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312984 Using moves with secondary effect that have accuracy reduction like mud bomb/mirror shot are allowed or no?


Should be allowed tho. But i understand your point, 2nd sentence of rule 5 is a bit weird in my opinion. Since your opponent can always switch to get rid of the accuracy reduction i dont see any problem in using such moves.

Just DT and Minimize are trouble moves which...well....let the PvP environment getting a bit uncompetitive and more luck-based as pokemon already is. ;)

312984 Using moves with secondary effect that have accuracy reduction like mud bomb/mirror shot are allowed or no?


Should be allowed tho. But i understand your point, 2nd sentence of rule 5 is a bit weird in my opinion. Since your opponent can always switch to get rid of the accuracy reduction i dont see any problem in using such moves.

Just DT and Minimize are trouble moves which...well....let the PvP environment getting a bit uncompetitive and more luck-based as pokemon already is. ;)

Well you pretty much explained yourself why sand attack is banned as well,although i wonder about those 2 moves since effect spore is allowed despite having the chance to induce sleep.

317888 Taunt mecanic isnt working properly right now, if you taunt a pokemon which doesn't have any attacking moves this pokemon should be using struggle and so losing hp and not being able to use non attacking moves.


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