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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/19 in all areas

  1. Welcome to Myth! About Us We’re part of an alliance called the Phoenix Alliance which consists of multiple guilds and is currently growing. We function in both the Gold server and the Silver server. As a guild, we are always looking to help each other out! We don’t want any of our members being left out or lost. We have players who focus on specific areas of PRO - like PvE, PvP, shiny hunting, and Pokémon hunting in general - but we also have members that do a little bit of everything. Myth has a very large scope in terms of what it’s able to do as a guild because it has so many players and leaders willing to help! We are a strong guild, and as a whole, we focus on working together to achieve common goals. Being in Myth is like being in another family. It makes playing PRO so much more fun! We host giveaways and events to give back to our community and stay active within it. We also keep our guild members updated on current events and updates within PRO through our announcements channels in our Discord server. Beneficial Services Since we are a guild, we feel the need to help each other grow stronger and improve in PRO. We have multiple services for this. To name just a few of these services: We have rate & price checks to help prevent our members from being scammed or swindled; We have a Pokébank to lend Pokémon to our members in order to help them progress in the story; We have EV training & EXP training; We also have Pokémon hunters who will hunt down a Pokémon that you need. Our services apply to both servers. Our Application Requirements Myth accepts anyone and everyone. It doesn’t matter if you have just started your Pokémon journey or if you have put thousands of hours into PRO. If you want to join, we’ll accept you! But for us to do that, you have to first join our Discord server so you can become affiliated with us. Before you can join the server, you’ll need to contact Nayaski in Discord (Nayaski#2510). You may also leave your Discord tag below and Naya will DM you on Discord. Be prepared to tell Naya your progression in the story and playtime (how many hours you’ve played). Once you have joined our Discord server, we will get you set up with the correct roles. Another thing to note is that upon joining our Discord server, you should tell us your IGN (In Game Name) and what server you’re from (Gold or Silver) so we can change your Discord nickname in our server and invite you to Myth! After that, you can just chill with us in game or in the server. We look forward to meeting you! Extra Info We currently have one guild in each server. Both guilds are called Myth and are open for people to join. We will be adding more guilds as needed to accommodate for our continuous influx of new members. Also, don’t forget to ask us questions if you have any!
    2 points
  2. Hey everyone! As you have read in the title I am opening my lending shop. Rules and Prices: - Click on the link below to open the gallery of all available Pokes. - Lendings can be of 2 weeks (15 days) OR 1 month (30 days), nothing else. - Trades happen exclusively in Lavender Town. - The lending price depends on the letter written under the picture of every Poke as follows: A = 60k for 2 weeks || 100k for 1 month B = 40k for 2 weeks || 75k for 1 month - Post here, send me a message or (best option) send me a PM on Discord -> Beni-sama#6250 - Keep in mind that I am not too active right now, so take it easy if I am not instantly getting back at you, I will answer. LINK: Click Thanks to everyone and cheers!
    2 points
  3. Even if most of ideas already said i still support and post, Since many pvpers left because no change, imo pvp council would be a great addition to pro especially if they revamp pvp in future. I believe community is totally capable of doing that without abuse How are council members picked? -Regarding their activity (Playing pvp every season), their experience and their skill (past tournament, past ladder and showdown) Staff or councils players can ask players that they think they would do a great job to join. How long can they stay on the council? -If they do a good job and are active : unlimited time. What are the requirements? -Old and solid player full region atleast some pvp seasons played with success in ladder + ratio. Should they be able to participate in ranked PvP while being on the council? -ofc jajaja How would the split between Silver and Gold members look like? -Even if no equal split need member from both server max 7-9member. How are suspect tests decided? -Discussion between the council member when a mons is overpresent% in meta or centralize too much the teambuilding. How does the council decide what Pokemon to sent into a suspect testing