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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/23 in all areas

  1. Jaggerwirch encountered a Halloween Mega Gyarados. Hi, i have a few things to tell you abouth this illustration. To start, i did it on a regular tablet, with an app called sketchbook, nothing fancy I had never drawn pokemons before, is not the style im acostume to. So before this illustration i made one of Mega Pinsir (hlw) and another of Mew (hlw to). Both are pretty good, and if it weren´t for the rules saying that you can only upload one illustration, i would upload all three. i wish you could see them I decide to post this one because is the best one, and also Gyarados is one of my favorite forms. The reason? because it´s easy to get xd i hope you like it. PD: i have the original project with all the layers, so i can made it a png without all the background and stuff, if need it.
    10 points
  2. Hey, dearest people of all PRO! I want my idea to be fulfilled, it Is important indeed. Move animations! We all know PRO is a great game, fun, innovative, and exciting. But... battle systems lack efficiency! I want all people to hear me! PRO needs all Pokémon moves to be animated so PvP can run more elegantly and stylishly. Look at all Pokémon games! They all have animated movies, so we should have too! Please, trainers, help with my idea so the staff developers can prioritize the production of move animations more. I can design moves, but unfortunately, Walrosskastanie didn't reply to my message We all need move animations or at least the most used moves in PvP or PvE! Vote now to tell the staff to prioritize more move animations! I am a volunteer to design moves. I have experience. Thank you, friends. Kind regards, Lumizen
    4 points
  3. Hello^^ Here is my Halloween Alakazam. Hope you guys like it! (ipad, procreate)
    4 points
  4. This is my child Torcub! a dark fire panther pokemon, the first of a 2 stage evolution line, Pokedex Entry: Torcub (Torch and Cub) Torcub are friendly to their own kind and tend to avoid humans, however they are quite mischievous and like to steal sticks from their claw. They often cause small fires from heat generated in the paws, at a young age they are taught how to stalk prey from shadows and treetops, however they only begin to hunt when they evolve.
    3 points
  5. s.o. 6m min bid 200k Insta buy 10m the auction ends 24h next first bid money and coin capsule (400k) accepted
    3 points
  6. Pretty proud of this catch. If there's anything the Halloween event taught me, it was that Ralts are a pain in the butt to hunt xD
    3 points
  7. You're boring, 25m
    3 points
  8. Hello and good evening everyone! I'm here to announce that our Boomburst event on october 29th will have another section added to it so that we may all have even more fun! it's time to put your knowledge to the test in our thrilling 2nd part of the event. Pokémon Revolution Spooktacular Trivia: Halloween Edition! Get ready for a fun and challenging experience that will bring out the inner Pokémon Master in you. Don't miss this opportunity to prove your Pokémon mastery and make new friends who share your passion for these amazing creatures. Whether you're a Pokémon rookie or a seasoned Trainer, this event is designed for everyone in Boomburst. (the only ones who are eligible for event participation are the ones in our Boomburst guild as of the posting of this notice but if you join now you will be able to participate in any events we will hold in the future) As for the reward for winning? S E C R E T!!!! All I can say is that you'll probably find it EGGCELENT Stay tuned for updates, and remember to join us on our discord channel for the latest information. It's time to show the world that you're the ultimate Pokémon Trivia Champion! See you at the event, and may the best Trainers win! #BoomburstSpooktacularTrivia - - Boomburst Guild: Unleash the Roar of Adventure!
    2 points
  9. co: 1m by @Callmerengod min bid: 100k no insta auction ends 3 days after first bid cash and cc (370k each) accepted
    2 points
  10. Start kommo 1 m Min raise 100 k Start jangmoo 700 k Min raise 100 k Accept cc 370 k Rr 500 k 48 hours auction after first bid
    2 points
  11. my alt SaleThePredator will transfer for the trade
    2 points
  12. wts this special event poke : Starting offer :500k minimum bid:50k Auction end 5 days after first bid . ENJOY!
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Greetings, I have forced the outcome of this auction, as the seller is trade restricted. Kind Regards, * Zoruami *
    1 point
  15. start - 150k min bid 25k payments only pokedollars auction time is 5 hours - starts after the first bid
    1 point
  16. Auction is closed and @Shaktimaan is the winner with 1.5m
    1 point
  17. +1 respect from who is in 2am and still hang on =))
    1 point
  18. Noted, also this is a notice that i have to go for my wonderfull workplace, i'll try to check at the end time of auction which is 8 hours from now as i won't be able to update the c.o very often untill then but i'll try my best to atleast be here at the endtime
    1 point
  19. Sounds amazing! Can't wait to see you show your stuff in the spriting corner! GL.
    1 point
  20. +1 , as though I think they should atleast give some animation of moves in PvP and pve and event's quest.
    1 point
  21. Don't worry, animations are very simple to do, much more simple that you think, and very soft, like just 100kb per file.
    1 point
  22. @Wiiiiiii hi, you won the auction when are you gonna be online?
    1 point
  23. Start Offer : 6M Min Bid : 300k Insta : 15M. Duration : 72 hours after the first bid. Accepted payments : Reroll Ticket : 500k each. Nature Reroll : 250k each. Coin Capsule : 400k each. Pokedollars. Quick Reminder : Don't forget this !
    1 point
  24. Hello @Megadialga, Since you have already used your Big MS Medallion, it is now not possible to refund your coins. Given that there are no further actions required on this case, I will proceed to lock this thread. Don't hesitate to create another thread if you encounter any issues or want to ask any questions in the future. Kind regards, Yverneas.
    1 point
  25. Customs now open again.
    1 point
  26. 20m( money in gold I will transfer )
    1 point
  27. Your Magnemite was restored and 5 PvE coins were removed from your account, check now.
    1 point
  28. FLOWER SHOP POKÉMON Silver Server We don't sell pokemon for free don't trade pokemon prices may change over time negotiable pokemon payment installments Contact me! DISCORD: Poltergeist130#0576 NICKNAME IN GAME: Poltergeist130 Payment methods Pokedollar Coin Capsule 380k Rare Candy 7k Reroll iv 530k Reroll Nature 300k Welcome To Flower Shop! we have several types of grass pokémon feel free in the store Kanto Grass Type Pokemons Jhoto Grass Type Pokemons Hoenn Grass Type Pokemons Sinnoh Grass Type Pokemons Unova Grass Type Pokemons Kalos Grass Type Pokemons Thanks for Visiting! Come Back Often!
    1 point
  29. Hey. According to your rules, you can't say die to other players, but there is this problem i feel offended by the dialogue from battle boss where it say "Welcome to die" - so to hold a good standard, maybe change dialogue? Greetings a concerned person.
    1 point
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