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Megas will help raise the demand of CC's


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Coins capsules are cheap as hell now because lately we had some issues, in my opinion, that made CC drop alot:

1st: After the Shinies that Red/Nikola spawnned and sold to delete cash from ther servers, cutted alot our economy. Since that moment economy died.

2nd: I know u have a community of many members, but having one player with 100m+ even 50m+ is like stalled cash. U, and some other ppl are always on the market, and have a monopoly, that is my point of view. If most of the cash is in 1 community/ 1 player itself, and he dont spend it, economy will always fall. Most ppl have 500k - 2m ..


So to even if they put 1CC for a mega stone, i think it wont matter that much


anyway this is my opinion ^o ily :*

Im with you men and i add some thing i think the economy is healthy now because there is ppl like strategi who monopolice the economy but they are a large amount of ppl with no more than 200k and thats why the pokes drop the price, with the shinys that nikola sell he cure the economy from money give by bots, so -1 for me mega stone need to be sold in pvp and pve shop

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A gamebreaking-ly strong mechanic should 100% be locked behind a paywall. Can't see any way this goes wrong.


(The strongest power creep PRO PvP is getting in years should not be purchased by CC.)


Thanks to MadFrost for the signature!

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I highly suggest to not introduce megas in the game, neither z-moves.


Imo, this things ruined the game.


In a more subjective way, I must say that I don't think that ccs will rise in price for a long time. Maybe some people will force it up around ~50k, but when the hype ends, it will drop back again to ~200k.


I totally agree. Mega evolutions and such things as Z-Moves or even Ultra Beast Pokemon will ruin the game. I also doubt that megastones alone will raise the price of CC's.


Multiple items will raise it - like more cosmetic items and shortcut items like tree axe/pick axe will raise the prices of CC. The shop is very limited at the moment. For example we need more back items besides the few wings we have. You could create something like a backpack in different colors that comes with items for your bag. (50 Pokeballs or 10 Rare Candies etc). New mounts that can function as surf and land mount at the same time would also be interesting. We need things like a flash light for the cave etc. Also raise the prices of these shortcut items from 75 coins to 100 coins. Create more color patterns for already existing clothes. For example the team rocket outfit - sell them in white, red, blue and other colors. This would make the game more unique and also make people buy more.


Just my 2 cents off top. I have plenty of ideas.


Also creating something similar to a Pawn Shop could help the economy immensely. I'm surprised none of the rich players ever even thought of that idea - they just hoard their money which is funny and sad at the same time.

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Envy is right in it, price on economy depends a lot of the amount of money in the economy. So you can increase the demand of CC, the price will not raise in all cases. 2 reasons for this : CC price depends on price on the economy, and CC can generated without taking part of the market (i mean, you just have to buy CC with real money if you want it, you literally create an item without using resources from the economy).

The shinies generated by Staff is one reason why the price dropped a lot, if i remember well it was 200m deleted from Red Server at this time. 200m seems nothing when you look the sum of money of all players, the top 25 Guild on Red had 2,4g if i remember well. So, 200m seems not even 10%. But in fact, the price in the market depends of the money in the economy, the money savings by players is not really in the economy, it's supposed to come back one day, but actually it's not; so the 200m are way more than 10% in practice, i don't have the real number so i can't say more about the real impact.

And it's the same with all the players that saves money but never use it, their money is not really in the economy, it's supposed to come back to economy one day, or not... in the case of not, of course the price drops a lot. 100-150m seems nothing, but on the every day economy it's a lot, i am sure if one player decides to use 100m to buy some item/pkm on the market, the price on the market will raise by 10-20% easy.

If players has only 200k to buy CC, you can increase the demands, they will still have 200k to buy it, so the price doesn't raise. Savings money to use it in a big PKM (shiny, epic, etc.) is a good idea. Savings money to stock money is not, it just destroys his own market :x


For real, some players on PRO have a lot of PKM in their account, if one day they decide to sell all their PKM even at lower price than the market just to stock money and stop to play, they can literally destroy PRO economy :x The price on market will not have time to adapt itself between the first and the last PKM the player will sell. When the players will realize money has gone, it will be too late, and at that time the price will be very very low. If someone want to sell a Shiny Starter Epic for PVP, if the active player with the more money has 2m, the first guy can't sell his PKM for more than 2m xD


In the begining of PRO, players knew their PKM had more value that the price on the economy, so they used at this time CC and RC to do their trade, they couldn't sell for pokedollars because there were not enough pokedollars on the economy, it was just a temporary step the time players generate money with ingame quest or Crrulean Cave. But today, nobody want to farm money in Cerulean Cave, no motivation for it.

All truth, the problem in our case is that at this point, we cant buy too much, no one sell their epics for example, and the market is too devaluate to sell nothing.


I don't know how to recover the economy but we need something 100%

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