phase? -Insta ban if new legend/abi/mons overpowerd, if not discussion between the council who gather opinion about which mon/item/abi need to ban. How would a suspect test look like (a special suspect ladder is out of question)? -Vote at majority without suspect test or can be a vote for a suspect test of a season then they vote again if ban/unban. Goal of council isnt to ban something every month depend of new pvp addition ig. Who gets to vote after the suspect test is over? -council member only What would council members need from staff in particular to make it successful? - list of % usage of mons and a pvp ranked lock ig for banned things (like sleep clause) if they can code that. How much influence does staff have over the council? -Access to council chat, help for announcement visibility. When can staffs interfere in the decision making process? If a member of council start to go like ikonos post mode staff remoove him easy
    2 points
  4. Feel free to post in here or send me a message if you have any informations regarding reworked spawns. To find a specific Pokemon or Berry just open up the spoilers and use CTRL+F search function. 1. Berries/General info: 2. Kanto: [spoiler=ROUTES] Route 1 Beedrill Ekans Pinsir Rattata Silcoon Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Route 2 Ekans Rattata Sentret Silcoon Venonat Yanma Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Route 3 Beedrill Butterfree Caterpie Ekans Kakuna Silcoon Cheri Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Route 4 Exeggcute Kakuna Natu Rattata Silcoon Venonat Grepa Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Route 7 Beedrill Caterpie Gastly Kakuna Rattata Babiri Berry Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Pecha Berry Route 8 Exeggcute Kakuna Natu Pidgey Silcoon Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Route 11 Caterpie Natu Pidgey Pinsir Rattata Silcoon Babiri Berry Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Route 13 Beedrill Gastly Metapod Pidgey Pineco Rattata Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Route 14 Metapod Noctowl Pidgey Rattata Silcoon Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Route 15 Aipom Caterpie Metapod Natu Rattata Venonat Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Route 22 Ekans Metapod Noctowl Rattata Spearow Aspear Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Starf Berry [spoiler=CITIES/OTHER PLACES] Cerulean City Cascoon Exeggcute Gastly Golbat Metapod Weedle Chesto Berry Grepa Berry Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Lavender Town Gastly Kakuna Misdreavus Pidgey Sableye Cheri Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Pallet Town Bulbasaur Charmander Caterpie Exeggcute Rattata Silcoon Squirtle Venonat Lum Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Pewter City Cascoon Golbat Pidgey Spearow Weedle Aspear Berry Chesto Berry Lansat Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Starf Berry Vermilion City Farfetch'd Munchlax Natu Pidgey Spearow Zubat Hondew Berry Occa Berry Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry Viridian City Ekans Ledian Metapod Silcoon Spearow Aspear Berry Chesto Berry Lansat Berry Starf Berry Vermilion City Graveyard Ekans Gastly Misdreavus Murkrow Pidgey Coba Berry Haban Berry Kasib Berry Payapa Berry Viridian Forest Beedrill Cascoon Kakuna Silcoon Weedle Babiri Berry Grepa Berry Leppa Berry Oran Berry Pecha Berry Persim Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry 3. Johto: [spoiler=ROUTES] Route 26 Heracross Hoppip Noctowl Spinarak Teddiursa Red Apricorn Yellow Apricorn Route 27 Ariados Gligar Hoothoot Ledian Pidgey Teddiursa Colbur Berry Pink Apricorn Route 28 Ledyba Pidgey Sentret Sneasel Colbur Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn Route 29 Aipom Gligar Hoothoot Ledian Sentret Teddiursa Chople Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Green Apricorn Route 30 Hoppip Natu Noctowl Nuzleaf Sentret Slakoth Colbur Berry Shuca Berry Red Apricorn White Apricorn Yellow Apricorn Route 31 Aipom Hoppip Ledyba Noctowl Spinarak Volbeat Colbur Berry Kebia Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn White Apricorn Route 32 Ledian Noctowl Slakoth Teddiursa Colbur Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn White Apricorn Route 33 Hoothoot Ledian Spinarak Teddiursa Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Route 34 Heracross Ledyba Misdreavus Natu Noctowl Teddiursa Yache Berry Green Apricorn Route 35 Heracross Ledian Ledyba Natu Noctowl Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Green Apricorn Route 36 Aipom Hoothoot Ledian Natu Seedot Teddiursa Kebia Berry Shuca Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn White Apricorn Yellow Apricorn Route 38 Ledyba Natu Sneasel Taillow Wurmple Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Tamato