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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. Hi, haven't played for more than a year, and i tried to go to sinnoh but to beat the third boss. You need to go to new Mauville, but this one is locked since i didn't complete the teleport quest. So i went for it and i visited every pokecenter three times following this list :

    -Oldale town

    -Petalburg city

    -Dewford town

    -Slateport city

    -Mauville city

    -Verdanturf town

    -Rustboro city

    -Fallarbor town

    -Lavaridge town

    -Fortree city

    -Lilycove city

    -Mossdeep city

    -Sootopolis city

    -Evergrande city

    -Pacifidlog city


    I'm 100% sure i visited them all three times. I feel like wasting 10 hours running for nothing. Is it possible to reset the quest or have any information on a missing pokecenter in the list ?







    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Can you take a quick look at our guide for this quest (Teleporter Quest) and look if you have anything missed and at which part you are.

    As far as it is possible of course.


    Regards Xylos

  2. it lacks a lot of officers with quests it would be cool if you could put a little more because there are only two thank you for reading.




    I moved your post in our suggestions sub forum.

    I think you are talking about the Bounty quests from officer Jenny, right?


    Regards Xylos

  3. Hello, this night, i can't connect to the silver server. What have i to do?




    server should be up again. They were down for a while. If you still can not connect, please open a new thread.


    Do not ask about the server status here. Your topic will be locked instantly.


    Regards Xylos

  4. Its been over 10 minutes since i can last login was kicked out again today


    We currently have server problems. The issue is not on your end. We are working on it.

    Try to login from time to time. It shouldn't take to much time. ^^



    Do not ask about the server status here. Your topic will be locked instantly.


    Regards Xylos

  5. in theory i have chose charmander because when i go from oak is the only pokeball that missing. but when i go at route 25 for talk with psyduck he is not here.

    Quest not working ?? if it is for that reason then I will wait


    Like I said in previous post:

    But still want to mention that the Psyduck hat quest is currently not working and our Content Scripter are working on it. I can't really give you an ETA because staff has much to do with the Christmas event currently.


    You have to stay patient for a bit. :/

    You can look at our Update Log to stay up to date regarding any fixes.


    Regards Xylos ^^

  6. Hi,


    So I'm using the move Wild charge with my Pikachu and after the hit connect my hp goes down twice and I think it should happens only once.






    Hey Arkningy,


    the recoil of Wild Charge should work properly. It should be a visual bug. I tested it and it just worked fine.

    But you can provide a video if you think it does really not work for you and I will forward the issue. :)


    Regards Xylos

  7. Hello there, I wanted to make a report on two issues I found.

    1.The scroll bar on for the items section during battle doesn't seem to move at all and just stays in place. Luckily I found out that I was able to click and drag through the items list, but it's a bit more frustrating to do this way.


    2. The Max Revive item doesn't seem to work, even after using it on the Pokemon that is fainted, the message pops up with "The Pokemon has fainted," and doesn't revive it.


    Could please have these issues looked into? Thank you for your time.


    Hey LightningVector,


    thanks for the report!

    I have forwarded the issued and will keep you up to date regarding any fixes.

    You should also still be able to use your mouse wheel up and down in order to scroll through the item list.


    Edit: You can also try to re-download the client in order to get rid of the scrolling issue. Make sure to delete all previous PRO files.


    Regards Xylos

  8. I just noticed something and I even tested to take a screenshot.


    When we put a Pokemon on the In Game Chat, it looks like the bar of happiness does not show the real happiness of the Pokemon.


    Here's the screenshot to support:

    (250/250 is HP)


    This is not a ''bug'', but it can cause problems in some situations.

    Exemple: A guy already asked for help, his Pokemon did not evolve, and we all thought it was because he did not have enough happiness. (A Budew iirc)


    I know it's not major, maybe even its intended to be like that, still I Hope i posted in the right section. Good day!! =)


    Hey Madtrainer,


    thanks for the report. :)

    Yes, you did post it in the right location.

    It indeed seems to be a bug, but I can't really tell you when or if it will be fixed any time soon as it is, like you said, more a minor bug. :/


    Once again, thank you for the report.


