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The Future of Pro - English and Spanish post.


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What holds for the future of the game


Let me start this by doing a slight presentation on myself, my real name is Pablo, but many of you might or might not know me by my gamer name, DocJP. I´ve been playing pro with this account since 2016, i´ve seen the changes this game has gone throw and the evolution of this game, the ups and downs. While certanly my main focus on this game has always been pvp, the pve experiencie and the playeability of this game is rather an important topic too. Let me make this clear, I love this gameand everything that im about to say is meant to be taken with that in mind, and this is what i beleve is happening (and many other players too). 


Now, what is this dude trying to say with all this? Well, let me start the main point of this post. 
Player count is steadly declining, as seen by the necessary and important merge of the two servers, while this is what i beleve a really good decison, it dosent adrees the main issue. A quick "/online" will tell you that at least in Silver server, there are about 360 players online at hot hours during the week, and maybe 550 (being generous) during weekends. What does this mean? What information can we take from this? Well, in 2016 to 2019 we had 800 players during hot hours of the day during the week, and 1600+ during weekends (with no events), when things like summer event came i personally remember having to queue 20 minutes to get in the server (that is not great, but you get the point of the player population). And this was happening while we had 3 servers (Red, Blue, Yellow), and later on with Silver and Gold. 


Yeah, the game is slowly but surely dying, and im here because i dont want to see that happening, old players stop playing, or take extended brakes, like i did, and new players cant keep up with everything that the game asks them to do. And this is the most important thing, new players dont stand a chance to compete against older players, they just dont. They need to finish the 4 regions, they need to unlock something like CC (Cerulean Cave) to lvl up their pokemons, and oh wait, they need first to get those pokemons that they want, that means either buying them (not an option since they dont have money) or to farm them, but they also need to unlock certain places to have acces to farm certain pokemons, now they need to complete the kanto dex, or they need to do some vile amount of evolutions, or whatever. The point is the game stops feeling like a game and starts feeling like an office job. And im here only covering the basic stuff, for a new player that wants to start doing bosses and getting some money, or just enjoy the thrill of it. What about  new players that would like to play pvp? We have, pokemons, movesets, tutors, tms, natures, abilitys, mega stones and Z moves (wich i absoluetly love, but thats not the point), all over the regions, all over places wich might or might not be locked, behind paywalls or locked/unlocked regions or specific places on the map, even getting the egg move tutor takes time... i hope you get the idea. The game will never appeal as it currently is to a casual player experience, it really does feel that to get somehow "good" at the game you just need to put your life aside, and i dont think many ppl are willing to give up on that, mostly considering that pokemon fans generally want to satisfy a craving or just take their minds of their lifes for a little bit of time. I´ve talked to new players and the larg majority agrees on one point "its just too much to do to even start playing the game". 


This is my proposal, and i know a lot of ppl will dislike this, but please, if you are one of them, try to think for the future of the game, try to think in a bigger way, and try to understand that new, and casual players are the most important part of the ecosystem that allows any game to survie AND strive. 

  1. We need to make the game more efficent, let them unlock places like cerulean cave when they finish the 4 regions with no additional quest, or if they want to get acces to it before finishing they can do the quest. 
  2. Make lvl up eassier and less time consuming, lets say we get more xp than we curently do, or the pokemons in cerulean are at a minimun of lvl 80. Farming your pokemons is already a big grind on itself, and its super rewarding when you finally get a pokemon that you spent days or weeks farming for, just like you wanted to. We dont need anything else than that, its not rewarding to spend 6hs lvling pokemons. 
  3. Lets take all the hours needed to do something condition out, this is just wrong. Let the players experience the game as they want to, let them be. 
  4. Lets make having a membership more rewarding, while i do think that no pokemon should only be ms, i do think that a rework in spawns my be a good idea, lets say we have Gible, its prefered nature is jolly, its in the moon, its not ms locked, but why dont we add another rare spawn with him of the same nature? Like Bagon, or whatever comes to mind?, why dont we do that with another rare spawn and an additional uncommon spawn but membership only? And like that in may places, that will make using a membership much more rewarding, while helping players be more efficent with their times. 
  5. Regarding new quests, i undestand that you love to make us grind for new stuff, and i even if i dont like it, thats fine. But, what if after 6 months or a year, you make it a lot eassier? So that the new players can catch up to the older ones, otherwise is simply impossible, with the amount of time needed. 