Berry Route 44 Ariados Hoothoot Natu Spinarak Teddiursa Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Green Apricorn Red Apricorn Route 46 Gligar Misdreavus Noctowl Pidgey Sentret Teddiursa Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry [spoiler=CITIES/OTHER PLACES] Azalea Town Ledian Natu Sentret Yanma Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Cherrygrove City Hoppip Sentret Teddiursa Chople Berry Rindo Berry New Bark Town Chikorita Cyndaquil Pineco Poochyena Seedot Taillow Totodile Aspear Berry Lum Berry Starf Berry Olivine City Burmy Fearow Phantump Spinarak Trevenant Volbeat Hondew Berry Passho Berry Violet City Gligar Hoppip Misdreavus Natu Sentret Colbur Berry Kebia Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn Ilex Forest Hoppip Ledian Natu Scyther Teddiursa Yanma Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Green Apricorn Red Apricorn Mt. Silver Exterior Pidgey Swinub Venonat Red Apricorn Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside Noctowl Swinub Chople Berry Yache Berry 4. Hoenn: [spoiler=ROUTES] Route 101 Illumise Seedot Route 102 Cacnea Poochyena Taillow Hondew Berry Route 103 Cacnea Nuzleaf Seedot Pomeg Berry Route 111 North Baltoy Cacnea Slakoth Kelpsy Berry Route 112 Cacnea Staravia Wingull Yanma Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry Route 113 Cacnea Poochyena Taillow Volbeat Hondew Berry Occa Berry Route 115 Nuzleaf Taillow Scyther Route 116 Beautifly Seedot Surskit Taillow Babiri Berry Cheri Berry Rawst Berry Route 117 Cacnea Taillow Wurmple Apicot Berry Kelpsy Berry Petaya Berry Salac Berry Route 119A Slakoth Surskit Volbeat Yanma Apicot Berry Kelpsy Berry Route 120 Burmy Cherubi Illumise Seedot Surskit Wurmple Hondew Berry Occa Berry Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry Route 123 Dustox Illumise Nuzleaf Poochyena Seedot Apicot Berry Pomeg Berry [spoiler=CITIES/OTHER PLACES] Fortree City Pidgey Taillow Wingull Wurmple Pecha Berry Roseli Berry Leev Town Port Illumise Surskit Volbeat Occa Berry Passho Berry Littleroot Town Cacnea Seedot Qualot Berry Mauvile City Cacnea Apicot Berry Salac Berry Oldale Town Beautifly Seedot Roseli Berry Rustboro City Hoothoot Misdreavus Poochyena Shuppet Spinarak Taillow Chilan Berry Kasib Berry Mt. Pyre Exterior Nuzleaf Seedot Leppa Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Petalburg Woods Cacnea Illumise Pineco Shroomish Taillow Wurmple Occa Berry Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry 5. Sinnoh: 6. Custom areas:
    1 point
  5. If you've read all of this and can identify with the information provided, I welcome you to the Eternity family and would be very proud to have YOU in our guild. Credits for Discord Logo, Banner And Forum Page goes to Midkup
    1 point
  6. Good evening, I would like to share a simple guide for EV and exp grinding spots in Kanto. EV Spots HP Viridian Forest - Caterpies grant +1 HP EV point per battle, one of the easiest spots to locate and caterpies are very common in the viridian forest. Route 6 - There's a lake in route 6 (north of Vermillion City) full of Slowpokes. Slowpokes grant +1 HP EV per battle, this spots is a nice place because there's a poke center nearby, so if your pokemon faints, you can immediately go to the poke center and heal your pokemon. Cinnabar Mansion - This place is crawling with Grimers (+1) and Muks (+2). You can EV grind on the 3rd floor, there's a possiblity that you encounter a Charmander or a Magmar which are both rare pokemon. Two birds in one stone =)) Attack Route 12 - Route 12 has always been my favorite grinding spot. This place is full of Bellsprouts (+1) and Weepinbells (+2), they appear 24/7 so you will never run out of Attack EVs. This place is also a good grinding spot for Exp because of the high Exp you can get from the Weepinbells and Pidgeottos. Snorlax (rare) also spawns here. Cinnabar Island - An easier Attack grinding spot. This place is great for low leveled pokemon to grind attack EVs because the Goldeens and Krabbys that spawn here are low leveled (below 20) and there's a poke center really close. Defense Rock Tunnel - Geodudes (+1) and Gravelers (+2) are very common here. There's also a Nurse Joy at the end of Rock Tunnel which makes this place perfect for grinding Defense EVs. Onix (+1) can also be found here, but he's more uncommon compared to the Geodudes and Gravelers. Victory Road - An advanced version of Rock Tunnel. This is literally a higher leveled version of the Rock Tunnel, they spawn the same pokemon for Defense but stronger, also a good place for lvling your pokemon up. Special Attack Route 5 - At night, this place is full of Oddishes (+1) and Glooms (+1). This place is a not so good spot but still usable because it only spawns the Oddish at night, so you can't use this spot during morning and day. Route 6 - You can find a lot of Psyducks (+1) in the lake. There's a nearby poke center in Vermillion City so this one is good for grinding Special Attack EVs. Seafoam b4f - Advanced version of the lake in route 6, full of Psyducks (+1) and Golducks (+2). There's a Nurse Joy nearby, which is nice. This place is also good for Exp grinding. Special Defense Surf - Tentacools are VERY COMMON, almost everywhere you surf, there's a Tentacool (+1) so just use Surf and you'll be fine with the Special Def EVs. Seafoam Islands - Seels (+1) and Dewgongs (+2) are common here. Again, a good place for lvling up. Speed Everywhere - Pidgeys (+1) and Rattatas (+1) are way to abundant in kanto. Diglett Cave - Digletts (+1) and Dugtrios (+2) are VERY COMMON here (duh), Zubats (+1) also spawn here which makes the Speed EV grinding easy. Route 12 - A good place to combine Attack and Speed EV grinding because aside from the Bellsprouts for Attack, Pidgeys and Pidgeottos spawn here quite often. Experience grinding tips I'll keep this short. lvl 20 - 30 - Diglett Cave lvl 31 - 50 - Route 12 lvl 51 - 85 - Seafoam b4f lvl 86 - 100 Victory Road Thanks for reading this guide. Cheers!
    1 point
  7. Action start 3m instant price 6m 2 days action 200k bid. Gl everyone offer cant be cancelled
    1 point
  8. Rampardos (adamant) Started auction 700k // insta 1m ~ Start // Wednesday 22:30 GMT/UTC ~ Ends // Friday 22:30 GMT/UTC ty
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Around 300-500k I'd say (just because it's a cute fire poke and ppl like that).
    1 point
  11. After all this said, wanted to bring a bit different POV. We've been said that Mods are not baised anymore (sorry for saying the forbidden word). If that's true, why such a fear to make a fair and healthy Council? You can also apply your "teaching techniques", do a test for some weeks or whatever you want but please, there are still players that want to make the game better. Trust your players, make interviews, get players that reached many times ladder with high winrates, or just ask destro and mama to make the council (not IMO: most succesfull players both in ladder and tourneys - IMO: better players left). Whatever you want. Put rules to PvP Council members to avoid any possibility of abuse. But trust your players. In addition to that, PvP Council is even more important if some Pokemon / Moves / Abilities are missing. Two examples: - Conkeldurr: Extremeley powerfull in PRO, good mon in OU meta but not that much used in Showdown. Why? Among other things, the absence of the Forces of Nature Legenary Trio (Particullary Landorus-T) makes him an extremely hard to deal with threat in PRO Ecosystem. - Klefki: Less known technique but still a hard abuse of what it is non coded properly, and can be extremely frustrating. Since Prankster is not well coded, you can actually Defog with Klekfi no matter what Pokemon you're facing. That's why PvP Council is a must and PARTICULARLY in PRO, of course, even if Battle Rework is incoming. All this been said, Staff Members MUST interfere in PvP Council in order to keep it in the right way but also help them to reach their objectives, and of course, allow them to play PvP lol. (I've seem some post arguing they should not and it0s hillarious to me) Kind regards, GengarLv100
    1 point
  12. Hello @hahahaka, I would like to inform you that cycling/using mounts doesn't increase the happiness of your Pokemon. Here you can find a guide on how to increase the Happiness of your Pokemon. I hope this answered your question, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. I wish you a nice day! Kind regards, Contrary
    1 point
  13. Hello Everyone Tbh I don't know if there's already a post like this but hear my opinion out So I've seen many people getting banned because of fighting their own guildmates in PVP rank queue some intentionally and some accidentally It also has happened in my own guild so I know how frustrating it gets sometimes So here's the suggestion Make a PvP Filter on rank matches so guildmates can't fight each other except unranked that way no one would get banned for such things as boosting and sniping Thanks for hearing me out Have a nice day
    1 point
  14. I had many offers of 2m. I accept.only 3m s.o. sorry :/
    1 point
  15. Thank you for the information it was very helpful to read thru and understand, i am currently in the discord community for pokemon revolution but after reading this everything is understood better now. i will make sure any questions i need answered i'd look thru to see if there is already a topic in so i dont cause duplications of it. im loving the helpful tips in this community im glad that i am back to this and can't wait to meet many great people who can help and play with but also pick up some knowledge too so i can help others and newcomers as well.
