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IGN: YukiTsuki

Discord Tag: Yume Tsuki#5473

Server: Silver


The wind howled ominously, cold and unwelcoming. The sun had just set on this autumn day, taking it’s little warmth along with it. The leaves rustled restlessly. I nuzzled in my coat, trying to find more warmth. Just a small hike, they said. It’s not that far they had said. Yet here I am. I bet I’ve been walking in circles all this time. I wasn’t sure. The road had taken many twists and turns. It was hard to tell which direction was which. The dusk darkened the woods. Soon I wouldn’t be able to see anymore. It was a good thing I carried a flashlight with me.


Some more walking in silence. My feet were sore. I think I might be imagining things as well. Over the wails of the wind I heard… Voices. As if they were singing. Where did it come from? The wind made it difficult to tell. As I was trying to listen more carefully I heard another sound. Coming closer… Becoming louder. I turned my flashlight on aiming at the source. Suddenly, a shrill loud shriek. A Zubat illuminated by the light. In shock I let go of the lantern. Cursing I crouched to the ground picking up the flashlight. The screaming Zubat continuing on its way the cry growing softer and softer as it flew off in the distance.


The singing hadn’t stopped. I had the feeling some roots were moving. But that is impossible… Trees do not move. More rustling. But every time I shone my light, nothing there. I continued walking. This forest was giving me the creeps. Anxiously I started walking faster. Still no end in sight. I felt my heart thumping. There was this creeping feeling as if I was being watched. Before I knew it I started running. It was difficult to keep the flashlight steady. I reached a dead end. The road just stopped. Breathing heavily I looked around me. It didn’t help. It was too dark to see. I heard a muted crawl. The crinkling noise of fallen leaves all around me. Red eyes peering in the dark. The creaking noise of wood. Before I knew what was going on I blacked out. I remember feeling as if I had been hit with a baseball bat…


… And when I woke up… I was still lost.

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IGN : Aldo8

Discord tag: Esmeralda#5895

Server : Silver


Once upon a time I was in a meadow like a paradise, suddenly you become all night round me dried trees, flowers that else had been turned around this became influential Zekrom did not love us and says in a moment ''fleeing from my region'' I was surprised to be horrified in the dark landscape.

Suddenly you come to a white light and that's what someone feels like good . that was Lugia who says '' No this area is free from all '' and with that Zekrom relax alot and Lugia married Zekrom and they do a good family .. they live good and we better The end

IGN:- iammeetdp

Discord tag:- !_Rated-R Meet_!#7495


Story:- "Ditto... The last Pokemon i need to complete my kanto dex, where can i find it" I asked professor oak. He calmly replied " route 16A...you can find one there easily. This came a bit weird to me as of the last time i asked professor oak about rhydon he yelled at me and i had to flee from his lab.


He was not always like these, it happened after the dissappearence of his grandson Gary oak that he would start shouting at people and would make children's run away from his lab when they would ask for their starter Pokemon.


Anyway this things didn't mind me much as i marched my way to route 16A to get myself a ditto and finally complete my kanto dex.As i entered route 16A i could sense a deep silence...that was actually weird as route 16A was now a direct route connecting lavender to cerulean. I had never been on it but have heard it was quite an amazing place to get ghost type's in kanto so it was a place where you can always find some trainers.


Not thinking about it much i moved deeper into route 16A.As i moved forward in grass when suddenly a pokemon poped up... To my suprise it was a Ditto.Indeed professor was Right, Ditto are pretty common here. I send out my scizor and ordered it to false swipe...But...


"The Attack Missed"

I was taken aback, as per i remembered false swipe had 100% accuracy. I tried again


"The Attack Missed"

Frustrated...This time i asked my scizor to bug bite ditto and...


"The Attack Missed"


But how bug bite is a bug move with 100% accu aswell...


As me and my scizor were standing there confused we hear a laughter from our back, as i turn back a chill ran up my spine... It was gary oak.But the weird fact he looked different than the one i saw in oak's lab in a photograph.


