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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/20 in all areas

  1. Put Npc Psychic Tamaro that disables/Active bms in Matsuki Village so you don't have to leave the island and pay every time pay 10k to keep going and coming back
    4 points
  2. I want to be the clearest and most respectful of course. I understand the frustration at not being able to immediately find the way to continue through the quest, and for this reason, i want to clarify some points: The guides are supposed to be a challenge for the player, which means that it will be so difficult to continue, so take the time to enjoy the event, you can work together with friends. The more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end! The staff will never provide guides. This would basically destroy the main purpose of our content staff work: Mappers, Content Scripters, Story Writers, Artist, Testers, Devs, all of them contribute to make this event a reality. Although events are way different now, these changes may not be to your liking. You're always free to suggest improvements or/and share your concerns about it, always in the most respectful way possible. I also want to emphasize that the people who make guides are not staff members, therefore, they don't have access to private information nor participated in its creation. It's normal that they are missing details or have incorrect information, you're always free to support them by providing more info. Together we can do this in the best way! Well, I don't want to go into the drama but I think that all of us here should maintain a respectful attitude, we all here as members of the community deserve respect. Make sure to read and follow our forum rules as remaining with this attitude may lead to punishments. Take this as a verbal warning. You're free to create a thread under the complaint area if you feel that you were treated unfairly.
    3 points
  3. The thread will be closed and the user will be punished for his fake auction. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerely Hawluchaa.
    2 points
  4. Herkese Merhabalar. Guildimiz Gold sunucusundaki bildiğimiz tek Türk guildidir. Guild alımlarımız şu anda devam etmektedir. - Poke kasarken %2.5 Bonus Experience Puanı(40+ kişiden dolayı gelen bonus) - PVP and PVE hakkında yardım ve bilgilendirme - Guild bank - Etkinlikler - Giveawayler - PRO, Guild ve Discord Kurallarına Uymak- - Tüm üyelere ve oyunculara karşı arkadaş canlısı, yardımcı ve saygılı olmak. - Diğer üyelere karşı toxic olmamak, onları kandırmamak, hakaret etmemek, onları spamlememek. 1. Aktif olmanız 2. 15 Yaş veya üstü olmanız 3. Discordunuzun olması 4. Kurallara uymamız Bize katılmak istiyorsanız aşağıdaki soruları yanıtlayınız. 0. PvP Tecrüben varsa başvurunu şu posta yap, yoksa sorulara devam et: 1. Oyun içi ismin nedir? 2. Yaşın kaç? 3. Discordun var mı?
    1 point
  5. Back when excavations were released, they were incredibly popular because a lot of the pokemon you could find didn't have spawns such as ferro, bisharp and starly only being a t9 or t8. Nowadays, excavations are a baron wasteland where people only go to get 3k points to get their therian forms. What i'm trying to suggest is change to the spawns and possible to the artifact maniac rewards. A few changes i would like to see would be to add Jangmo-o to draconic, Cutiefly to wonderous and Mimikyu to haunted and maybe to add a reroll as an artifact reward. Leave a like if you agree
    1 point
  6. This ad will be open for 48hours. leave, your offers or send, pm in the game, that i will print and publish the offers, good luck! closed, insta buy. Ty all Starting Offer: 3M The Auction Ends: 48h Insta Price: 10 M. Min Raise: 200k.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Hey there! We handle our applicants through our app, not through forums. Please could you sign up and apply at https://nomercyapp.glideapp.io/
    1 point
  9. For those who don't know , i have a new channel! , my mainroselia channel for some reasons can't be monetized so i created a new one. A BETTER ONE. NEW PVP VIDEO (31/12/20) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbSmy80J90Q&lc=UgzbWgeW2WzhA5Bcuwd4AaABAg THE CHRISTMAS QUEST GUIDES : Part 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxblIVTNBOg&t=12s Part 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onVpHJiOQxg&t=3s Part 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZNgR1MFg6A DON'T MISS THE VIDEO WITH THE BEST BOSS TEAM IN THE GAME : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m16V9qEdjFU&t=5s Also Don't Forget To Join On My New Discord Server : https://discord.gg/QrMKWk3HmD
    0 points
  10. s.o. : 500k 50k minimum raise insta : 3m c.o. :1.3m backiii ENDS 24H after the 1st bid 1st bid : Luminetor 17:45 (gmt +2)
    0 points
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