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More player stats?


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I just want a feature that can see the chances of shiny pokemon in the game, and every one pokemon that is encountered the shiny chance goes up by 0.2/1% percent, it doesn't matter, that's big in my opinion.


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A detailed amount of wild (Shiny, Event, Pinkan) encounters.

Ex.  T1 - T8

T1 = 32

T2 = 2

T3 = 2

and so on..


Total # of Steps taken as well as Surf.


Total amount of coins you spend in Coin Shop(CS) with exception of buying coin capsule in CS.


Total amount of hours you spent while in AFK mode.


Total amount of hours you spent in Safari.


Total number of times you actually interact and healed by nurse joy .


Total number of times you used escape rope.


Total number of times you picked up Berries. 





Edited by B0t
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Hello, first of all congratulations for the effort you put in to keep PRO fully operational. Now, this may be unrelated but I would like to suggest showing trophies on the card: 
- Master of shinys: "will be obtained by catching 50 shiny".
- Pokemon Master: "to be obtained by catching 500+ different pokémon".
- Evolutionary master: " Will be obtained by having evolved 300+ different pokemon"
- Master of masters: "You will be obtained by having entered at least once in the top 10".
- Master of bosses: "Obtained by winning 20 consecutive battles".
This idea is to retain players and give them an inspiration to keep playing.
The idea of the steps taken is also not bad at all.

Edited by MUGUER
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