He was wearing torn clothes, he was thin like a stick and his eyeballs were sunken and were deep red.


I said hesitantly " Ga...ry O...ak". As i was saying these i could see a bunch of glowing red eyes in a bush behind gary.


He said "Get ready to die" and whistled.With the whistle the red eyes glowed brighter than ever and out came a abomination which looked like a human but with glowing eyes.


I was soo afraid that while trying to move back i fell to the ground.Gary laughed with intensity higher than before and whistled again.The abomination's stop moving.He said to me "Your Frightened face makes me laugh,which makes me want to not kill you that easy... Let me tell you something,you see those monsters those were created by me... You see i successfully breed Ditto and shedinja...but the result was not what i expected it turned out to be a monster who was not effected by any kind of move and it would even take form of any Pokemon or human with glowing eyes"

He continued "After red beat me people in kanto treated me like trash...they made me gym leader of cinnabar but i would clearly hear them whisper "Look it's the guy who was champion for 5 minutes" I Had enough and it's time to take revenge"He laughed out again this time with a evil glance and said "Where do you think Red go..." while he was speaking my scizor being a faithful mon he is used whirlwind brewing up a strong wind which allowed me and scizor to fled


I rushed to Pallet to inform these to oak... On my way there i could see red eyes following me through cerulean than mt.moon through viridan woods aswell. As soon as i reached pallet i opened oaks lab door and shut it close. I said breathing heavily" Your.. Your.. grandson he is alive... "


"I Know" oak replied and he turned towards me and looked at me with his bright red eyes.

IGN: 4rtemis

Discord Tag: 4rtemis#0226

Server: Gold



4rtemis had finally decided to take a well deserved break. She had trained herself and her trusted Pokémon diligently and had managed to conquer the three regions; Kanto, Johto and Hoenn. Sinnoh could wait, 4rtemis had something she'd been meaning to do. For a long time she had been told she needed to catch herself a Gastly as it was a very strong Pokémon. 4rtemis didn't know why she hadn't before, it's not like the Pokémon scared her, she'd just never seen one in the wild before. 4rtemis decided to take her trusty Breloom with her and set off for Lavender town. 4rtemis really liked Lavender Town, even with the spooky setting and back story, the town had an eerie beauty to it. 4rtemis had thought of paying Mr. Fuji a visit but decided against it as not to waste time. Looking back she should have gone to see Mr. Fuji, he could have warned her earlier.


Everything seemed fine while 4rtemis climbed the floors of Pokémon tower, she was not however encountering any Pokémon, not even a rattatta.Things really started to go wrong once 4rtemis got to the third floor though, she briefly noticed a pitch white figure moving slowly among the grave heads at the other end of the floor, she was unsure as to what it could be as she was the only trainer in the building and there were no Pokémon of that colour here. Even stranger things started to happen once 4rtemis tried to get a closer look. Firstly all the lights started to dim, making the room almost dark. 4rtemis tried to get away, abandon her hunt, but found that the stairs had vanished. In the midst of her panic and terror is when 4rtemis noticed the Pokémon watching her. It floated but a few feet from her, it's red eyes staring at her, but the strangest thing was the color. She could tell it was a Haunter but it was completely white except for the eyes, she had never heard of anything like this. The way Haunter looked at her made 4rtemis know that things were about to go very wrong. Haunter suddenly rushed toward her, in her shock and rush to back up 4rtemis tripped over and hit the floor. When she opened her eyes, Haunter was gone. 4rtemis looked around and noticed Breloom standing a few feet away, it's back to her. 4rtemis didn't know when she'd let him out of the pokeball. As soon as 4rtemis got closer Breloom slowly turned around but would not move further or make any sound, which was unusual for her Pokémon. All Breloom did was stare at her, unblinkingly, that's when 4rtemis noticed the blood red eyes, 4rtemis again started to panic and slowly back away, as she did so Haunter floated up out of Breloom body and when he was completely free Breloom fell to the ground, unmoving. 4rtemis started to scream and slowly back away, she wanted to get to Breloom but there was no way for her to do so without going through Haunter. Haunter slowly came toward her, almost smiling at 4rtemis' terror. As it raised it's clawed hands up to her the Haunter seemed to grow, it's entire form expanding until it towered over her. 4rtemis had nowhere else to go, she had reached a wall. Haunter continued to stalk toward her, exactly like a figment of her nightmares,but just before the Haunter was on her 4rtemis heard a loud shout. A purple ball of energy slammed into Haunter and knocked it away from 4rtemis. Mr. Fuji stood at the stairs, a Gengar beside him, staring down Haunter. Haunter gave 4rtemis one last look, then dissappeared through a wall.


