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Let's talk about Halloween forms and mounts!


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  1. Really really hyped ❤️
  2. My favorite form is Delphox, and i want to hunt it, same with Rapidash, i love cute Fire Pokes 😃
  3. Its cool to hunt other forms and i love all of them, doesnt matter how much there are.  
  4. I would really love a Halloween Form from : Pidgey exspecialy Megaevolution, Fossils, New Form for Absol+Mega, and New Form for Manectric+Mega, i would like to see a new form for Johto Starters and Feebas. And PLEASE give Luxray a chance 😃
  5. I dont know, i have not rly much time played yet. But i Would like all Mounts that looks like Cat/Dog-Mons 😃
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  1. How hyped are you for Halloween? I'll start by saying Halloween is my all-time favorite event in PRO so I'm plus ultra Hyped for it. 
  2. Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween? the forms I like the most are Bisharp and Pangoro. I really like most of the forms and plan on hunting most forms throughout the event.
  3. Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year? Yes, I do think it's a good idea, simply because it gives the player base more options and we aren't stuck hunting the same 5 pokes each year which in turn makes the Pokémon worth hunting because it's actually worth something rather you keep it for yourself or sell to others.
    1. Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable? I dont believe there should be a limit on forms released. the options are limitless not only is this the only Pokémon game with said forms, but PRO also has an amazing art team so why not take advantage of it?  
  4. Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced? Pokémon that deserves forms are clampearl, cottonee and of course I love Halloween so it would be awesome to have them in that form. 
  5. Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework? I think it would be cool if the star mount left behind a small rainbow trail. 


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On 9/11/2023 at 10:44 PM, Eaty said:

Let's talk about Halloween forms and mounts!

As you have probably noticed, our current art team is incredibly talented and highly motivated. We've gained some fantastic staff members.

There are already many known forms for Halloween 2023, and a few more not known yet, as well as some mount reworks that have been long overdue. Azumarill, Tauros, Meganium, and Rayquaza were reworked from scratch, and Xernears might also be reworked in the next client.


Now, I have a few questions for you all:

  1. How hyped are you for Halloween?
  2. Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween?
  3. Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year?
    1. Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable?
  4. Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced?
  5. Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework?


Shoutout to all artists within our team and those who participated in our contests.


I just hope that the chance of getting hallo form is higher because like summers, the rates is too sucks seriously. If many people do hunting and not get anything they can be retired from this game like my friend 

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1: I am honestly hyped! I've been building an Ice-monotype and Swinub and Sneasel got forms.


2: My favorite forms are Mamoswine, Weavile, Delphox, Volcarona, Togekiss, Mimikyu, Chesnaught, Typhlosion, Feraligatr and Reuniclus! Whoever designed this is very creative and cool!


3: Yeah! I agree that there are many forms to hunt, the only problem is that it is indeed challenging. Last year I couldn't get anything, because it is really, really hard and the odds are not revealed, so that's another big problem.


4: My favorite Pokémon are Fossils, I'd like to see Fossils form, especially Amaura, and Aurorus.


5: All mounts are very creative and well done, so I wouldn't rework what's already perfect.



I beg you, event admins, to reveal to us the odds of getting event Pokémon, you can trust us, the players. I urge you to trust in the player's will, we don't mean any harm to anyone. We just want to know and have fun, after all, this game is very fun. Though it still has a lot to add, like Move Animations, and Details, I had the idea to customize the menu. Thank you for reading!

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Welp ,everything is good for events, but when are we ready to talk about shinies and the depreciating market that it has become due to 100 forms releasing? The game has any plan or even interest to protect the shiny market for the longer run? Because the way it is going, the way shinies are just becoming more easy to get, in 2-3 years, shiny charm will be 5m. Any insight on it? Any plans? Even though the market is small, it is there.

With more time, more shinies concept exists due to the low spawn rate.

Edited by Eetaachee
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  1. How hyped are you for Halloween?
    With every event the anticipation becomes less and less. I don't like the direction the events and especially the rates are going. I have expressed my feedback on this several times in the past and I still believe that lower rates would be good for the game and would also bring more joy to the players. Simply put, what's more fun, the whole event looking for a rare and with luck finding one that's trash or finding 2 or 3 and then maybe getting a good one that you can play with. Last year the rates were a bit better in the Halloween event and I hope it won't be as bad as the last events.
  2. Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween?
    There are a lot of great new forms that I would be excited about, but realistically I'm trying to get the few commons and uncommons. Otherwise I'm still missing a 'few' Eevee and a Larvesta for the collection. Otherwise I'm interested in Nincada. But Skarmory and Aron are cool too.
  3. Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year? Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable?
    In my opinion there are too many forms. I didn't like the announcement with over 100 new forms, even though there were a lot of very good forms. But if you look at the Pokémon, they are mostly the same ones that get a new form.
    I would be happy with 10-15 new forms. And please, a few commons, there are so many without any form at all.
  4. Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced?

    I have a few ideas, but mostly for Pokemon that already have a form XD
    For example, Beachball-Voltorb (Summer), Ewok-Teddiursa/Chewbacca-Ursaring (Star Wars).

    But how about a Pennywise Mr.Mime (Halloween), for example. But also series like Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Wurmple, Zubat, Paras,... really deserve a little love. Please not just rares that we need to hunt in a sea of commons without any form.

  5. Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework?
    I think most of the mounts are ok, but the eyes on the Luxray and Zebstrika mounts take some getting used to, even though that's exactly why I bought Zebstrika XD


Discord: Marksman1303

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On 9/11/2023 at 10:44 PM, Eaty said:

Let's talk about Halloween forms and mounts!

As you have probably noticed, our current art team is incredibly talented and highly motivated. We've gained some fantastic staff members.

There are already many known forms for Halloween 2023, and a few more not known yet, as well as some mount reworks that have been long overdue. Azumarill, Tauros, Meganium, and Rayquaza were reworked from scratch, and Xernears might also be reworked in the next client.


Now, I have a few questions for you all:

  1. How hyped are you for Halloween?
  2. Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween?
  3. Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year?
    1. Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable?
  4. Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced?
  5. Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework?


Shoutout to all artists within our team and those who participated in our contests.


sr for my english it bad. Add new pokemon or limited time quest legendary pokemon(Ultra Beasts, Paradox...) and give there form. Ty for reading

*Note:If it can be traded, great


Edited by Killik
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