    1 point
  16. I'm really happy to see that your issue has been solved. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that said, i will now close the thread. Have a wonderful day !
    1 point
  17. Given the amount of rude, disrespectful and just plain unnecessary comments I am sadly forced to lock this thread however I am not going to leave it on an open note without responding to some of the stuff said here. Claiming staff are bias I am not going to say that past staff were not bias, in fact I believe past staff were indeed bias in their decision making. Players like myself or Derpro suffered from those decisions. Tr3y, TheAkalli and others suffered from unfair and bias decisions as well. However we are not the past staff team, we are not those "powerabusers" you are trying to call out here. I gladly take actions against anyone who abuses their power now, what they did in their past honestly I could care less. If those mistakes were fixed, if you know a case where a ban was completely unfair then go ahead and DM me it. I gladly unban everyone who was unfairly banned, in fact both me and Logan are unbanning everyone who was unfairly banned or where evidence just doesn't exist or is severely lackluster. We put a ton of effort into this, calling us bias or powerabusers is just nonsense. Throughout this entire thread I read people writing that staff are powerabusers, are bias or just want to hurt the community but not a single time actually someone could provide evidence, not even a name where someone was abused. Someone on the first few pages claimed something, he was right and the mistake was corrected. Just listen to yourself for a second and hear what kind of nonsense you are writing in this thread. A lot are claiming powerabuse but can't even name a player who was "abused"? This is really ridiculous and crosses a line. Claiming unfair treatment Please give me names and I can look into the evidence collected, their appeals/reports. However just alone in this thread people claimed Epiales was powerabusing for muting people because they talked about football when in reality they were muted for swearing. The same way GengarLv100 is saying: You are just making fool out of yourself in our eyes but you do not bring anything productive to the table nor do you understand the harm you do by lying about what actually happened. Is this really the "unmesured abuse of power" you are talking about? The chat was warned to not break a widely accepted rule yet you broke it again and were muted for 60 seconds. A mute that doesn't have any influence on future sanctions. Just alone in this thread there are several players who wrote stuff like this to us on their alternative accounts or main accounts: Staffs are corrupt - "scenario with teerav" With what? What are we doing that is corrupt? Do you guys even understand the meaning of corrupt? I am surprised that you guys are actually asking us to punish a user who has not broken any rule, has done something on their personal discord. Do you really want us to do that? Punish players with not even a rule for what happened for something on their personal discord? I beg your pardon but what? This goes literally against everything you guys are claiming, that we abuse our powers, are bias and what not. We will not sanction someone who hasn't broken any rule for something they did on their personal discord. This is not only unreasonable but beyond stupid. Recruitment and letting community have a say in moderation Hey, guess what. ALL staff are community members, guild leaders, collectors, PvP players, shiny hunters, traders etc. We are volunteers out of the community and not some employees. I am sorry but we will not have some random players decide who to recruit because they think someone would be a good moderator, there is way more to it than you think. Do you think I was widely accepted as staff when I started? God no, staffs left the team because I joined/was unbanned. Some hated me but in the end those staffs saw that I was one of the few people who actually fought with everyone so everything is fair. I don't care if I have to discuss stuff with a Dev, an Admin or whoever. Logan be my witness, I rather get sanctioned than let someone get unfairly banned. You don't have to believe it, you really don't but I can at least say that we tried to give you guys the chance to voice your opinion. We knew this thread would be a shitstorm of false accusations, ranting and nonsense but at least some productive work came out of it. Recruitment is a thing we always have to improve upon, I agree that some of our last few recruits were not that great. Lots of bad decision making when recruiting, some who should have never been recruited in the first place. Shinohara, Logan and me are in positions where we decide who we want on our team. The workload for most is just too much, most don't make it past the first few months. Being a Moderator is really not that easy, a Trade Moderator and CC, they do even more. We hold open recruitment's but some of the applications are just straight up garbage, people lying about their past sanctions, having utterly rude behavior everywhere and stuff like that. I recruited Acaiberry for example, someone who basically nobody knows. Fluffles was one of the best staff members, was some random girl who was interested in becoming staff. Finding GOOD staff, dedicated staff is not that easy. It's not worth training them for 2 months just for them to quit 3 months in. I