Mr. Fuji had taken 4rtemis and Breloom to a Pokémon center to get healed and rested. When 4rtemis would ask Mr. Fuji about the Haunter he would not explain, he would only warn her to never go back into Pokémon tower without her own ghost Pokémon. 4rtemis did eventually return with her very own Gengar, but she never could find any sign of the white Haunter again.

IGN: Ewitsallsticky

Discord Tag: ewitsallsticky#4227

Server: Silver


Maybe he had just psyched himself out. Maybe there was no noise.

Whimsicott tried to slowly inhale another breath of stale, mossy air as he limped into the shadowy, crypt-like house. Having rolled down half a mountainside running for his life, he was still unaware of what had scratched his back, or if it was still coming after him. His adrenaline was still spiked from his scrap with the hillside, but his war-drum heartbeat began to abate.

It’s okay, he weakly assured himself between heaving breaths, …how badly am I bleeding?

The foyer offered no comfort. His hand groped for a light switch, but, oddly, there were none to be found. Depressingly, the last few friendly rays of sunlight had abandoned him as well.

The stiff double doors behind him, he was now faced with four undesirable options. He certainly couldn’t remain stationary.

The slowly twisting staircase offered him broken steps, leading to who-knows-where, and would provide less of an escape, should the necessity arise. Tattered pictures lined the stairwell walls, their shreds swayed with the chilled night air rolling in through shattered windows.

To his right was a collapsed, sealed doorway. This corner of the house was being consumed by the insatiable earth below. Not an option. All that remained was a doorway to the left leading to a large, pitch-black room and, his final option, a haunting, cramped staircase leading down-

What was that?

Whimsicott spun to his right and could have sworn he caught a glimpse of movement through the mangled doorway. Or was he just imagining things? He held his breath instinctively, as panic gripped his throat. No footsteps…no noises.

He quickly backed up, reaching for the open front door behind him, but he must have moved further inside than he thought, because it didn’t meet his hand. As he turned, his heart dropped and eyes widened in realization that he wasn’t alone. Moments ago, he could barely open the stiff-hinged door, and he never bothered to close it. Yet, here they both stood defiantly, somehow completely shut without a noise to alert him. He immediately grabbed the handles, twisting, rattling, and shaking them in panic and fright. He let out whimpers of pain and horror as he tried with all his might to open the doors but was left helpless and despairing. His chest tightened and his breathing became labored as sharp terror infested his body like a thousand tiny spinarak.

He whirled, and forced his battered legs to sprint toward the upper stairs.

There was a crash underneath him. Something was in the basement.

Fueled by his fear, he vaulted up the dark, treacherous staircase. Upon reaching the landing, he clutched the first doorknob he could, twisted and pushed, but it was as hopeless as trying to move a sleeping snorlax.

Next door!

His head throbbed with each exploding heartbeat. Rushing down the hallway, he grabbed the doorknob on the furthest door and twisted. The door quickly swung open half way and SLAMMED back, crushing the right side of his body with an unknown force that sent him careening back down the hallway. His blood now littered the corridor, and he wasn’t sure if his arm was broken or not. He flailed, rolled, coughed, and scrambled to his feet in shock and horror as his suspicions of not being alone were finally physically confirmed.

