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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. Hey PRO staff,


    One of my customers of the DarkFuture ArtShop has made me aware that their guild logo has been reset.

    When I wanted to change, it didn´t work the first time, despite a short waiting period.


    At the second attempt, it worked. Maybe it will affect more guilds.





    Hey SchattenDialga,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Thank you for your report! We will keep our eyes open and see if this problem will occur more often in future and will forward it our developer team in case it will happen more often.

    Have a nice day!


    Kind regards Xylos


    Hi everyone, I currently am in Mossdeep City and I'm displayed in the sea. Just wanted to drop this so the developpers can notice this bug (it's not a really impactful one whatsoever, hence why a short post should suffice)!

    Hey Havox,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Thank you for this report! I have forwarded the issue and it will be worked on.

    I can't tell you when exactly this issue will be fixed as its a more minor issue and the DEV team has many other projects, but I will keep you up to date once I hear anything new.


    Regards Xylos

  3. Taught my blastoise Ice beam last night, now he doesn't know it and the TM is gone when i log in this morning.


    Hey TanMan1234,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    This is a bug which can occur sometimes. We have no ETA when this will be fixed.

    However, unfortunately, we can not refund any lost money, items or game progress at all.

    Lost by crash issues (Including disconnections and rollbacks)


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.


    Make sure to check out update logs from time to time where all bug changes are mentioned. Otherwise I will try to keep you up to date.


    Regards Xylos

  4. I fought against the pumpkin king from the 2 pokemon I could not attack anymore and had to exchange pokemon had to restart the game. Now I have 12 days cooldwon ......


    Hey TatsumiMeliodas,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    I'm sorry that you was in a position where you had to restart the client in order to continue the game and weren't able to pick a move of your Pokémon in your boss fight.

    When you left the game while any boss fight, you will spawn in front of the boss and the fight will count as lose.


    I am aware that this was the only option for you as you couldn't pick any move or do something else in the moment of the fight. This might have been a bug or a connection issue to the servers. We can unfortunately not refund any lost items, money or game progress neither we can reset any cooldown times.

    Lost by crash issues (Including disconnections and rollbacks)


    Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.


    If the problem often occurs, outside of a server crash, please try to re-download the game. Don't forget to delete all previous PRO versions when you do so.

    With this being said, I will lock this topic now.


    Regards Xylos

  5. how to incense the owed pokemon


    Hey luffy1811803,


    I'm sorry for this late reply.

    If you want to know how to increase the owned Pokémon stat - this is easy.

    The owned Pokémon counter counts all Pokémon you ever had in possession, means captured Pokémon, all evolved Pokémon, all traded Pokémon and any other Pokémon you ever had in your team or Pc. The owned data does count Pokémon you ever had in your possession, that means it wont decrease when you trade a Pokémon away, evolve it or delete it.

    Other than for the evolution count, owned Pokémon don't have to emanate from your OT (Owned Trainer), also Pokémon from a other trainer will count in the statistic.


    Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this topic.


    Regards Xylos

  6. Hello everyone,


    I'm sorry for this late reply and the inconvenience connected with this bug.

    this bug should be fixed now since a certain time and everything should went smooth.

    Therefore I will lock this topic now. In case you should still have any problems regarding a trade, please create a new topic and we will assist you there.


    Kind regards Xylos

  7. I got first in bug catching but I got only 10k means 2n place it's not fair


    Hey diwakar1470,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Indeed, as the first placed it should not be possible to obtain a 10k money reward, this is, like you said, a reward you can get from the 2nd place only.

    This might have been a bug. We are sorry for that, we can unfortunately not refund or change your reward.


    In case this should happen again, please take a screenshot and provide it to us in order to fix this possible bug.


    Regards Xylos

  8. Hey I traded my friend(Barnaclebob) a gurdurr pokemon id 29467221 to evolve it but I didnt realise it was region locked to sinnoh and he only has access to Hoenn so it is now unaccessable in his computer. Was wondering if there is any way to transfer it back, cheers.


    Hey SeeingEyeDog,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and late reply.

    The bug should be fixed now. Does that also apply for you?


    Regards Xylos

  9. no puedo tradear... Si entro a los que es trade pero al rato de pagar solo me deja ingresar 5000 pokedollars y no puedo ni colocarlo..... Coloco set pero no ingresa el dinero..... Por favor solución al problema


    Hey Lmentrix2191,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and late reply.

    The bug should be fixed now. Does that also apply for you?


    Regards Xylos

  10. EnEn


    Hey JuanGM,


    I'm sorry for the late response.

    The server were offline at the time you posted your topic.

    Is the issue solved now or do you still have problems?