am willing to give people chances if they actually deserve them, NIkola gave me mine and I used it but we will not make BillyRick231 with 5 quiet-bans on his record a Moderator, that is just not reasonable. Final words A lot of stuff said in here is just factually not true, if it were then you guys could provide at least a name but even that is too much to ask for. We would take most of this stuff serious if it were actually true but it's not. You are not one of the "cool kids" if you think that insulting staff, or trying "own" them/"teach" them a lesson is something cool to do. It's really just sad nothing else really. I can judge this pretty good because I did that in the past as well. If you have anything further to add, just PM me in forums or on Discord Felix#5505 however this thread has to be locked, you guys are just breaking rules left and right and are just ranting at this point. There hasn't been constructive criticism in a good while in this thread. Kind regards, Q8
    1 point
  18. I apologise if i hurt any staff member. At this case i have some question :) Why we should hide our impression about a staff member? Why we can't say everything we think about some of staff members? Why should we be scared of staff punishments because we sayng our opinion? Why staffs don't care about what community thinks when selecting a mod? Everyone pretty good knows that major problem for pro is moderators,and no one can prove opposite. Why staff seeks for respect, when they itself don't respect you? Every conversation that were about staff, always was avoided, that makes you think staff will never changhe(not all). Some of staff doenst care about players, they are happy of their advantage. Why can't be everything be good and fair for everyone? Why do you always try to defend a staff when he is hated if community doenst like him? Why do you seek for suggestions when you ignore them? Long ago pro was cool and chill place to stay in, now it turned on a place where the staff tryes as much as possible to get advantage upper than basic players. They always hungry for powers. Its really cool that not every staff being like that, and obviously those staff got respected by us. Really, its time to change, players always fight staff, and because of that some mids insta-mute or ban, they don't try to ask what they dun like. Thanks god Logan is the one of those, who i really saw that does care about community and ask their opinion. Probably there are more staff like them, but personally idk em. Developer like wally should be also respected, he is the one who bringed to pro new life, if not him pro would be played probably by 100 players or less. Staff like him should be appreciated, but again, some of staffs just ruin all enjoyable things that pro can have. Sorry again if i hurt anyone. Its my opinion about how the pro goes. Yoy can rarely see justice.
    1 point
  19. That was the only one in your shop, thank you
    1 point
  20. To start off i would say that pvp coincil is a bad idea, in pokeone it clearly failed and in smoogon they have the best players in the world to do it (and even then, bans are still very discussed) On pro it would only lead to more complaining, when the problem with balance in pvp is due to bugs and some key pokemons missing. That said if you really have to make a pvp coincil things have to be done correctly. 1. How are council members picked? How long can they stay on the council? As much as they want to, only those who are able shuld be doing it. What are the requirments? Some people in this game only want a position that puts them above others, this people will do whatever is possible to gain that position, so it s a must for every memeber of the council to proove their knowlage about pvp.Only people that does good in pro turneys (winning and reaching semi-finals) and in ladder (reaching 80% with atleast 200 games played) shuld be allowed in pvp coincil. Should they be able to participate in ranked PvP while being on the council? Yes, doing pvp s the only way to have knowlage. How would the split between Silver and Gold members look like? This is irrelevant, this can work only if the most competent people are picked. 2.How are suspect tests decided? How does the council decide what pokemon to send into a supect testing phase? Not too many suspect tests have to take place, a pokemon is suspectable when it s uncompetitive, that doesn t mean a pokemon can' t be overpowered.A pokemon becomes uncompetitive when it has high usage, it has from very few to no awnsers according to their set, and requires from little to no prediction.Before sending a poke into testing council has to discuss about it s revelance in the meta, about it s sets and counters, only if the poke has the basis to be suspected the council will vote to start the suspect. How would a suspect test look like? People will be called to do atleast 50 wins with 80% win ratio in pro in order to express their opinion and the discussion would be opened in a thread on forums. Who gets to vote after the suspect is over? Players that meet the rquirments would. 3.What would council members need from staff in particular to make it successful? How much influence does staff have over the council? Council shuld be part of staff. When can staff interfere in the decision making process? Whenever the criteria to suspect a poke arn t met. When banning a pokemon in pvp it s important to consider the impact it has on the meta and how much it limits teambuilding.
