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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. does not work :(


    Add the game as exception to your firewall as for your virus protection.

    Please also turn of your virus protection when you start to update.


    Before you do that, please re-download the game again. As always, make sure to delete all previous PRO versions.

    Also: No error log? Always stuck?


    Regards Xylos

  2. [ATTACH=full]58058[/ATTACH]





    what is the issue, is it stuck?

    If yes, does any crash report appear?

    Otherwise make sure you:

    • have the latest version of .NET Framework installed
    • put your PRO Files in a folder and not directly in your drive
    • open the application as administrator

    Let me know if it works.

  3. Tengo problemas con mi navidad, no quiero que su imagen aparezca cuando la coloco primero y camino solo aparece oscuro esa parte




    should be fixed now. Can you confirm that?


    Regards Xylos

  4. Was wondering if a mod can de level my snorlax , gained a level while stark mountain but got critical ohko and now I can't go back in because it's not at lvl 60


    Hey Highrise,


    like triquetrum already stated, we won't de-level your Pokémon for such a case. We only de-level Pokémon, if a de-level is needed in order to evolve it. Means we de-level only not fully evolved level 100 Pokémon which need a level up in order to trigger the evolution.


    I'm sorry but we can not help you in this case. :/

    Tip: You can catch some Pokémon in the cave in order to revive your level ~60 main Pokémon in case it gets defeated in a unlucky way.


    Regards Xylos

  5. I need help, yesterday i was excluding pokemons from my bag and i accidentally deleted a gliscor level 100 without it is not ha, i would have to recover it for myself pls


    Hey Denizlebr22,


    I have recovered your Pokémon. Please be more careful next time.

    Additionally, please use the proper thread in future: Restore Mega Thread


    Regards Xylos

  6. Can you try to use teach Solar Beam to your Pokémon and see it it attacks in one turn?

    Because the screenshot does not necessarily proof the bug. I want to go sure if it really is a bug before I forward it and it can be investigated.


    Regards Xylos

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  7. Hey,


    Maribella didn't show you the option to get a shin/sync option, right?

    In this case it is not a bug and is, like already mentioned before, intended in such a way that Maribella never had this option.

    At the moment a few staff members are working on a boss revamp, if you have any suggestions, feel free to read following post and give feedback: Boss Revamp Opinions Here


    Regards Xylos

  8. Dear support,


    I have some issue with the leveling bar. Some of my poke are supposed to lvl up (the blue bar reach the max and reset) but they don't. I already dc to reconnect again but nothing change.

    Is this a known bug ?


    Silver server

    Mt. Silver 1F


    Thank you



    Hey Keychi,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    You could try to re-download the client. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions and delete your temp files before you do so.


    In case it should still happen, can you provide screenshots or a video of that bug?


    Regards Xylos

  9. i couldn't fight the pokemon , i couldn't throw pokeballs , i couldn't change my pokemon , i couldn't even run from it.

    Can we get a solution about it because i deserve it and i could catch it if this bug didn't happened.




    Hey CroakMain,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Unfortunately we can not refund any lost Pokémon, items, or game progress at all.

    Lost by crash issues (Including disconnections and rollbacks)


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.

    This includes loses caused from bugs.



    Once again, we are sorry for that but there is really nothing we can do in such a case.



    If this happens to you often, please try to re-download the client. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions and delete your temp files before you do so.

    I will lock this topic now as it is answered.


    Regards Xylos

  10. Hi guys! There is a big problem with the new patch.

    Fainted pokemons still have HP for a pair of turns and they can switched in to faint again (like stealth rock damage).

    Revived pokemons can't switched in cause they still viewed as fainted for a pair of turns.

    Perish Song doesn't work on Sturdy, they left with 1hp instead of perish.

    Revive doesn't work on Shedinja (and his phantom force hits in 1 turn instead of 2), after battle i had a 284/1 hp Shedinja and the hp bar glitched straight the screen for a while.

    When u lost a boss battle, sometimes you get the entire team fainted until you go to a pokemon center or you start a battle (you black out again before the battle screen and you return to PC)

    I didn't tried pvp yet but there is very difficult fighting trainer and bosses now cause these bugs... However i think the old system was better for farming and we never got problems.


    Hey Tafy,


    I'm sorry for inconvenience.

    Most of the stuff you experienced is connected with a certain bug, but does not stay in connection with the new patch.

    • Revived pokemons can't switched in cause they still viewed as fainted for a pair of turns.
    • after battle i had a 284/1 hp Shedinja and the hp bar glitched straight the screen for a while.
    • When u lost a boss battle, sometimes you get the entire team fainted until you go to a pokemon center or you start a battle

    This is all because of this one bug. It does appear rarely and random but is easy to fix with a client restart. If the hp bar displays wrongls or your team is defeated, a simple switch of your Pokémon in your party may help,


    Regarding the other stuff you mentioned:

    Revive doesn't work on Shedinja (and his phantom force hits in 1 turn instead of 2)

    Revive does not work indeed, but that is because how Shedinja works. Wonder Guard, its ability, was coded and a few mechanics regarding the Pokémon changed, such as the interaction with Revive. It is true, it should be revived with full hp and it should not not work in general.