TLDR: Lets make PRO less of an office job and more of a casual game experience for the future of this game. 

Disclameir: English is not main main language, so forgive lord for i have sin, if you see typos, grammar or spelling mistakes. 


Lo que depara el futuro del juego


Permitanme comenzar este post presetandome, mi nombre real es Pablo, pero muchos de ustedes puede o no que me conozcan por mi tag gamer, DocJP. Juego PRO, con esta cuenta desde 2016, y eh visto todos los cambios y evoluciones que a tenido este juego, tanto positivos como negativos. Mientras que mi principal enfoque en el juego siempre fue y siempre sera el PvP, la experiencia PvE, y la jugabilidad del juego son temas particularmente importantes. Antes de continuar, voy a dejar esto en claro, AMO ESTE JUEGO, y todo lo que estoy por escribir, debe ser tomado en cuenta teniendo esto en mente. Sin mas preámbulo, esto es lo que creo que esta pasando (y muchos otros jugadores también). 


Que me esta tratando de decir este tipo? Bueno, permitanme avanzar con el punto principal del post. 

La cantidad de jugadores esta declinando, de manera lenta pero segura, esto se puede visibilizar claramente debido a la necesidad de unificar los servidores, y mientras que yo pienso que es una excelente decisión para el corto plazo, no toca el problema de fondo, ni lo roza. Los invito a escribir "/online" durante la semana en horas de "alta transición de jugadores" y verán que al menos en el servidor Silver, tenemos al rededor de 360 personas conectadas (siendo generosos), y tal vez 550 (siendo otra vez generoso) durante los fines de semana. ¿Qué significa esto? ¿Qué información podemos sacar de esto? Bueno, entre 2016 y 2019 teníamos 800 jugadores en las horas mas movidas del server durante la semana, y los fines de semana eramos 1600+ (sin eventos), cuando llegaban eventos como el de verano, recuerdo tener que hacer colas de 20 minutos para poder entrar (obviamente que esto no es algo bueno, pero entienden la idea de lo que quiero convenir). Todo esto sucedía en un período donde teníamos 3 servidores (Red, Blue y Yellow), y se traslado lo mismo cuando pasamos a Silver y Gold. 


Si, es así, el juego se esta desangrando lentamente, y estoy acá escribiendo esto un sábado a la tarde en mi casa porque no quiero que suceda esto. Los jugadores viejos dejan de jugar, o se toman descansos del juego por períodos prolongamos (tal cual hice yo) y los nuevos jugadores no pueden mantenerse a la par con todo lo que el juego les pide que hagan, o los requisitos que necesitan cumplir.  Y esto es lo mas importante de todo, LOS NUEVOS JUGADORES NO TIENEN CHANCE DE COMPETIR CONTRA LOS JUGADORES VIEJOS, simplemente no la tienen. Tienen que terminar las 4 regiones, necesitan desbloquear la Cueva de Cerulean para levear sus pokes, pero para, porque primero necesitan conseguir sus pokemons, y esto significa que tienen que o comprarlos (no es una opcion real ya que no tienen dinero) o farmearlos, pero también necesitan desbloquear ciertos lugares que les den acceso para farmear ciertos pokemons, resulta que ahora tienen que completar la dex de kanto, o necesitan hacer una cantidad ridicula de evoluciones, o lo que sea. El punto es que el juego deja de sentirse como un juego y se siente como si fuese un trabajo de oficina. Y esto es solo lo básico, para un nuevo jugador que quiere empezar a hacer jefes y conseguir un poco de dinero, o simplemente disfrutar la adrenalina de hacerlo. Ahora ¿Qué pasa con los nuevos jugadores que quieren jugar PvP? Tenemos, pokemons, naturalezas, habilidades, tipos, movesets, tms, tutores, mega piedras y también movimientos Z (Que yo realmente amo, pero ese no es el punto), todo en distintas regiones, en lugares donde puede o no puede que este bloqueado, detras de barreras de dinero, como pagar el pase de transporte o incluso obtener el tutor de movimientos lleva tiempo... espero que esto convenga la idea. El juego, en su actual estado, nunca va a atraer a jugadores casuales, porque realmente parece que para ser "bueno" en el juego, o lograr algo, tenes que dejar tu vida de lado, y no creo que mucha gente este dispuesta a hacerlo, más si tenemos en cuenta que los fans de Pokemon generalmente intentan satisfacer una un sentimiento de nostalgia, o sacar sus mentes de sus vidas por un rato. Hablé con muchos nuevos jugadores, y la gran mayoría sostiene lo mismo "Es demasiado lo que hay que hacer para siquiera empezar a jugar". 