    Regards Xylos

  9. Hello!


    I have a problem with full screen. I can still see this blue bar on top and the game is too big to see the bottom of the window.


    Hey Velmyle,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Can you check once again if you really have selected the full screen mode in your options?




    Else, if it is marked, you can try to re-download the client. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions if you do so.

    Let me know the result.


    Regards Xylos


  10. Hello! I have faced a bug in the bag, while I can't scroll down to use items that I want, while I'm at a battle and for this reason I have lost a lot of battles. Even if I re-log in, it doesn't being repaired. You can see the bug in the image that I have attached. I hope that you can fix it as soon as possible. Thank you in advance!


    Hey Drojal,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    The bug is known and being worked on, but I can't give you an ETA as it is currently not a main prior to fix it. You should still be able to scroll with your mouse wheel up and down.

    Additionally, if the bug is really permanent for you, you can try to re-install the game. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you do so.


    Let me know if it worked, if not, I will keep you up to date regarding a fix.


    Regards Xylos

  11. i have talk with ash on route 9 and is disappeared, i have try to found unknown hat ad when i try to pick from monkey is disappeared and i don't have in the bag.

    I try to find psyduck on route 25 but there is not.

    pls help


    Hey KiritoKuro,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    The Psyduck hat quest is only for people who didn't start with Pikachu as starter, that means you can't obtain it when you have taken Pikachu as starter.

    But still want to mention that the Psyduck hat quest is currently not working and our Content Scripter are working on it. I can't really give you an ETA because staff has much to do with the Christmas event currently.


    Regarding the Ash/Unknown hat, if you have obtain it from a wild Mankey, please head to Ash locaed at Route 9 and interact with him. In case you can't process, let it me know and I will try to help you.


    Let me know your result.


    Regards Xylos

  12. Okay. Can you try the same but also delete your temporary files?

    • Delete PRO and all previous versions
    • Delete temp files
    • Restart Pc
    • Download PRO again and test

    Let me know if it works.

  13. hello, i have a problem to reset my password , i was in the red server and i didnt play since like 1 years and when i put my username and my mail , they said they are invalid , but i have found the mail for activate my account , with my pseudo in my adress mail so thats not normal , please help me i really want to play this game


    Hey Luty,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    You can not login because you haven't merged your account profiles yet. To know what the merge is and how to merge, please read following thread carefully: Everything about the merge - General FAQ + Issue FAQ.


    Since everything should be clarified with that, I will lock this topic.

    If you have any issues, read the, in the thread implemented, issue FAQ and create a new topic if needed.


    Regards Xylos

  14. Hello,

    I've been playing PRO for a long time and when ther was the server's merge I messed up and selected my main server as RED ( i should have choose BLUE)

    Is it possible to get an unmerge?

    I've not traded in silver yet and in the FAQ they say it's possible.


    "Q: I accidentally chose the wrong main server and now all my gym badges are missing!

    A: This is why we added a confirmation box to ensure that players would select their proper server. However, staff can assist and unmerge your account if you chose the wrong server as main; note however that this offer is only valable once and exclusively if you never traded on Silver server. In the worst case scenario, you will need to do your story quest over again, but you should have kept your Pokemon and items. "


    Hey Pilovski,


    we warned you a few times, that you should make sure to merge with the right main account. I have forwarded your issue and a Admin will unmerge your account.

    However, once unmerged, this will be your very last chance to merge your account properly!


    I will let you know once your account is unmerged, depending how much Admins have to do, it could need a while. (Your profile with progress is the Blue one(like you said))


    Regards Xylos

  15. Hello PRO Staff, how are u?

    I'm Chrollo NERO, and i have a Shiny Manaphy from the 3rd Summer Tournament...

    But today my Manaphy disappeared from my account...

    I cannot found him in my box...






    I have a LINK and Screenshot for evidences...














    What happened? My best Pokémon...


    Hey Chroll0,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Your Manaphy should be back in your Pc box. Can you confirm that?


    Regards Xylos

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