All he could muster were short, weak breaths.

He hobbled the opposite direction toward the final unattempted door. He fumbled with the ornate doorknob, put his head down in desperation, and crashed into the door. It gave way several inches only to stop dead in its tracks.

NO! It was chained on the other side.

Through the door crack, he could see that the room was filled with a strange darkness. His head still down, he could see…and… feel the darkness spilling, pouring out into the hallway at his feet. Within seconds, the hallway was consumed in tangible, complete darkness. Suddenly, his head rang with a stabbing howl and thunderous groaning fit for a worst nightmare!

What is happening?!

He pivoted to run, but the hallway was gone, replaced by a void, nothingness. The ceiling gone, the floor, gone. Everything around him was simply…black.


He screamed and fell to the ground as he spun back to find the only thing in existence was the cracked door, which was slowly breathing open, leaving him frozen by the piercing gaze of a single, monstrous, red eye.

  Jetxky said:
IGN: Jetxky

Discord Tag: Quake#0132

Server: Gold



Pokemon has been my favorite game of all time. There was this one time where I've caught myself a Female, Level 15 Clefable, which is my favorite pokemon, and named her Lysapiras. I began training her at a Haunted Mansion and have encountered a level 13 Pichu.


I thought, hey why not, this is a good exp for Lysapiras. I was surprised that the Pichu went first, and used Thunder Wave. Lysapiras got fully paralyzed and my Pound got cancelled. I used a Paralyze Heal to remove it but the Pichu used another Thunder Wave, which causes my Lysapiras to get paralyzed again. This started to go on and on until I got so annoyed that I had to Flee/Run. I was like, screw this!


Without hesitation, I pressed "Run".


"You have run away from the wild pokemon"


Before going into another battle, I made sure that I used another Paralyze Heal on Lysapiras. As I began to run across the mansion, I encountered another Pichu with the same level earlier. I pressed "Run" again as I did not want to waste alot of resources and time with the Paralysis nonsense.

Unfortunately, "Run" failed as the text box popped up saying..


"You can't escape!"


I was like..


"Oh great, now it doesn't want me to run away!"


I decided to continue the fight instead and bring him the pain. But as the fight kept going on and on, the Thunder Wave kep hitting and not even once did it failed. Until I ran out of Paralyze Heals.. The text boxes popped up saying..


"Lysapiras is paralyzed! It may be unablle to move!"


"Lysapiras is fully paralyzed!"


"The wild Pichu used Thunder Wave!"


"Lysapiras is already paralyzed!"


The non stop boxes kept on popping up because I was unable to cast any move or cure my Paralysis. I began to wonder if this is like a bug or something. I kept on pressing Run, but the text box kept on repeating..


"You can't escape!"


Until finally.. "The wild Pichu fled!"


So relieved on finally escaping that nonsense, I immediately used an Escape rope to jump to the nearest Pokecenter..


"Hello! Welcome to the Pokemon Centre. We restore your Pokémon to full health. Would you like to rest your Pokémon?"




"Okay, we'll take your Pokémon for a few seconds."


"Oh? Your Lysapiras..."


Huh? This wasn't part of the normal script...


"She has been permanently damaged."


"WHAT?! What do you mean, she's been 'damaged?' Give me some more information, lady!"


"Thank you for waiting. We've restored the rest of your Pokémon to full health."


Yeah, yeah, I bow back to you, and I don't hope to see you again because that means my Pokémon have been hurt. God, what does it take to get good help around here...?


I opened up my party and, to my shock, Lysapiras was still paralyzed. I felt anger fill me. Can't a stupid virtual nurse do her job properly?! Grumbling, I went over the Pokemart and replaced all of my lost Parlyze Heals. I immediately went to use one on Lysapiras.


"It won't have any effect."