Esta es mi propuesta, y si bien se que a muchos no les va a gustar, por favor, si sos uno de esos, intenta pensar por el futuro del juego, pensa en grande y entende que los nuevos y casuales jugadores son la parte mas importante del ecosistema, y son la razón por la que prospera y sobreviven los juegos en el tiempo. 


  1. Necesitamos hacer que el juego sea mas eficiente, dejen que los jugadores nuevos desbloqueen la cueva de cerulean cuando terminan las 4 regiones, sin quest adicional, y si desean tener acceso previo, pueden hacer la quest. 
  2. Hacer que levear consuma menor cantidad de tiempo, digamos tener un bonus de experiencia mayor al actual, o que los pokemons en Cerulean Cave tengan un minimo de nivel de 80. Farmear tus pokes ya es lo suficientemente dificil, y es super satisfactorio cuando logras obtener el poke que vos queres despues de farmear durante horas, dias o semanas. No necesitamos nada mas que eso. No hay nada mas tedioso que pasarte 6hs de tu vida leveando pokemons. 
  3. Saquemos de cuajo todo tipo de requirimiento o condición que tengan que ver con el tiempo o la cantidad de horas jugadas. Esto esta simplemente mal. Dejen que los jugadores experimenten el juego como quieran. 
  4. Hagamos que tener una membresia tenga mejores beneficios, mientras que pienso que ningún pokemon debería ser solo obtenible con una membresia, si creo que una actualización en los spawns puede ser una buena idea, digamos que tenemos a Gible, su naturaleza preferida es Jolly, esta en la luna, y no necesitas una ms para farmearlo, pero, ¿Porque no añadimos otro spawn raro que tenga la misma naturaleza que él? Algo como Bagon, por ejemplo. Y así en muchos otros lugares con distintos tipos de pokes, esto haría que usar la ms sea mucho mas satisfactorio y al mismo tiempo ayudaria a los jugadores a ser mas eficientes con su tiempo. 
  5. En relación a las quest nuevas, entiendo que les encanta hacernos la vida complicada y tediosa con todo lo nuevo, pero incluso si a mi no me gusta, esta bien. Pero, acaso no sería una buena idea que después de 6 meses o un año, hacerla mucho mas simple y facil? Así, los nuevos jugadores tienen una chance de competir con los mas antiguos. De otro modo es es simplemente imposible, con la cantidad de cosas y tiempo que se necesita. 

    RESUMEN: Hagamos que PRO sea mas parecido a un juego y menos a un trabajo de oficina por el futuro y bienestar del juego. 

    Disclaimer: Español es mi lengua materna y si ves algún error, falta de tildes o lo que sea, es porque soy un colgado. 
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5 minutes ago, DocJP said:

[...] Player count is steadly declining, as seen by the necessary and important merge of the two servers, while this is what i beleve a really good decison, it dosent adrees the main issue.

Just want to address something real quick. Player declining isn't what's really driving the reasoning for why they want to forge merge into one big server, from what my source is telling me. But its important to understand why people are leaving, and the main reasoning is that the game is stalling with content, and I won't go on further with that topic now. Anyway, back to where I was.  Imagine having two different clients you need to fix a bug for or push a new feature to, with two different sets of databases. Well,  I can verify that one of the main reasons for the merge is to make it easier for PRO to push content to their servers and rather have one large server to focus on, performence wise its also better in the long run. I honestly believe its a good thing, considering PRO has such a closed-off small staff and development team. Its better to focus on one server and database, rather then two or three while they don't have the capability or the numbers to expand their horizons, especially development wise. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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I'll give my opinion as a player (and not a Staff Member) because some of this is on my hands to fix. I will also provide a Spanish Translation for this.


