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Poll: Legendary nature rerolls and Birth Island


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IGN: Belzebel

Playtime: 2000+

PVP rating: I'm not pvping cause of the internet, but come on... I'm a ladder queen

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: YEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Reason: I spent around 1500 pvp coins with nature reroll and my Heatran is still naive, my Regirock is still not adamant....

Vote for Birth Island: I didn't get it very well... like, can I catch a legendary there without doing the quest? For example, I don't have dex for latias...


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IGN: tutonazo

Playtime: 2405

PVP rating: 34

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason: I agree with the nature reroll ticket, I just want your value to increase and if any user could use it, it would make the game very easy and simple, making it boring, making it less competitive.

Vote for Birth Island: Yes

Reason: not all managed to get the legendary pokemon available, it would be ideal to have a new opportunity with Birth Island.

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IGN: Ultron

Playtime: 3700+

PVP rating: 200 no time for pvp this season ):

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason: This will not be a problem in the future, because it was simply bad luck with the sincro when capturing the legendary. For many bros it has been difficult and frustrating to correct nature and this would encourage more non-battlers to try pvp (if is available only for pvp coins will be perfect)

Vote for Birth Island: Neutral

Reason: I dont see bad impact in the meta, but cuz i dont use legendarys in pvp im will be neutral in this topic.

⚙️ Discord: Ultron#9363 ⚙️

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IGN: Chaosknigth

Playtime: 3025 hours.

PVP rating: 422

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: No


No, because that would remove the mystery and the luck you must have to get the nature you want after the nature roll.

Vote for Birth Island: Yes


It would be too much to spend on a Mystery ticket knowing that you can get legendary repeated, and even more, having all available to date.

So, I see a good idea that Legendary come out that you have not yet obtained.

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IGN: Mejihcan

Playtime: 389 Hours

PVP rating: 109

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason: There is only 1 lengendary you can get and if it has bad ivs I don’t see the reason why you shouldn’t be able to pick the nature. But being able to choose ivs would be too much. Just nature reroll is fine.

Vote for Birth Island: Yes

Reason: Yes only be able to catch the ones you haven’t caught but don’t not let them catch multiple of them or else pvp will just become mostly legendaries.

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IGN : CobraMK

Playtime : +4600

PvP rating : 466

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket : Yes.

Reason : Legendary is rare and very good (Latios,Heatran) and have nature is rare.

Vote for Birth Island : Yes.

Reason : Yes be able to catch new pokemon will be cool.

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IGN: BashFick

Playtime: ~121320 Minutes

PVP rating: 19

Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes

Reason: Because everyone does but please delete the current Nature rerolls in our bags so we cant avoid the adjusted price.

Vote for Birth Island: No

Reason: Only if you have done the specific legendary quest please, you should do smt for your legendarys. (Maybe also a quest for birth island?!)

Edited by Bash

Of course I'm talking to myself, sometimes I have to talk with an intelligent person.





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