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Suggestion Random Ranked (avoid last opponent)


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Currently in Normal Ranked PVP we the option to enable (avoid last opponent). This is good cause like that we could play more to other players and not always to the same ones in a row. 


Currently In Random Ranked, something like this doesnt exist (yet). 




My suggestion would be to add the same for Random Ranked. I battled sometimes 4 or more times the same player in row. Personaly i think its not a bad idea if we could enable (avoid last opponent) for those who want this.


Thanks for taking this in consideration .

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  • Developer

Hello, we have added Avoid Last Opponent to reduce boring repetitions that are inevitable in Normal Ranked PvP.

Unfortunately, this may also result in potentially longer queue times as a negative effect.


Since this is not a problem in Random-PvP, as teams are generated, we will not offer this option there.

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+1 for me, as defence for my answer I will say this: many people get faced each other in random in row,and some time they make a matches like 4-0 wins for the one of the sides. After that ofc your system can get this as rank boosting and the player can get ban for nothing. Adding this option can be good way to save players away of those kinds of situations 

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"Avoid last opponent" was made to avoid finding the same team over and over, not to avoid someone that plays better than you.


However, I would like to be able to avoid guildmates in pvp. e.e

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