Daré mi opinión como jugador (y no como miembro de Staff) porque algunos de estos problemas los puedo arreglar personalmente. También escribiré una traducción al español.



And this is the most important thing, new players dont stand a chance to compete against older players, they just dont. They need to finish the 4 regions, they need to unlock something like CC (Cerulean Cave) to lvl up their pokemons, and oh wait, they need first to get those pokemons that they want, that means either buying them (not an option since they dont have money) or to farm them, but they also need to unlock certain places to have acces to farm certain pokemons, now they need to complete the kanto dex, or they need to do some vile amount of evolutions, or whatever.

Y esto es lo mas importante de todo, LOS NUEVOS JUGADORES NO TIENEN CHANCE DE COMPETIR CONTRA LOS JUGADORES VIEJOS, simplemente no la tienen. Tienen que terminar las 4 regiones, necesitan desbloquear la Cueva de Cerulean para levear sus pokes, pero para, porque primero necesitan conseguir sus pokemons, y esto significa que tienen que o comprarlos (no es una opcion real ya que no tienen dinero) o farmearlos, pero también necesitan desbloquear ciertos lugares que les den acceso para farmear ciertos pokemons, resulta que ahora tienen que completar la dex de kanto, o necesitan hacer una cantidad ridicula de evoluciones, o lo que sea.


In this regard, players only need to have beaten the Johto Elite 4 to be able to start the Cerulean Cave Unlock quest which its difficulty is often very, VERY exaggerated. Headbutts in Kanto and Johto + most of the wild pokemon in Kanto and Johto help complete your 240 caught data for the quest really quickly. Not only that, it is also very easy to train most of these pokemon to level them up and evolve them for extra Caught Data. Remember that Cerulean Cave only demands:
240 Dex Data (really easy)
200k Pokedollars (I can admit this might be a pain unless you use guides or know a bit on what to do)
Beat the Johto Elite 4

Beat the Dragonite + Lance Boss.

Furthermore, you don't need an entire Boss Team to defeat this Boss. This boss has no cooldown and can be refought infinitely if you lose. This boss can be defeated singlehandedly by a single pokemon. The boss requires you to have a full party of level 100 pokemon, however, you can have only ONE pokemon and you'll be able to defeat it.


Guide A, Guide B, Guide C, Video Proof < Can be done with a Shellder caught surfing in Olivine City without using any items. Guide D, Guide E, and on and on, and we could dump video guides here and money guides here. 


En este caso, los jugadores sólo necesitan haber derrotado el Elite 4 de Johto para empezar la quest. La dificultad de esta quest es muy exagerada por parte de los jugadores sinceramente. Entre Headbutt y pokémon salvajes se alcanzan los 240 caught data rápidamente, y es muy fácil entrenarlos para conseguir suficiente Caught Data. Recuerda que la Cerulean Cave sólo pide 240 caught data, 200k pokedolares (puede ser un peñazo pero no es tan dificil si usas guías), derrotar a Dragonite y a Lance. Tampoco necesitas un boss team, puedes derrotarlo con un solo level 100 (un Cloyster por ejemplo). Tenéis pruebas arriba y si os hace falta linkeo más guías.


In conclusion, -1 to this. Cerulean Cave isn't the issue. There's also good enough alternatives where you can farm in. A Spawn Editor could improve Dragon's Den and other Post E4 areas in each region and increase their levels. It is currently planned to rework all Story Related areas (all regions) + some Elite 4 Post areas.



