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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. I've tried to redownload the game too many times but it's always the same outcome

    i still can't login into gold but i can login into silver


    Okay. Please try following_

    Crash issues or other issues


    ▪︎ Win7 Guide

    ▪︎ Win10 Crash Fix

    ▪︎ Android Guide

    ▪︎ Mac Guide

    ▪︎ Linux/GNU Guide

    ▪︎ Black screen and Failed to load mono fix



    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

    1. Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

    2. Disable anti-virus program

    3. Restart computer


    Mac UnZip Programs Suggestions

    1. The Unarchiver

    2. WinZip5

    3. Keka

    4. BetterZiip


    Others solution:

    Update driver and reinstall Direct X


    Also, remember to delete all the past PRO clients and folders you might have in your device, including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles), and even from the trashbin, before you download the new client.


    Let me know your result. In case it should not work, can you name me the exact login message?


    Regards Xylos

  2. the comma for the money was placed in the wrong place. i had 0$ and then after i fought a boss, the comma was on the wrong place.



    Hey RealGeorge,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    Can you try to restart the client and look if the issue is solved?

    If not, try to re-download the client and check if it still appears. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new.


    Let me know the outcome.


    Regards Xylos

  3. I have leveled up my sandshrew from level 8 to level 23 and I haven't gotten the option to learn any new moves. I have spoken to someone on the discord and they told me to leave a post on the forum. Please someone help.


    Hey lulululululul,


    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    Please try to re-download PRO and check if you can learn any moves. Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you download a new.

    If you need any of the moves Sandshrew should have learned, please use one of the move re-learner which relearn a move for only $2,000 (For Kanto: Saffron City and Cerulean City).


    Let me know if it works.


    Regards Xylos

  4. I having a problem in Gold server i cant open the game while silver server is opening...

    Hey PETTROL,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    We had a small down time on the Golden server, can you try to login again?


    In case it should not work, can you re-install the latest client? Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you install a new.

    Let me know your results.


    Regards Xylos

  5. Hello there,

    I unfortunately failed when merging my account to the silver server. Now I spawned in Pallet Town without any badges or progress, but still own my Pokemon and all that.

    In that case I hope for an admin to unmerge my account so I could continue playing from the point I merged.


    Thanks in advance.



    Hey Lightaz,


    we warned you a few times, that you should make sure to merge with the right main account. I have forwarded your issue and a Admin will unmerge your account.

    However, once unmerged, this will be your very last chance to merge your account properly!


    I will let you know once your account is unmerged, depending how much Admins have to do, it could need a while. (Your profile with progress is the Blue one)


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  6. i'm having a porb with gold server when i try to login to gold servin it tlls me that the connction is lost but when when i tried to login into silver it worked just fine


    Hey Zorall,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    We had a small down time on the Golden server, can you try it again?


    In case it should not work, can you re-install the latest client? Make sure to delete all previous PRO versions before you install a new.

    Let me know your results.


    Regards Xylos

  7. Hi, I have 1 macho brace in my inventory, but I had 2 of them, there is my screenshot.





    It seems you made a landing trade a while ago where the landed Pokémon held a Macho Brace. Unfortunately you wont receive any items once you get back the lent Pokémon.

    As stated in the lending trade FAQ:

    • 4. I borrowed someone my Pokemon that was holding a Life Orb, but the Life Orb didn't come back to me?
      • This is indeed correct, if a Pokemon is holding an item at the time the borrow timer runs out; the item will be put into the Temp-Owners backpack.


    Do you have any further questions?


    Regards Xylos

  8. Hi! I was training evs in Route 118, and suddenly my macho brace was missing. Maybe a zigzagoon stole it? There is a way to recover my macho brace? :C

    Hey Keb27,


    your Macho Brace should be in your inventory. Can you check it? In case it is not in your inventory, could you do a screenshot of your bag with the position where the Macho Brace should be? (Items are sorted alphabetic)


    Regards Xylos

  9. I did not play, when I came back I came across a bug, I was completing the badges of hoen and had pokemons from other regions with me, but could not put them back on the pc. plz help

    nick: jmpolican1

    Servidor Silver

    Hey jmpolican1,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.


    It should be fine now as I moved the stuck Pokémon in your Pc box.

    If you still have problems with Pokémon stuck in your party or want to have more information regarding this bug, please visit following forum thread: Pokémon Stuck in Party

    However, it should not happen anymore.


    Make sure to look at our sticky topics next time, as most issues can be solved there.

    I teleported you to the last Pokè Center because you have no Pokémon in your team now. Please go to your Pc and take one before you continue.


    Have a nice day! :)



    Regards Xylos

  10. Hello, well my problems is that when I enter the game, it does not let me enter, please do not know if they are in maintenance but if so, please wait for your answer, thanks.

    Hey rogerchans,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    We have problems with the servers at the moment. Shouldn't take that much time. Try to login from time to time.