WHAT THE?! Now that Pichu got some weird bugs going on. I tried different scenarios to try and remove Lysapiras' Paralysis Condition, but all of them failed. [bad Word]ed by what happened, I continued to work on my Lysapiras even though she has the Paralysis and move to another leveling spot. I've encountered a level 13 Scyther this time, so I was so sure that I'll be able to outspeed this one even though I have Paralysis. After using Fake Out...


"Lysapiras is paralyzed! It will never move again!"


Now that text box seemed different this time. Having creeped out a little bit by what's happening.. I proceeded on trying to kill the Scyther.


"Lysapiras is paralyzed! It is in extereme pain!"


"The wild Scyther used False Swipe!"


"Lysapiras is paralyzed! It is grimacing and crying.."


"The wild Scyther used False Swipe!"


"Lysapiras is paralyzed! Stop this torture!"


OK. Very creepy! I immediately turned off my console and decided to go to sleep.


And just as I was already asleep for 15 minutes, I suddenly woke up feeling paralyzed! As I began to hear whispers coming from my feet, I heard the words..


"Kill me"


I tried so hard to look at what's across my feet and was frightened to see.. IT looking at me with mean intentions and beside him is my Lysapiras crying for help.



So cool brother


Discord Tag : Fitri#6953

Server : Silver

There was once a little dark creature who didn't know who he was.

Wandering to search his identity,

wanted to be loved.


The Earth type was exchanged by Ghost for dying with a broken heart in search of acceptance,

As the purpose was to seek love, the Fairy type won.


"Its me, Mimikyu..."


one day, i found you, you found me.

Trained me,

Cared me,

Loved me.


Mimikyu... Mimikyu...

you call me Mimikyu...

Dark eyes, dark tail,

hiding from the sun in small yellow rag.


Let me to be by your side by going over the wall of LCD.

Where were we walking together

I will see you in the end

I'll take you to where you've never been

Let's Snuggle Forever.

  • 2 weeks later...

IGN: fanned13

Discord Tag: fanned13#2539

Server: silver

Story: The last one

At one time there was a person named dafenn. He is a new trainer. He chose gastly as his first pokemon. Luckily he got gastly with blue aura and purple body. Shiny one. He loves his gastly very much. He train his gastly day after day, night after night. He spent a lot of time training his gastly. After his gastly reaches the maximum level he thinks of starting to compete.

One day he fought another trainer and lost. Even though he lost he didn't care and still loved his gastly. After that he continued to fight with his gastly and still lose. One time after fighting,another trainer said the line, "Why choose Gastly? Gastly is Trash Poke,everyone have 1, like rattata”, while showing his Dragonite. At that time he didn't care. He thinks even though it's not rare, his gastly is his best friend. He doesn't care if his gastly is not a rare pokemon. But he began to change when he saw other trainers using salamence, charizard, milotic and other rare pokemon.

After that, he hated all rare Pokemon. He began to envy other trainers. One day he got an idea. He started to catch every gastly he encountered, stole Gastly belongs to another trainer, he changed his goal to catch all the gastly.

After a few years he managed to get all the gastly. After he got all the available gastly, he started to dig a big hole and threw away all the gastly. So his gastly is the last and only one in the world.

He began to imagine the faces of trainers who used to insult his gastly would be jealous. After a while he thought, why didn't he sell his gastly? rare pokemon has a high price. Sell gastly and look for a stronger Pokemon. Despite having a very high price, Dafenn did not sell his gastly. He loved his gastly.

The next day he went to a Pokemon contest. contest. He wants to show his rare pokemon. After registering a few moments later he was called to show his Pokemon. He took out his pokeball. A smile of victory decorates her face, Because his gastly is the rarest pokemon, so he will obviously win.

After throwing the pokeball, the gastly came out. A round black Pokemon floating in the air. Black aura surrounds his body. All contestants and judges stand. They are amazed. They give perfect scores.But from everyone there is one who cries. dafenn himself.