What about  new players that would like to play pvp? We have, pokemons, movesets, tutors, tms, natures, abilitys, mega stones and Z moves (wich i absoluetly love, but thats not the point), all over the regions, all over places wich might or might not be locked, behind paywalls or locked/unlocked regions or specific places on the map, even getting the egg move tutor takes time... i hope you get the idea. The game will never appeal as it currently is to a casual player experience, it really does feel that to get somehow "good" at the game you just need to put your life aside, and i dont think many ppl are willing to give up on that, mostly considering that pokemon fans generally want to satisfy a craving or just take their minds of their lifes for a little bit of time. I´ve talked to new players and the larg majority agrees on one point "its just too much to do to even start playing the game". 


Ahora ¿Qué pasa con los nuevos jugadores que quieren jugar PvP? Tenemos, pokemons, naturalezas, habilidades, tipos, movesets, tms, tutores, mega piedras y también movimientos Z (Que yo realmente amo, pero ese no es el punto), todo en distintas regiones, en lugares donde puede o no puede que este bloqueado, detras de barreras de dinero, como pagar el pase de transporte o incluso obtener el tutor de movimientos lleva tiempo... espero que esto convenga la idea. El juego, en su actual estado, nunca va a atraer a jugadores casuales, porque realmente parece que para ser "bueno" en el juego, o lograr algo, tenes que dejar tu vida de lado, y no creo que mucha gente este dispuesta a hacerlo, más si tenemos en cuenta que los fans de Pokemon generalmente intentan satisfacer una un sentimiento de nostalgia, o sacar sus mentes de sus vidas por un rato. Hablé con muchos nuevos jugadores, y la gran mayoría sostiene lo mismo "Es demasiado lo que hay que hacer para siquiera empezar a jugar". 


The game is an MMORPG after all, a gigantic one, with 4 main regions and an absurd amount of side content. You don't have to immediately rush to the lategame and start PvPing. I don't understand why people focus on this. There's no real paywall on any content, there are barely any MS only areas that are worth visiting. Sevii Islands are a current absolute potato and borderline not worth visiting until its Spawns are properly reworked completely (also in the plans to be done). MS allows you to level up faster and earn more money but it simply accelerates the process. There's a few pokemon that are not obtainable without MS in their own regions (Mr Mime, Tauros, Skarmory), which can still be fixed by Spawn Editors. There's a single boss that requires MS. It is a bit overwhelming to have to grind pokedollars to pay tutors, TMs, travelling and more, but there's also more than enough repeatable content to grind money in. This repeatable content however probably needs a big rework to be turned into daily activities as Bosses have completely overcentralised the economy and it feels like doing other PvE content in comparison is pointless due to how overinflated and exploitable Bosses are.


Este juego es un MMORPG gigantesco, con 4 regiones y una cantidad absurda de contenido alternativo. No tienes por qué ir directo al lategame y entrar en PvP, tómatelo con calma. No hay un contenido real que sea donator-only, quizá Sevii Islands pero actualmente es una patata pinchada con un palo y tirada por ahí con apenas valor, necesita un rework de Spawns que actualmente está en proceso. La MS acelera el proceso de entrenar, pero aparte? Apenas hay contenido MS only. Hay algunos pokemon MS only en unas regiones que luego puedes conseguir en otras regiones y algunos MS only pokemon que tampoco valen realmente para PVP sino para coleccionismo.


  1. We need to make the game more efficent, let them unlock places like cerulean cave when they finish the 4 regions with no additional quest, or if they want to get acces to it before finishing they can do the quest. 
  2. Necesitamos hacer que el juego sea mas eficiente, dejen que los jugadores nuevos desbloqueen la cueva de cerulean cuando terminan las 4 regiones, sin quest adicional, y si desean tener acceso previo, pueden hacer la quest. 



Already commented on it, Cerulean Cave's access is not the problem. There should however be improvements on smaller story areas and previous ones or alternatives to it that are near but not as good in reworks of lategame areas such as Forest Pit or Route 224, Route 28/Mt Silver upper floors, etc etc. -1

Ya he comentado sobre ello, el acceso a Cerulean Cave no es un problema. Sería mejor reworkear otras áreas alternativas post Elite 4. -1


  1. Make lvl up eassier and less time consuming, lets say we get more xp than we curently do, or the pokemons in cerulean are at a minimun of lvl 80. Farming your pokemons is already a big grind on itself, and its super rewarding when you finally get a pokemon that you spent days or weeks farming for, just like you wanted to. We dont need anything else than that, its not rewarding to spend 6hs lvling pokemons. 
  2. Hacer que levear consuma menor cantidad de tiempo, digamos tener un bonus de experiencia mayor al actual, o que los pokemons en Cerulean Cave tengan un minimo de nivel de 80. Farmear tus pokes ya es lo suficientemente dificil, y es super satisfactorio cuando logras obtener el poke que vos queres despues de farmear durante horas, dias o semanas. No necesitamos nada mas que eso. No hay nada mas tedioso que pasarte 6hs de tu vida leveando pokemons. 


