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I wanted to help a person for a trade evolution, gave him my Skarmory as my party was full and no message appeared that the mon would be locked.
If you could force trade my Skarmory back.
Silver server





Please check your PC for your Skarmory. Take care!


Edited by Joncar9



I traded a scizor with a friend to evolve it but it seems locked to him and I can't get it back I would like to have my scizor back since it is one of the pillars of my team


My name is: Yuyute

My frinds names is: Theress

Server: Silver


I can't provide evidence of our agreement since it was a verbal agreement,
but I already returned his pokemon and now I just want to get mine back



Edited by Yuyute
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, could you help me, I was going to do an ev service for Bhimoso but we made the change with my second account which is "caceres01" but that account is not finished the 4 regions and now the Pokémon are blocked, they could return the Pokémon to Bhimoso, To be able to change with this account that is my main one and to be able to finish the ev service please











Thank you for letting us know. The Pokemon have been returned to Bhimoso.


Edited by Joncar9

Hello, my name is Isaias.
I ve got a kadabra which I ve just finished training and i needed someone to help me evolve it. I then spoke to someone in all chat who I had some words with before (named Ebeezuk). He agreed helping me but it seems he was a bit newbie in the game and I did not know that. We accepted the trade but he has not been to hoeen yet, where my kadabra is from.

I am wandering, then, if you can help me get my kadabra back. I am so sorry i did not check this guy had hoenn completed. 

I ll drag the files for proof next. Thanks a lot.

Server: gold

(I have already posted this in general support but I do not know how to delete it)

Thanks for your time



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The Kadabra has been returned to you. Please check your PC to confirm this. Take care!




Edited by Joncar9


My user name is 7echno5mith. My server is Gold. I trade my impish nature Scyther(Sinnoh) to evolve to the player name Shakgolden2202 but he couldn’t send it back because of region lock.

I didn’t take the photo of the trade because I didn’t know about the regionlock, but I hope that the message give the full context of the situation.


















The Scyther was returned to you. Please check your PC to confirm this.


Edited by Joncar9

Hello, I play on Gold Server (Name: M1dnight00).
I traded my Breloom level 100 (ID: 60001075) with my friend (Name: Howrangs20) to help him clear story. But now he's busy with his works and don't have time to play so he can't finished the story to give it back to me.
In the Screenshots you can see the confirmation from his side and my OT Breloom. 
Thank you for helping me !!!


The Breloom was returned to you. The breloom will be located in the last spot of your PC. 

Best Regards,

Edited by Mbk

Hi, My user name is j1i9v99 and i play in gold server. Few minutes ago i trade my haunter, which i caught in hoenn, to evolve it with the help of a trainer (Username : Polinadubkova). But my pokemon got region locked, because of which the trainer can't trade me back my pokemon. Please help me with this issue. Haunter ID: 62147632




The Haunter was returned to you. Please check your PC to confirm this. Take care!


Edited by Joncar9
15 hours ago, J1i9v99 said:

Hi, My user name is j1i9v99 and i play in gold server. Few minutes ago i trade my haunter, which i caught in hoenn, to evolve it with the help of a trainer (Username : Polinadubkova). But my pokemon got region locked, because of which the trainer can't trade me back my pokemon. Please help me with this issue. Haunter ID: 62147632



Thanks, got my haunter 


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I am EV Training pokemon for someone and to Expidite the process, I offered my friend to do some of the pokemon for the price I was being paid, However they did not notice the pokemon being region locked and so I desperately need the trade reversed so I can ev train this pokemon and get it back to its rightful owner. Thank you very much.


Username: 4dam

Server: Gold

Pokemon: Beldum

ID: 51747567






The Beldum was returned to you. Please check your PC to confirm this. Take care!


Edited by Joncar9

My ingame name is ahmedsaied7 server silver traded gurdurr to evolve him to a played called dxtjiraiya also in silver server but hes region locked and couldn’t send it back







The Gurdurr was returned to you. Please check your PC to confirm this. Take care!


Edited by Joncar9

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