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Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Drain Punch

Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): On rules is bugged and bannable

How it should be: Player should be punnished, by not obey the rules, 1 week with no pvp is fair

Evidence (video/ others): https://gyazo.com/ce06ba9fb637de7e1d76963625daa505


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Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Outrage

Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): 1 turn outrage, 2nd turn change move to extreme speed

Description of Bug/ Not Code: change move when really dont have to do it

How it should be: Repeats for two to three turns. Confuses user at the end. https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/moves/outrage/

Evidence (video/ others): no evidence, but it happened with dragonite. please check.


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290501 Revenge killing an excadrill wouldnt be a problem if we had air balloon. And as long as bisharp isnt at +2 there is a 6,5% chance to OHKO it with thunderbolt after stealth rock with the same set even tho switching in is risky.

Yes magnezone wont trap and kill every steel type. I never claimed that. I just said that steel isnt niche what u claimed.

But neither does Gothitelle trap and kill every Pokemon like u want us to believe. And the funny thing is you make an example of rapid spin starmie and count your one example higher than the 5+ examples i gave just because they dont fit your argumentation.

And right now gothitelle isnt used as a trapper. The trapping is used to make Gothitelle a low risk setup sweeper. And that's the problem we should fix before we ban something. We dont know if Gothitelle as a pure trapper is toxic because noone is using it as a pure trapper. But based on the fact that almost noone is complaining about Wobbuffet (without encore) or magnezone or probopass ...


After Stealth Rock. Air Balloon. If not +2. Your examples are irrelevant for PRO and have huge requirements. You just listed a few scenarios that you somehow think makes you able to checkmark on Magnezone still being able to safely remove them which is not the case. I still believe it's niche and if you have another understanding of that word then suit yourself. You never claimed it being able to counter all steel types in the meta. You heavily implied it, listing percentages that you tried to use and if you use them you put the steel types in the same group, which is as close to claiming as it gets. "Right now Gothitelle isn't used as a trapper". I can first hand tell you that that's a lie. Probopass is a bad pokemon and is a case similar to Dugtrio. Wobbuffet is highly situational, especially in a metagame where stallers are everywhere using status move left and right. There is nothing weird about how those aren't used. And then you make some dots, not finishing your sentence as if it should be obvious that you are correct which you are not.

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Tbh actually the main problem on PRO , isn't goth talon or the lack of item & etc . It's all thoose bug caused by hazard (weather being induced after suiciding a pokemon (let's be honest almost every weatherteam player are abusing that fact bcs it's broken af), match freezing after a pokemon dying by hazard , turn skipped suiciding a pokemon (oh damn a gyarados freely switched into me after a k.o or a good prediction ,damn he's going to dd ->no problem i can still suicide a pokemon i own low hp into hazard to skip his turn so he can't pull off a DD , well done !(same as weather bug abuse , ppl know that bug verywell) , pokemon counter being fked with pokémon dying too harzard and cie...) And status/lum berry being bugged , loosing because you die from a scald and the burn finish you off when you got a lum on you is so much bullshit ,or either some sableye trying to stall out some azumarill abusing burn&lum thing .


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Guest SugarRed9
Tbh actually the main problem on PRO , isn't goth talon or the lack of item & etc . It's all thoose bug caused by hazard (weather being induced after suiciding a pokemon (let's be honest almost every weatherteam player are abusing that fact bcs it's broken af), match freezing after a pokemon dying by hazard , turn skipped suiciding a pokemon (oh [Censored] a gyarados freely switched into me after a k.o or a good prediction ,[Censored] he's going to dd ->no problem i can still suicide a pokemon i own low hp into hazard to skip his turn so he can't pull off a DD , well done !(same as weather bug abuse , ppl know that bug verywell) , pokemon counter being fked with pokémon dying too harzard and cie...) And status/lum berry being bugged , loosing because you die from a scald and the burn finish you off when you got a lum on you is so much [Censored] ,or either some sableye trying to stall out some azumarill abusing burn&lum thing .

I agree with this. Me and some others are finding ourselves playing pvp significantly less due to all the bugs. The hazard bug where the battle freezes has just really killed my drive to pvp knowing that I am stuck there until my opponent decides to quit. And the Lum burn bug just really isn't cool since people abuse it easily. The weather inconsistencies /bugs are really annoying since you cannot predict how it will act. Dunno, feels like pvp needs some love/fixing.

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290965 Tbh actually the main problem on PRO , isn't goth talon or the lack of item & etc . It's all thoose bug caused by hazard (weather being induced after suiciding a pokemon (let's be honest almost every weatherteam player are abusing that fact bcs it's broken af), match freezing after a pokemon dying by hazard , turn skipped suiciding a pokemon (oh [Censored] a gyarados freely switched into me after a k.o or a good prediction ,[Censored] he's going to dd ->no problem i can still suicide a pokemon i own low hp into hazard to skip his turn so he can't pull off a DD , well done !(same as weather bug abuse , ppl know that bug verywell) , pokemon counter being fked with pokémon dying too harzard and cie...) And status/lum berry being bugged , loosing because you die from a scald and the burn finish you off when you got a lum on you is so much [Censored] ,or either some sableye trying to stall out some azumarill abusing burn&lum thing .

yeah I used to pvp a lot but when I started to see all the bugs in the game I stoped a lot I lay like 5 pvp matches a day if that now... I agree with this fully a lot of it needs to get fixed asap


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4. Sleep Clause: If you have already put a Pokemon on your opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, you can't put another one to sleep.


what about put opponent's poke to sleep and the poke's ability is nature cure?

can we still can't spore another poke? :Grin:

these days I've seen lots of people arguing about this in the battle channel, can we have some detail definitions, please?

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