No but yes but no. I can agree on some: I personally think the 150k EXP cap is extremely limiting currently but due to how the EXP formula works in PRO, you can get an absurd amount of levels in a single fight. If you do it properly, you can use 5 Misdreavus + a weak pokemon and level it from level 5 to level 60+ in a single fight. Chansey only takes an hour with Membership + proper technique to level up. Let me explain this properly:

The problem is leveling pokemon by themselves, not just the time it might take. The issue is that, if you have to level up a very low level pokemon that cannot fight by itself (Caterpie at level 5, I guess) in lategame areas, you have to resort to cheese strategies like Toxic + Memento + Air Balloon or Perish Song + Memento. Some of these strategies can be accessed in the very early game but you have to be intelligent and think of ways you can level your weak pokemon up. The 150k exp cap is limiting but if it wasn't there, you'd powerlevel to absurd levels (like going from 5 to 70-75 in a single fight) if the cap was increased to 300k, depending on the pokemon. Leveling up pokemon can take from 15-20 minutes to 1-2 hours to get to level 90+ The only needed change is to reduce the punishment on evolving pokemon. Evolving them shouldn't have such an absurd EXP curve increase. Keep in mind PRO is several times faster than the original games in this regard.


Sí pero no: el límite de 150k de experiencia es muy limitante debido a cómo la fórmula de experiencia funciona en PRO. Hay estrategias con el NPC Copycat, los Gym Leader rematches, los Elite 4, luchando otra vez con entrenadores que permiten a los usuarios levear sus pokémon muy rápidamente, varios al 90+ en menos de 1 hora. El problema es que ciertos pokémon requieren estrategias sí o sí para levelearlos, sino es imposible (como un Caterpie). El límite es necesario porque si no estuviese, los pokémon levearían absurdamente rápido, a un punto que cualquier pokémon se podría levear en 10-15 minutos máximo al 97+. Hay que encontrar un balance entre MMORPG y comodidad.


  1. Lets take all the hours needed to do something condition out, this is just wrong. Let the players experience the game as they want to, let them be. 
  2. Saquemos de cuajo todo tipo de requirimiento o condición que tengan que ver con el tiempo o la cantidad de horas jugadas. Esto esta simplemente mal. Dejen que los jugadores experimenten el juego como quieran. 


Completely +1 and agree. Hour requirements are arbitrary and absurd. Farming hours is just borderline stupid. Remove these requirements and substitute them for extra quest requirements.

Completamente de acuerdo. Los requerimientos por horas son arbitrarios y absurdos. Substituyámolos por quests o requerimientos extras.



Lets make having a membership more rewarding, while i do think that no pokemon should only be ms, i do think that a rework in spawns my be a good idea, lets say we have Gible, its prefered nature is jolly, its in the moon, its not ms locked, but why dont we add another rare spawn with him of the same nature? Like Bagon, or whatever comes to mind?, why dont we do that with another rare spawn and an additional uncommon spawn but membership only? And like that in may places, that will make using a membership much more rewarding, while helping players be more efficent with their times.

  1. Hagamos que tener una membresia tenga mejores beneficios, mientras que pienso que ningún pokemon debería ser solo obtenible con una membresia, si creo que una actualización en los spawns puede ser una buena idea, digamos que tenemos a Gible, su naturaleza preferida es Jolly, esta en la luna, y no necesitas una ms para farmearlo, pero, ¿Porque no añadimos otro spawn raro que tenga la misma naturaleza que él? Algo como Bagon, por ejemplo. Y así en muchos otros lugares con distintos tipos de pokes, esto haría que usar la ms sea mucho mas satisfactorio y al mismo tiempo ayudaria a los jugadores a ser mas eficientes con su tiempo. 


