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add hidden power directly to pokemon card


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hi all; i have a sugg to add in pokemon card its hidden power so we can know its hp directly without speaking to psychic npc or to link it in any chat channel; it's a pain when you hunt a lot of poke to find who has what hp ;furthermore it gets pretty annoying when you are looking through your boxes and you have to link every single mon just to know the hp also as you know some guild makes hunting events where players have to show their caught pokemon i.e each player have to take two screen shoot ( first for their o.t and second for hidden power pokemon ) of each pokemon card and some of them forget .............

i hope you will like my suggestion

best regards





Edited by Algerie31
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discord = algerie31#5698


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As much as i agree with this suggestion, from the example you posted it just makes it seem like the card gets to cluttered, i would say to fix that is to remove the region it's from, as it already says the region on the top of the card. And once that done just replace it with hidden power

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+1 it does look a bit cluttered as g3n3r4l said but I agree with the idea because it gets pretty annoying when you are looking through your boxes and you have to link every single mon just to know the hp

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As much as i agree with this suggestion, from the example you posted it just makes it seem like the card gets to cluttered, i would say to fix that is to remove the region it's from, as it already says the region on the top of the card. And once that done just replace it with hidden power

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discord = algerie31#5698


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You need to think also about the moves with longer names, if you have the move hidden power than it wouldn't have enough space to fit on that, maybe you could put the OT on the top line beside the ID and the region, maybe just after the ID like "OT: Algerie31"


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