    If you still do have some, please try out our general troubleshoot:

    • Crash issues or other issues


    ▪︎ Win7 Guide

    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix

    ▪︎ Android Guide

    ▪︎ Mac Guide

    ▪︎ Linux/GNU Guide

    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix



    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

    1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

    2. Disable anti-virus program

    3. Restart computer


    Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

    1. The Unarchiver

    2. WinZip5

    3. Keka

    4. BetterZiip


    Others solution:

    Update driver and reinstall Direct X


    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.

    Let me know the result.


    Regards Xylos

  11. Hi ,

    There is happening trade bug again. I can not set money not more than 4 digits. Please fix it ASAP. Having little lag problem too.

    I am in silver server. Screen shot of my problem and my trainer card is attached. For your kind consideration.

    Need help ASAP.


    Hey MasterSam,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience and late reply.

    The bug should be fixed now. Does that also apply for you?


    Regards Xylos

  12. Help. I waited 20 minutes. :( and it haven't done[ATTACH=full]60939[/ATTACH]


    Hey hotranvietcuong,


    I'm sorry for the late response.

    Like Rathernal already mentioned, the server were offline at the time you posted your topic.

    Is the issue solved now or do you still have problems?


    If you still do have some, please try out our general troubleshoot:

    • Crash issues or other issues


    ▪︎ Win7 Guide

    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix

    ▪︎ Android Guide

    ▪︎ Mac Guide

    ▪︎ Linux/GNU Guide

    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix



    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

    1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

    2. Disable anti-virus program

    3. Restart computer


    Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

    1. The Unarchiver

    2. WinZip5

    3. Keka

    4. BetterZiip


    Others solution:

    Update driver and reinstall Direct X


    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.

    Let me know the result.


    Regards Xylos

  13. I think this is not a mapping bug, more a unlikely other bug.

    I still moved it into the right sub forum. Nice that you had a Escape Rope and it worked. :)


    Regards Xylos

  14. Hello there in game name is mr chronic, i did part 2 of the eumi island quest to get manaphy , i found the stone and put it in place the temple stopped flooding and then manaphy disappeared do i not get to catch manaphy or try to after the quest? Please help me thank you


    Hey MrChronic,


    as far I have understood your problem, you didn't even battled Manaphy.

    Try to leave the temple and talk with your fellows. After that, they should mention that you should follow Manaphy again, in the temple. At this point you can fight and potentially catch Manaphy. I recommend a fast catch because of the current server problems. For that, you can use a Master Ball for example, a re-log after you caught Manaphy is also recommended.

    A re-log will force save the Pokémon, that does work for any Pokémon, by the way.


    In case I misunderstood the problem and you already fought Manaphy but lost it for some reason, you will have to fight Boss Nikola in order to have a second chance to catch Manaphy.

    Boss Nikola is located in Unknown Place near Trainers Valley. Nikola does need a good preparation as he has a strong team.


    Keep in mind that Boss Nikola was reworked recently and some sources might be outdated.




    Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this topic.

  15. Today i bought a new 15 days ms, the ms star is there, but on trainer card says it says inactive, also i havent got a single ms poke on eumi since i used it.

    Silver server.




    Hey Bukakken,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    We currently have a visual bug with the MS status in the trainer card. Sometimes it says active while it is inactive, sometimes it says inactive while it is active. It is being worked on but I can't really tell you when it will be fixed also because it is a more minor bug.

    I looked into your account and it seems your MS is active, you can trust the sign in the upper left.


    If you want to go 100% sure, please try to enter a ms only area like Sevii Island, Safari Exclusive or Pokèmon Tower underground. Also looking if you encounter MS only Pokémon could help.


    Let me know the result.

    Regards Xylos

  16. Hello, firstly I would like to thank you for your answer, unfortunately it didn't work, I had already thought about the fight but unfortunately I'm stuck in a pokecenter so I can't fight, alt + tab doesn't work for me and move with the mouse doesn't work either




    have you also tried to use the escape rope?

    If not, could you please login to the game? I would help you. My time it a bit limited at the moment. I hope we won't miss each other.


    Regards Xylos

  17. i have this problem with patch can you help me please:ChikoritaWTF:[ATTACH=full]58528[/ATTACH]




    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Please try to do following steps which usually help to get rid of the problem:

    • run PRO as Administrator
    • re-download PRO at our Download page, before you do, make sure to delete all previous PRO versions
    • install the latest version of .NET Framework on your device
    • put all PRO Files in a folder and not directly in your drive
    • restart your computer
    • add pro as exception to your firewall and virus protection
    • disable your real time virus protection for the time the client updates

    Let me know if it works.

    Anyway, if you have a new problem and couldn't find a solution for it, please create a new topic and don't post on already existing ones to guarantee a personal help and do not interupt other topics. :)


    Kind regards Xylos

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