+1 and -1. I'm going to open a Pandora Box here: I personally think that we should do two things:
1.- Rework certain underused and very not visited spawns, completely ignored by players (Route 18, Route 17, Route 48, and more routes players literally forget exist) and add in new MS only pokemon from Gen 7 and 8 at very low rates. Only a few of them and from time to time we change them. This would incentivise MS usage and award players who donate to the game. These pokemon would also be perfectly tradable to other players and these pokemon would be released without MS requirements in future regions.

2.- Rework certain areas already existing in the game by adding new pokemon with MS requirements whose nature, ability match the already existing pokemon (or rework this completely). This idea is already in process and being done by the current Spawn Editor(s).


+1 y -1. Voy a abrir la caja de Pandora y me voy a llevar un par de hostias pero bueno:
1.- Rework de rutas que no conoce ni su madre en chanclas ignorado por jugadores (como la Ruta 18, 17, 48, y más que si no las menciono aquí nadie sabria que existen) y añadir nuevos pokémon de Gen 7 y 8 con MS muy raros. Solo unos pocos y de vez en cuando los cambiamos. Es un nuevo incentivo para los usuarios de MS. Más tarde, cuando las nuevas regiones estén disponibles, se pueden añadir sin requerimiento de MS, para todos los jugadores. Me parece justo, sinceramente.

2.- Rework de rutas ya existentes para añadir pokemon por MS con compatibilidad de naturaleza y habilidad para incentivar su uso. Esto ya está en proceso por el Spawn Editor (y el otro que hay por ahí).


  1. Regarding new quests, i undestand that you love to make us grind for new stuff, and i even if i dont like it, thats fine. But, what if after 6 months or a year, you make it a lot eassier? So that the new players can catch up to the older ones, otherwise is simply impossible, with the amount of time needed. 

En relación a las quest nuevas, entiendo que les encanta hacernos la vida complicada y tediosa con todo lo nuevo, pero incluso si a mi no me gusta, esta bien. Pero, acaso no sería una buena idea que después de 6 meses o un año, hacerla mucho mas simple y facil? Así, los nuevos jugadores tienen una chance de competir con los mas antiguos. De otro modo es es simplemente imposible, con la cantidad de cosas y tiempo que se necesita.


+1. Some megaquests need a rework, either an increase or decrease in difficulty. Compare the Mega Ampharos Quest with the Mega Slowbro one.

Mega Slowbro > you give 3 shellder (can be from anyone, any ivs, etc, no requirements), talk to 2 npcs next to each other, then fight an easy boss that can be solo'd by a Slowbro. Done, you just obtained the most broken PvE Mega in PRO's existence and a very good PvP Mega.

Mega Ampharos > SACRIFICE THESE OFFERING TO THE GODS, GATHER THE RAREST POKEMON, WITH THE RAREST ABILITIES, PRAISE THE GODS, MAKE THE OFFERING TO THE NPCS, TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD, MORE OFFERINGS. You get a cute looking yellow bulb that idk, has no presence in PvP and is actually great in PvE as a Boss Sweeper, I guess?

Manaphy Quest > Level 30 trainers, the quest is literally 4+ years old. One of the best PvP pokemon, barely any requirements to get.

Keldeo Quest > unfun, level 100 superbosses, two horrendously designed mazes (with all respect in the world, my opinion, this quest is just unbearable, unfun, has the worst design of any in my opinion, except for the ice part, which was REALLY fun). Gigantic maps where you'd get lost 24/7.


