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Team Magma Recruiting


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whats your in game name?



how old are you?



do you use discord?

yes im active on it everyday my name on there is snipinAAA#5406


how many gameplay hours do you have and how many badges?

i have 100hrs and 17 minutes


what is your ingame hobby?

my in game hobby is pvp sometimes and farming for rare Pokemon and shinys


why would you want to be in team magma?

i would want to be in team magma cause my favourite Pokemon types is fire i have a burning hot fire in my heart for them and team magma also i loved tea magma since pokemon ruby

i think it would be a nice community to be in and would be my first community

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What is your in game name?



How old are you?



How many gameplay hours and badges do you have?

-26hours+ and 8 badge in kanto. well im new player.

Do you use discord?

-Mr J#6693

What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)?

-farming,collecting. soon will try to do selling

Why would you like to be in team magma?

-cool, and i need a guild

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You wanna be part of a guild? Well now is your chance! Team Magma is recruiting active and friendly players!




Team Magma strives first and foremost to provide a friendly environment for its members. We are relatively casual, with an emphasis on community rather than PvP. However, we have also been in the Top 10 Guild Ladder for the past seasons, and intend to remain there. Our guild chat and Discord are also both very active, and we do our best to address any questions or concerns you might have.






In order to bring members closer we hold several different types of events including guild hunts, tournaments, and hide and seeks. We do our best to make the events fun for all who wish to participate and also provide worthwhile rewards.












On top of having an active guild chat we also have a Discord, though joining it is not mandatory! If for some reason you are not able to get help in guild chat, you are free to ask there. We often use voice chat, and even now and then have music sessions or play something together that isn't PRO.




1- BE ACTIVE! We take activity very seriously, be sure to tell when you will be inactive so that you won't get kicked!

2- Be nice and friendly! This should be obvious, but we aim for a nice community of friends so it is something we stress.

3- Have a good sense of humor but know when to be mature. We want everyone to have fun but you need to know when things are going too far.


If you would like to join, please apply through the thread by filling in the questions at the end of this post or if online in game, please send a pm to anyone listed below






MEBzerg, Ironcoque, idkup







Please answer the following mandatory questions when applying through the thread:


What is your in game name?


The following questions are optional to the application and are just for us to know a little bit more about you


How old are you?

How many gameplay hours and badges do you have?

Do you use discord?

What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)?

Why would you like to be in team magma?



My name is necrotz

I have bee playing pro for 115 hours

My discord name is necrotz#8811

I like to farm and sell pokes

I do like to join this so i can help people btw the events also seem very awesome and im cant wait to join u guys

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  • 2 weeks later...

How old are you?




How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? //

380 hours , 32 badges



Do you use discord? //



What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)?

Pvp // Selling



Why would you like to be in team magma?

I am not very talented for pvp but I love the strategic side, so I'm sure there is to learn from others.

And then I like money ^ ^ so selling and try to catch a good poke it's a part of my game

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Hey, My name is Kenzaki.

IGN : Kenzakisumaki


How old are you? 16

How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? All Kanto-Sinnoh Badges. 633 Hours

Do you use discord? EVERYTIME <3

What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Farming and hunting Pokemons!

Why would you like to be in team magma? well, I just love Team Magma. my Clothes are Team Magma so it'll be good if im in Team Magma Guild right? BLENDS!



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You wanna be part of a guild? Well now is your chance! Team Magma is recruiting active and friendly players!




Team Magma strives first and foremost to provide a friendly environment for its members. We are relatively casual, with an emphasis on community rather than PvP. However, we have also been in the Top 10 Guild Ladder for the past seasons, and intend to remain there. Our guild chat and Discord are also both very active, and we do our best to address any questions or concerns you might have.






In order to bring members closer we hold several different types of events including guild hunts, tournaments, and hide and seeks. We do our best to make the events fun for all who wish to participate and also provide worthwhile rewards.












On top of having an active guild chat we also have a Discord, though joining it is not mandatory! If for some reason you are not able to get help in guild chat, you are free to ask there. We often use voice chat, and even now and then have music sessions or play something together that isn't PRO.




1- BE ACT take activity very seriously, be sure to tell when you will be inactive so that you won't get kicked!

2- Be nice and friendly! This should be obvious, but we aim for a nice community of friends so it is something we stress.

3- Have a good sense of humor but know when to be mature. We want everyone to have fun but you need to know when things are going too far.


If you would like to join, please apply through the thread by filling in the questions at the end of this post or if online in game, please send a pm to anyone listed below






MEBzerg, Ironcoque, idkup







Please answer the following mandatory questions when applying through the thread:


What is your in game name?


The following questions are optional to the application and are just for us to know a little bit more about you


How old are you?

How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? Hours- 84 badges- 23

Do you use discord? Yes

What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Farming and collecting

Why would you like to be in team magma? I want to join because I like this guild and I am a active player and just going to be hoenn champion.



Age - 14



You wanna be part of a guild? Well now is your chance! Team Magma is recruiting active and friendly players!




Team Magma strives first and foremost to provide a friendly environment for its members. We are relatively casual, with an emphasis on community rather than PvP. However, we have also been in the Top 10 Guild Ladder for the past seasons, and intend to remain there. Our guild chat and Discord are also both very active, and we do our best to address any questions or concerns you might have.






In order to bring members closer we hold several different types of events including guild hunts, tournaments, and hide and seeks. We do our best to make the events fun for all who wish to participate and also provide worthwhile rewards.












On top of having an active guild chat we also have a Discord, though joining it is not mandatory! If for some reason you are not able to get help in guild chat, you are free to ask there. We often use voice chat, and even now and then have music sessions or play something together that isn't PRO.




1- BE ACTIVE! We take activity very seriously, be sure to tell when you will be inactive so that you won't get kicked!

2- Be nice and friendly! This should be obvious, but we aim for a nice community of friends so it is something we stress.

3- Have a good sense of humor but know when to be mature. We want everyone to have fun but you need to know when things are going too far.


If you would like to join, please apply through the thread by filling in the questions at the end of this post or if online in game, please send a pm to anyone listed below






MEBzerg, Ironcoque, idkup







Please answer the following mandatory questions when applying through the thread:


What is your in game name?


The following questions are optional to the application and are just for us to know a little bit more about you


How old are you?

How many gameplay hours and badges do you have?

Do you use discord?

What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)?

Why would you like to be in team magma?



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