    1 point
  21. I think a PvP-Council would be a nice adittion in-game. How are council members picked? With an application or interview that the staff will do. How long can they stay on the council? Every season the staff needs to check the improvements, if the council did a great job they stay. In the other side, the staff can change the council if they didn't do a great job. Toxicity and inactivity counts to kick a member in the council. What are the requirements? A good activity in-game and PvP in the season. 1000+ hours in-game. A "good" historical behaviour record. Knowledge about the actual meta. Should they be able to participate in ranked PvP while being on the council? Yeah, because the council needs to see the improvements on PvP. How would the split between Silver and Gold members look like? Depending the number of members, the staff will choose half of each server. [*]How are suspect tests decided? Creating threads where users can check and complaint about a pokemon in-game meta. When the staff release a new pokemon, the council needs to review it and take a decision before they get added to the game. How does the council decide what Pokemon to sent into a suspect testing phase? Checking users opinions and testing the Pokemon to take a decision. (Pokemon in the actual meta-game.) When the staff release a new pokemon, the council needs to review it and take a decision before they get added to the game. How would a suspect test look like (a special suspect ladder is out of question)? The council will debate about the pokemon centralizing in moves, the base stats, etc. Who gets to vote after the suspect test is over? The entire council will do a thread about the pokemon to check people's opinion and votes. Then, the entire council will vote to make a final decision. What are the requirements to vote? The activity of the players in the council will be checked. Players will need more than 300 of rank to vote in threads. 1000+ Hours in-game. [*]What would council members need from staff in particular to make it successful? A discord where council and staff can have a contact. How much influence does staff have over the council? The staff can review and making an opinion about the council idea before releasing it in-game. When can staffs interfere in the decision making process? In the final decision before releasing the changes.
    1 point
  22. Which server Nobody knows where u r from and for what kind of guild ur lookin at (international / special language, pvp) How old are you what are ur goals on pro etc. That would help u to find a guild and ur in the wrong sub forum
    1 point
  23. Salut, c’est Nakofum, je viens poster ma candidature, bonne chance pour la lecture! Pseudo dans le jeu : Nakofum Temps de jeu : aux alentours des 180h de jeu Âge : 17ans, bientôt 18ans Quelques mots sur vous : Je suis fan de rap, j’en écoute h24, je regarde énormément d’animés, je suis plutôt curieux donc si vous voulez partager des choses, est experiences personnelles avec moi ce sera avec plaisir. Au niveau scolaire, j’suis en terminale S, je passe mon bac dans 1mois, donc je vais commencer à être un peu moins actif la semaine, mais toujours autant le week-end (aucune inquiétude, je redeviendrai actif comme je le suis maintenant après le bac) Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : Oui j’ai un discord, dans lequel je reste actif, même sans être connecté sur PRO Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : J’en suis au deuxième badge de Sinnoh, j’ai fait une longue pause entre johto et Hoenn, pour m’en preparer deux teams PVP, et être capable d’affronter n’importe quel boss Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : alors mon objectif final est de pvp, j’ai déjà essayé quelques matchs d’ailleurs, je suis très mal classé (rating 58), le pvp ici est très différent de showdown, mais je compte bien m’adapter et m’ameliorer. J’aime aussi beaucoup farmer des heures et avoir joie de tomber sur un poke epic eheh. Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? Je suis quelqu’un de plutôt ambitieux, je vois la guilde sur le long terme, à l’heure actuel, je ne serai pas un atout indispensable pour la guilde, mais dans qui sait, 2-3mois, j’aurai le plaisir de pouvoir aider les autres qui arriveront. Je sors de la FrenchFamily guilde de Fetxiz, je pense que vous le connaissez, j’ai passé 1mois à faire le médiateur, et je vous avoue penser un peu à moi, j’ai rencontré 2-3 personnes de votre guilde, et ils m’ont donné envie de vous rejoindre. Je suis quelqu’un qui suit pas mal actif quand je suis connecté, j’aime bien parler, échanger des avis. Merci d’avoir lu, à la prochaine sur PRO peut-être :)
    1 point
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