+1. Algunas quest de Mega necesitan un rework o un aumento o disminución de dificultad. La quest de Mega Ampharos tiene un problema enorme de balance. Te pide prácticamente un ritual a los dioses con sacrificios y ofrendas (pokémon raros, requerimientos de HA, múltiples veces, todos OT y ninguno puede ser regalado de otro jugador) para una Mega con 0 viabilidad en PvP y prácticamente ninguna en PvE. Como mucho puedes usarlo de Boss Sweeper en PvE en un equipo baton pass, y no sé ni para qué lo usarías en PvP. Lo mismo con quest de legendarios, la quest de Manaphy es un chiste (entrenadores con pokémon a nivel 30 lmao) para un legendario muy fuerte, luego tienes la quest de Keldeo que es prácticamente un infierno y una pesadilla a nivel de diseño (superbosses por todos lados, sin poder usar items, con mazmorras y laberintos con apenas ninguna visibilidad, sinceramente no quiero volver a pisar esas áreas en mi vida).


I could go on and on, but I just wanted to give my intake. I'll continue working on improving PRO's spawns as much as possible! 🙂
Podría seguir, pero sólo quería dar mi opinión. Continuaré trabajando en mejorar los spawns de PRO 🙂

(going to sleep after this post, 1 hour writing and my cat is asking for food at 3 AM)
(me piro a dormir que llevo 1 hora escribiendo esto ya y no le he ni puesto el pienso al gato)

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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxydK7CUEwL47Ym7hIkMbSA <- Youtube channel with guides!

https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/forum/13-game-guide/ <- Check my game guides (and other's guides) here!

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hi, i dont think nerfing or making some quest easier will do anything imean i prefer if the quest more harder or chalenging since most of them is 1 time only. i start playing since 2021 and i think iam still new about some stuf. about cerulean cave, yes it pretty handy and really help for leveling specially for newbie but cerulean cave is best farming spot in game, i dont think make it auto unlocked is good. and if the quest really that hard theres some good farming spot beside cc. also, actually cc quest pretty easy except about paying 200k. Paying 200k for dragon membership sound awfull, not every new player can get 200k in short time. why not changing it to 'u need to have caught data to all dragon type available kanto and johto(dratini line, goomy line, kingdra line etc' or 'u need to have 3 fully trained dragon type pokemon' or 'son to be member of our beloved dragon club, u ned to beat us without item and with dragon monotype team', it sound lot better then just paying 200k. xD we barely start playing and basicly we already got robbed.


about new player dont stand a chance to compete againts older player. ofc they dont xD. i mean how can we compare player with 1000-10000 hour to newbie with 20-30 hour. also i dont think 'old player' or player 'who always have 10m in pocket' can win pvp with ease, even with all those godly shiny mons, skill and luck still biggest factor to win. and i think why people often to stop or take break from playing is because there nothing to do, all region is complete, all quest is done, already collecting all mega or legendaries, bored with pvp ( reward really not worth it except we got on ladderboard), reward form doing daily quest is big meh. and for newbie to start catching up (making team, farming, or gathering money) is not that hard, after having 100-200 hr i am sure most people already have good base either with money or team. just say u spent week to hunt event larvitar or other rare tier (since its grindng game) even with trashy stat u can get 500k-1m easily


actually ive also have invited some of my friend to playing pro, but all of them stop playing before even finishing kanto. most of the reason is how hard story is (lol they dont even know how hard hoenn or sinnoh compare to kanto). and i know it myself specially if we pick charmander, pikachu or squirtle, the first 4 kanto gym can be crazily hard. 


iam just express my opinion hehe, dont mean to offend any1, Glhf guys

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Estoy completamente de acuerdo con esta discusión, soy un jugador de la misma época que Doc, sentimos los mismos problemas y nos encantaría realmente que se puedan encarar estos puntos tan tediosos que tanto a mi como a doc, somos un montón de jugadores que compartimos el mismo sentimiento.

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On 4/10/2022 at 1:24 AM, Electrocute4u said:

Well,  I can verify that one of the main reasons for the merge is to make it easier for PRO to push content to their servers and rather have one large server to focus on, performence wise its also better in the long run.

Hello, just wanted to clarify something on this. Content gets pushed on both servers simultaneously so that's not really a reason. Hope that helps.

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+1 i didn't read all text and comments XD but I would like to suggest to follow the options, mechanics, graphics, the way of how you can fight bosses, quests and other stuff of POKE1, because I played it and I think Pro can take those example to improve in the best way. Pro with this stuff result as the best mmo pokemon for me.

Edited by Gatso
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