    Perish Song doesn't work on Sturdy, they left with 1hp instead of perish.

    I can not prove it but I think this was even before the new client was release but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, its noted.


    Thanks for reporting.


    Regards Xylos

  11. Hello

    I have a problem

    My ninetails Drought ablity does not work, after evolve from vulpix.

    silver server, koltis


    Hey koltis,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Can you proof that in any way? If possible via screenshots or video. Because it works just fine for me.


    Regards Xylos

  12. Thunder Wave accuracy in-game is 100, despite it does sometimes miss. I suppose it has 90 ACC as it is in 7th gen, but in-game is still wrong. More a glitch than a bug, I think it belongs here.


    Hey Paski,


    indeed, the accuracy should be 90. It also is 90, but is just wrongly displayed at the moves information. I have forwarded the issue. Thanks for reporting. I can't tell you when it will be fixed as its more a minor bug as Thunder Wave works correctly and is just displayed wrongly.

    I will try to keep you up to date.


    Regards Xylos

  13. hello guys i am not sure if its a bug or not.. when i am on battle with an wild poke i cant use my cursor in the item's


    Hey Falcon3R,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    This may be fixed now, can you tell me if that still appears?

    If yes, please try to re-download the client. Make sure to to delete all previous PRO versions before you do so.


    Keep me up to date.


    Regards Xylos

  14. About 7:30 PM I was on Route 111 Desert and when my Axew hit lvl 62, evolution window showed to me and my game has crashed few seconds later. I logged in like a moment ago and my Axew has evolved without my permission.. Can you undo my evolution? I didn't want to evolve him that early.


    Hey Madziaaa,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Unfortunately we are not able to de-evolve any Pokémon. We are sorry for that. :/

    We can only de-level Pokémon and this, only when it is needed in order to evolve a Pokémon.


    I can not help you here, sorry.



    I'm writing about my pikachu.

    I accidentally evolved him into raichu and now he cannot learn new attacks.

    Help me please!!


    It can still learn new moves and you can relearn old moves at the move relearner (Saffron city and Cerulean City for Kanto) and learn moves which only the pre-evolution can learn through the pre-evolution relearner located in any Daycare center (Route 5 for Kanto).


    I have linked some Wiki pages in case you want to learn more about the underlined words.


    Kind regards Xylos

  15. I had just caught a Xmas treecko not even 5min ago and the servers crashed and rolled back! Now it’s no where to be found in my pc or party.. I’ve been hunting for this thing for 2 days!


    Hey Deviousqt,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Unfortunately we can not refund any lost item, Pokémon or game progress in a case of a rollback.

    Lost by crash issues (Including disconnections and rollbacks)


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.


    You can avoid losing Pokémon by doing a re-log after you successfully caught them, as the re-log forces the server to save it.


    Once again, we are sorry for that but there is really nothing we can do in such a case. :/

    I will lock this topic now as it is answered.



    Regards Xylos

  16. how to complete the teleport quest ? and find mine and pules rod


    Hey luffy1811803,


    feel free to take a look at our Teleporter Quest guide.

    The rods are located at different locations, you always need the next lower rod in order to get the next better one. Means in other words; you need the Good and Old Rod in order to get the Super Rod.

    • Old Rod - Vermilion City in a house (For free)
    • Good Rod - Fuchsia City in a house ($15,000)
    • Super Rod - Olivine City in a house ($75,000)


    Do you have any further questions regarding this topic?


    Regards Xylos

  17. I wanna know what are the missing evolutions in the Game, and how can I or anyone who is interested in the topic know when these evolutions are working.


    I'm trying to get a Latias and I'm afraid that the required amount of the Evolutions I need to have are not enough. I almost evolved every creature in the game that can be


    evolved ... So please give me


    some insights on the matter.

    Peace :)


    Hey Sakhi,


    there are only a very few evolutions not working, I listed them below. Like you said, there are a few evolutions which work a bit different than in the normal game, which ones you can find out in following topic: List of evolutions coded differently in PRO



    Currently not/not right working evolutions:

    • Spritzee 682.png
    • Swirlix 684.png
    • Burmy 412.png


    You can definitely reach all evolutions for Latios as many players already reached that point and we wouldn't implement any requirements you can not reach.

    Make sure to not forget generation acrossing evolutions like Pichu172.png=>Pikachu025.png, Electabuzz125.png=>Electivire466.png or similar. All Pokémon you already have evolved into, are marked with a little start in your Pokédex - as side note in case you didn't know that already.


    Do you have any further questions regarding this topic?

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