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Poll: Legendary nature rerolls and Birth Island


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IGN: Mcschitter

Playtime: 1040 hours

PVP rating: 143

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: No

Reason: I am only against it because some people have sat on these items and since they already exist when the price will hike that is pretty damaging in the market. If anything, a new item would feel so much better for this.

Vote for Birth Island: Yes

Reason: Does not really matter anymore in my opinion because the lending system makes the evolution requirement for legendaries a joke now so no legendary is hard to get past hour requirements.



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IGN: Fhil

Playtime: 1537 hours

PVP rating: curent rating 155


Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason: It is to expensive and only luck to get a good legendarie. Synchro in the most time not work. And for celeby i use 20 nature rerolls for a "OKAY" nature. After the merge the price is yet to big for this luck cyrcle.

Vote for Birth Island: Yes and no

Reason: I think it is better u need first do the Quest. And after the Quest u have the chance to get the other legendaries. As exampe the other Dogs or when u catch Latias u can than catch Latios on this island. Double legendaries is not cool. And maybe u can add one extrem Legendarie how Mewtu or Rauquaza. And we need really a Quest for catching a Bird.

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IGN: Trailblazer


PVP rating:196

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason:I think adding an option to change nature would be really good. When players catch their first legendaries they don't always have money to spend on rerolls because they understand it's a gamble without a sync.

Vote for Birth Island: neutral

Reason:I haven't yet used birth island so I am unsure as to what would be better.


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Playtime: 783 hours

PvP rating: 108 the best in this season was 128

Vote for nature reroll ticket: yes

Reason: It is really hard to get the right nature with rerolling and my luck is not that good at things like that so I have to spend a lot of money to get the right nature though my problem is that i think my suicune will be a synch fail like everything I try :c I asked a few guys I know ingame too and they have the same opinion like me.

Vote fpr birth island: neutral

Reason: I think both ways are ok but my problem is that you can get theam wighout doing the quest what I think would be bad ause it is the content what makes Pro great and even if it isn't the favourite thing of other players I think it is an important part of the game :D.

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IGN: imhanjoo

Playtime: 2531h

PVP rating: 117

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason: Currently, reroll tickets in the market are too expensive to buy. For ivs, I understand the random system and I think its fair to go on like this but for nature, rerolling only based on luck is kinda unfair for ones who failed sync :( (need too much nature rerolls to get the right nature)

Vote for Birth Island: No

Reason: I believe catching legendaries after finishing each requirements should be one of the contents that PRO should keep on encouraging. I think this is what makes legendaries rare and valuable in PRO.



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ign: dajana3

playtime: 2k hrs

pvp rating: 400

vote for nature reroll ticket: yes

reason: no based on luck anymoree . to be fair.

vote for birth island: yes

reason: im agree if only legendaries would spawn. I can get my missed legendaries and i want latios..

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IGn :voldis4


Pvprating:1 didn't play play this season because I didn't have much time to play work.

votenaturereroll: yes

reason: they are really hard to get, also do Ivs rerolls to. So players can get them more frequently.

Vote birth island: no.

reason: i read alot of feadbacks on this post most it are voting yes, because of legendaries not because the island is good ir not. Legendary a needs to be a achievement to get so a island that can caught legendaries only with pvp coins? Nah.i Will leave this game if legendaries are to easy to get. are also people doesn't pvp to.I disagree with all of this idea needs to be more complex. This make the game more easy and more boring. On my opinion that ticket instead of bought for PvP can be a very rare reward from bosses.

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IGN: Kashka

Playtime: 1443 hours

PVP rating: 308

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason : I think it is kind of costy to save up 150 pvp coins for a random reroll ticket , because it is basically based on luck if we can get the desired nature or not . It will also be relieving when we know we can choose the nature of our legendary pokemon.

Vote for Birth Island : Yes

Reason: I want to have the legendary pokes that i dont possibly have ,like Suicune when we already caught Entei ..afterall , more Legends means more love!

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IGN: Eric66

Playtime: 2746 hours

Pvp rating : 180

Nature ticket: Yes.

Reason: Just like others are already mentioned, both Nature and Iv reroll ticket is a waste of money atm. With this- even if we need to pay more- we could get the nature what we want, and we dont need to spend money over and over again.

Island: Yes.

Reason: I already saw some compliment ingame, from those players, who couldnt catch Darkr and Regice last year. This would not let players have duplicate legendaries. Of course, to not let new players habe any legendary, they should encounter only those, what they can catch by the story goes.

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