    Regards Xylos

  11. Hi, my boyfriend and I both play on the silver server and today we cannot log in at all to it.

    I was able to log into it just fine yesterday. We are able to log into the gold server just fine.

    We have re-installed the clients, re-started the computers, re-booted the modem, changed passwords.

    We play on the same home network but we play on separate computers, separate accounts.

    Once we click log-in the caption says "Connecting to server" and then changes to "Logging in" and then fades out and nothing happens.

    Hey Nomerza


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    We have problems with the servers at the moment. Shouldn't take that much time. Try to login from time to time.

    In case it should not be solved for a longer time and you think it is not connected with our server problems, create another General Support topic. :)


    I will close this one now as it seems to be connected with our server problems.


    Regards Xylos

  12. A

    I was afk and when i came back my game screen was in error so i restarted the game.And then i cannot log in anymore. I tried like 20times nothing changed.


    Hey oakup,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

    We have problems with the servers at the moment. Shouldn't take that much time. Try to login from time to time.


    Regards Xylos

  13. Firstly, Thank you for your all help.

    I deleted temp files. After that I downloaded new versiyon again but it did not solve.

    Same bugs again. I tried to battle again but same. when I change a pokemon, my pokemons go across the screen again.



    I forwarded the issue and found out that the bug is known for a long time already but it is not known what it is caused by neither what to do to fix it for sure.

    A new client may solve the issue, but we don't have any ETA when this will be available. I have listed here all steps you could also do, but I can not promise that any of them will work.


    You also have done some of the steps, you can skip those or repeat them one more time. Additionally I want to mention that some steps have a low possibility to work but I wanted to mention them to give you really all possible solutions.


    • Run PRO as Administrator
    • Check if you have downloaded the right version of PRO
      • If you run a Windows version, check here which client you need (x64/x32): Do I run Win32 or 64 bit?
        • A Windows 64 bit version allows you to run the PRO 32 bit version as well, sometimes better as it does for a PRO 64 bit version.

      [*]Make sure to have deleted all previous versions of PRO and all connected files including the temporary files (https://tinyurl.com/deletetempfiles)

      [*]Make sure to have followed our crash guides: Win7: https://prnt.sc/9j9cxx Win10: Win10 Crash Fix

      • Check if your system specifications are high enough for PRO. Recommended specifications.
      • Check if your drivers are up to date and reinstall DirectX.
      • Try to use the compatibility mode
      • Scan your computer and clean your cache
      • Make sure PRO32.exe or PRO64.exe is added to your Firewall and anti virus exceptions
        • Try additionally to run PRO with deactivated Firewall and virus program in case the above step did not work

      [*]Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

      [*]Make sure you have the latest windows updates installed

      [*]Restart Pc after changes were done.

    Make sure to close the PRO client after you have changed something and try to run PRO again.


    At the end you can also try a Windows System Restore to a date were PRO worked correctly: What is a Windows System Restore, how do I use it.


    Regards Xylos

  14. I believe I might have accidentally merge my account from the blue server to the silver server on accident because I used to play 2 years ago actively but have now returned and I was wondering If I could get it merged to Gold because it appears I can't merge again. My account name is zPhysical.


    Hey zPhysical,


    at the beginning I want to clarify, that it is only possible to merge for the silver server. You can not merge for the golden one.


    Why? Because it is connected with the reason why you have to merge at all. The old servers, which you still remember it seems, were renamed and two of them were merged.

    The merged ones are Red and Blue, now known as silver. The Yellow server was just renamed to Gold. That means you can merge your blue and red data only for the silver server as only those servers were merged. The only thing you can decide is, which progress you want to continue with - Red or Blue.


    Anyway, server transfers may be possible in future (again). You already had the option to change your main server for a fee of 300,000 Poké Dollar in the past, but like already said, this service is currently unavailable and we do not have any ETA when it will be available again. It depends how much time Admins have.


    If you want more information regarding the merge, feel free to look at our merge FAQ. Otherwise, let me know if you have any further questions.


    Kind regards Xylos

  15. I cant move 2 pokemon out of my party, and i cant move them into my pc. HELP! thank you :)

    Hey TheOrcaMan69,


    I'm sorry for this inconvenience.


    It should be fine now as I moved the stuck Pokémon in your Pc box.

    If you still have problems with Pokémon stuck in your party or want to have more information regarding this bug, please visit following forum thread: Pokémon Stuck in Party

    However, it should not happen anymore.


    Have a nice day! :)



    Regards Xylos

  16. Hello, my first problem still happening. In the battle, when I change a pokemon ,my pokemon go across in the screen. And I can only see my pokemons in the battle.



    Try to re-download the game as first possible solution. Make sure you delete all previous PRO versions before you do. Download page

    Once done, please try it again.


    Let me know the result.


    Regards Xylos

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