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Things that are not to be introduced in PRO



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- Pay day: Obvious reasons

- Breeding: Obvious reasons

- Fly: Not as a move but as an ability outside of the battle. It is also part of an MMO that you have to walk if you wanna get somewhere. Granted, some transportation systems should be accessible (I really liked PWO's train system)

- Elite 4 as a requirement to advance to a new region: If they are so weak than everyone can beat them, why are they called "Elite"? it kinda makes them pointless. If they are strong and awesome, several players will be blocked for way too long before they could advance to the next region.

- Thief: As some items will be pretty rare and extremely valuable, it would be infuriating and unfair if a wild Poke could just remove it from the game. Or if it works as Gen V and VI it would be way too easy to get certain items if you could steal them form wild Pokes.

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Me and Red were discussing the possibility of making fly a donation based ability, by using donation coins as currency for fly usage. (We would still give out the HM in the standard way, but when you go to use it out of battle, it would pop up with a dialogue box similar to surf but will ask for an amount of coins to use.


This may sound like a bit harsh but i believe this is the only way to ensure that fly is balanced and a sought after feature (bear in mind anyone can actually earn donation coins throughout general gameplay, its just a whole lot harder to get than just donating).


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Me and Red were discussing the possibility of making fly a donation based ability, by using donation coins as currency for fly usage. (We would still give out the HM in the standard way, but when you go to use it out of battle, it would pop up with a dialogue box similar to surf but will ask for an amount of coins to use.


This may sound like a bit harsh but i believe this is the only way to ensure that fly is balanced and a sought after feature (bear in mind anyone can actually earn donation coins throughout general gameplay, its just a whole lot harder to get than just donating).

Mind if i suggest something else? having an item *cracker* that would allow your pokemon to fly, which will be buyable with in-game currency. Around 2k per cracker would ensure the over-usage of it. Maybe something with happiness rate to set a balance with it but i don't know if something like that can be coded. I'll give an example regardless


Fly : Consumes 25 happines

Cracker : Gives 25 happines (requires that pokemon knows fly)

Granted it is slightly open for exploit. However, making the move Fly un-deletable would balance it out. Better than not having fly in general.


...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

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(bear in mind anyone can actually earn donation coins throughout general gameplay, its just a whole lot harder to get than just donating).


This is the first time I've heard about this, how are they obtainable in-game?


There are a couple of NPCs hidden around (i cant remember where however, Red and the scripting team made them), that asks a player to complete quite lengthy tasks, like evolve 6 dragons for example, or catch 200 pokemon. Over the coming weeks we may add a few more of these earners around the game. There wont be too many but u will be able to earn enough to get a month or 2s worth of MS for free (by the time all is completed)


Do not contact staff members for private support. Share the question on the forums due to being of use to others. Please use proper forum. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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Me and Red were discussing the possibility of making fly a donation based ability, by using donation coins as currency for fly usage. (We would still give out the HM in the standard way, but when you go to use it out of battle, it would pop up with a dialogue box similar to surf but will ask for an amount of coins to use.


This may sound like a bit harsh but i believe this is the only way to ensure that fly is balanced and a sought after feature (bear in mind anyone can actually earn donation coins throughout general gameplay, its just a whole lot harder to get than just donating).



Are ya saying that coins would be required EVERY time they player uses Fly? If that's the case, that sounds a little steep.


What if you made the ability to use it a one-time fee or charged a monthly fee? It shouldn't be a membership perk, but I don't think it should cost as much as membership either.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Considering the mechanics of the move fly's overworld effect.


First, you need to ask yourself: "What is the main draw of a Pokemon Game online?"

The answer to that is: "The people".


Player to player interaction is a HUGE factor. But without fly readily available for all players, it hinders those players' ability to get together for clan events, trades, simple pvp battles, and more. In other words, by limiting fly so extensively you are in effect hindering one of the main draws of this game. That's what some call "bad synergy".


So, think twice about how you handle the move Fly.

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Me and Red were discussing the possibility of making fly a donation based ability, by using donation coins as currency for fly usage. (We would still give out the HM in the standard way, but when you go to use it out of battle, it would pop up with a dialogue box similar to surf but will ask for an amount of coins to use.


This may sound like a bit harsh but i believe this is the only way to ensure that fly is balanced and a sought after feature (bear in mind anyone can actually earn donation coins throughout general gameplay, its just a whole lot harder to get than just donating).


Just no. Give us an ingame money sink or maybe even a cool down or something. But make making fly another "pay to have the game a lot easier than it is for non members but not p2w" is a really bad idea.


Do you think people are going to want to have to travel for possibly hours worth of time just to make a simple trade, battle or meet up with team members? The answer is no. Hindering fly to an essentially member feature would be a bad choice in respect to your whole player base in terms of how you want the game to be played. Essentially solo, with some player interaction, or a pokemon MMO, where people need to be able to meet up and trade, battle, or catch pokemon. You can't treat fly like you would in most MMOs because in pokemon the pokemon from previous areas can still be needed, and need to meet up with players who arent as far as you, without it taking an extreme amount of time

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