to play the game after i had to wait 1min to see my dratini levelup from 20 to 38 ... if this was added to increase playtime and increase ur monetization , then its the wrong way to go abt the game .. bcz in the short run u may earn some bucks but in the long run youll lose players... and if it was added without any motive just as a feature , its the dumbest decision one can take and i would kick that trash out of the dev team without thinking twice. im pretty sure u got negative feedback on this already and i dnt wana go on whining abt it , but im not playing the game until its fixed i.e the levelup animation is optional/removed.
  24. Hello, As everybody know, there are a lot of shiny collectors in the game. Most of them are really rich and like to show their collection in the all chat. I noticed that on the forum, there is nothing made for shiny collectors (in game too but well, it's not the purpose here). It would be interesting to get a dedicated forum section to help shiny collectors showing their awesome poke. It could even be a section or sub-section for every type of collection : shinies, godly, event etc... It would be cool to see amazing collections. Just saying that because i'll post my awesome shiny collection soon and I was searching a good place where to put it :D Just an idea... Have a good game,
  25. I purpose to make reroll ticket untradable. Legendairy pokemon are used especially for PvP and not PvE except 2-3 legendairies pokemon. So i think it s not normal that guys who have a lot of reroll tickets thanks to PvE like reporter ; suspicious bot ; boss have more chance to have a good legendairy pokemon in comparaison with PvP player. Furthermore a lot of people complaining about mass account abuser, i think it s a good option for stop this. In a same time, it will influence economy of server because there are less money in movement. My second purpose is about price of reroll ticket. 150 pvp coins it s too much, if you consider that each game during 15 minutes in average and you will all matchs it takes around 38 hours for having only one reroll ticket which is totally rng based. So i think it s better to decrease price of reroll ticket or reward better the individual PvP. Another purpose is about rng of reroll ticket. Actually a reroll ticket is full rng, hard to have a good ivs of hidden power that we want. I purpose that ivs reroll enable to lock ivs one one stat I know that a lot of people are not agree with my suggestion, but i think it s more fair/balanced and benefic for the economy. Best regards, Cosanostra
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