Tales of the Viridian Forest


Dawned the day of Halloween in the town of Viridian,

Awoke little David thinking to himself "Not again!",

Because this day last year was such a horror,

His girlfriend entered the woods next to their home,

She was gone since last year not seen forevermore,


Davids friends gathered outside with joy waiving their wrist,

Excited because today was the event in the forest,

They would hunt for candy hidden by the adults,

Ready to move on David agreed to join,

Little to know the fear he assumed would be the result,


Dawned the night of Halloween in the town of Viridian,

Awoke little David screaming "Not again!",

Because this was much more than a horror,

Covered in blood from head to toe,

He realized its his friends that he wore...


IGN: Dlight

Discord Tag: dLight#2357

Server: Gold

Story:Shade of the Night



"That tower is being reinforced again?"

Ever since that accident FSU could do everything they wanted,they have all the command,power and permission they want.

They might be the ones ruling us,which wouldnt suprise me at all"



-That tower,its like a miracle eye or an early bird thats watching from above,creepy,I remember the first time seeing it and asking ma how long it has been up there.

she only replied saying my dad works up there to keep us safe from bad guys,it was actually my ma avoiding that question at the time,which caused me to look it up.

Once you see the footage you see why your parents avoid to answer that but it makes you wonder "if we can establish this kind of interaction with mons to keep us safe why didnt we use it before?"-


-The accident was the explosion at the Dazzling Gleam Mall.

Some crazed people blew up the whole thing to the ground,there were 470 casualties.

They said it was an act of terrorism done by the militia group ROCT however they denied it and nobody took credit for it.

That accident created FSU,Future Sight Unit.

It utilized mons like Alakazam,Xatu to see the future,to see if they can prevent accidents,before they occur.

Many debates were made,but in the end,the utilization of FSU was allowed with one condition only,to only see accidents that can happen,nothing else.

FSU grew its force and power with this kind of utilization of mons in no time.They build the tower/needle and they made it their own HQ.When you come to think of it they might have seen some attacks that would happen to the needle and maybe thats why they reinforced it,but for it to be reinforced 7 times panics the society too.-


"Well lets give this to pa and leave."

"Enter your acces code" said the voice coming from the prompter

"X178-N,son of Alain,Teint Udnuht,for active visit"

"Acces granted,please move to the upper right elevator an officer wi-"

"I'v been here a million times now Mr.S no need to say it that jolty"


-Ah the 7th floor,where the 4/11 unit works,my dad and his Xatu's unit.-


"Whats going on pops,anything about my future?"

"Feint stop mocking around,every time you ask these to me people think i am up to something,its no joke here"

"So here's the lunch ma packed for you and also she told me something about showing the around or something?"

"Oh yeah we have an internship program coming up for students like you,ill sign you up for that,so i wanted to show you around before you came here to work with me"

"Oh...Aight that sounds...okay,was always curious about this place anyways"



"So xatu hows been the work,seen any good stuff for me?"


"great talk as always!Oh also from where do you guys at-"

"Teint come here,this room is 8PF allowed to and accespass LV 25 only,so you will be the first "kid" to actually see it"

"Oh really that sounds cool"


-This room was filled with pods that kept alakazams and xatus,it was chilling and with one voice it became my nightmare.-




-I turned around to see my pa's xatu,holding his head and talking from his mouth with his own words as if they were in synch.-


"Hey Teint?Scared are you? S O N "

With that I blacked out,when I woke up I was in a pod,in the same room as before where the other mons were,but something was different,this time humans were in the pods.

I tried to talk but I was unable to,it felt like i didnt even have a mouth to talk with,i was unable to make any noise so i started to struggle,but it hurt more and more every time i did.

Then xatu showed me...

A vision of everything,the explosion,the FSU,and how they showed the bits of the futures that only allowed us to see what we wanted but never the big picture.

It was always planned.

We were never in control.

We were just the monsters in their pockets.

It was never a free will.

They were always the omnious wind that whispered us the ideas,the ones that manipulated us and now...


The ones that took our place.

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