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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. I had 801k and I was playing pvp after the battle I lose 40k pls who can help me to restore this 40k


    Hey[uSER=2066330] samsung,[/uSER]


    you do lose 5% of your maximum money when you lose against a NPC or against a wild Pokémon. I assume this is what happened since those 40k are pretty exact 5% of your originally owned 800k. Like Glunarr already mentioned, you do not lose any money when you do PvP fights, this also counts for bosses as they are special NPC´s. :D


    I hope we were able to clarify this issue.


    Regards Xylos

  2. Hello, my game crashed after my growlithe learns the attack fire blitz at lvl 45. When i reco he was lvl 45 and he had not fire blitz, so i went to see to move relearner and i can't relearn fire blitz. How im supposed to have fire blitz so ? I beg your help. Thank you


    Hey[uSER=2130123] Sadman,[/uSER]


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Please try to level your Growlithe up, to level 46. Then, Flare Blitz should be be re-learnable at any move relearner.

    Let me know if it works.


    Regards Xylos

  3. Hello, i need help with my purchase..

    I bought shiny swampert and shiny aerodactyl on the store..but both of them did not appeared on my slot or storage...

    Can someone help me with this problem?

    Ign : Aerynartemis

    Server : Silver


    Hey[uSER=2147286] AerynArtemis,[/uSER]


    your bought mounts should be in your inventory.

    Take a look at your customization slot.





    In case they shouldnt be there, could you provide that with a screenshot?


    Regards Xylos

  4. [ATTACH=full]27137[/ATTACH]


    Hey [uSER=2069491]phuoctai55,[/uSER]


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Indeed, you should be in Sinnoh but you arent. Most probably because of the instant logout. We will teleport you to Sinnoh but you have to be online for that. Please hit me up the next time you come online by a reply at this topic or give us your usual online times and time zone.


    Regards Xylos

    • Like 1
  5. The maps where I shouldn't be able to see far, (ie Viridian Maze) the black box doesn't manage to cover the entire screen. Example attached. I suspect this is due to my native resolution (3849x2160).


    Hey[uSER=2142069] kuriosly,[/uSER]


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Yes, it may be your screen resolution but you can still try to delete the game and download it again which is the usuall way to get rid of any grafical bugs. In case you want to do that, could you tell me your result? Dependig on the result I will move this topic to our Bug Resolution aeria. :)


    Regards Xylos

  6. I am a new player. I have just started playing yesterday and while playing today it just kicked me out then said "You have been banned by PRO". I know they said not to post about this but can someone HELP plz !!!


    Hey[uSER=1439203] Callmehulio,[/uSER]


    you already wrote:

    I know they said not to post about this but can someone HELP plz !!!

    Exactly, please do not post anything ban related in any puplic sub forum. If you want to know why you are banned, please create a Discipline Appeal topic. When created, please stay patient, you can bump your appeal once every 24 hours.


    Locked as posted in the wrong sub forum.

    Have a nice day.


    Regards Xylos

  7. Hi, with the new servers, I lost some items that I had, like a hat, I have a screen of it, but this is, sadly, the only screen that I have.

    I just want it back, because I loved it, I actually had the clothes too. This was on my OneForNeko account

    If you could give it back to me, or give my money back, that would be nice. Love, Neko ~



    Hey[uSER=1601337] OneForNeko,[/uSER]


    Im sorry for inconvenience.

    It seems like you havent merged your account yet. Your main game progress, which also includes the most of your clothes, was located on the Red server which is the Silver server now.

    However, to be able to play on the silver server you have to merge your account.


    How to merge:

    1. Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required!

    2. Step 2:


    In case you dont really know what the merge is or why there is a merge at all, take a look at our Merge FAQ. If the merge should fail or you can still not login to the Silver server, take a look at our Merge Issue FAQ.


    Let me know if it works. :)


    Regards Xylos

  8. I can help with my other account Piyush1004 password ******* it is showing banned but I have taken seaking and I was returning to give to its owner then it was permanently banned ideas returning and it was banned please help me can I open my account so as I give seaking to him please


    Firstly, nice that you can login now.

    In case you have posted your passwords here, please do not do that!!! I have deleted them, thats a private information you should not share.

    However, if you have a banned account, please do a appeal with this account at our Discipline Appeals aeria.


    Since the login issue is solved and all other questions are answered, I will lock this topic now.

    Have a good day.


    Regards Xylos

  9. My item (choice scraft) is disapper when i want to face boss ash westbrook.

    normal npc call me and i try to relogin to avoid that npc,but after im in front of boss,i realize my weaville didnt hold item anymore.

    please help me.


    Hey[uSER=1975701] schatzimbe,[/uSER]


    it seems like you have deleted many Pokémon in the last time, many of them held some valuable items. I recovered all deleted Pokémon which held a Choice Scarf but also with other Items you may still want to have , I hope this is okay.


    Here a quick list:


    - Pidgeotto (Life Orb)

    - Pikachu (Blk Medallion)

    - Pikachu (Light Ball)

    - Vulpix (Charcoal)

    - Zubat (Dragon Scale)

    - Parasect (S. Charziard Mount)

    - Diglet (Blk Medallion)

    - Growlithe (Toxic Orb)

    - Kadabra (Twisted Spoon)

    - Kadabra (Twisted Spoon)

    - Kadabra (Twisted Spoon)

    - Kadabra (Smoke Ball)

    - Machop (Focus Band)

    - Machop (Focus Band)

    - Machop (Macho Brace)

    - Koffing (Smoke Ball)

    - Gravelar (Smoke Ball)

    - Seedra (Dragon Scale)

    - Electabuzz (Electiriser)

    - Graveler (Ever Stone)

    - Slowpoke (Kings Rock)

    - Natu (Mamgarizer)

    - Beautifly (Small Ms Medallion)

    - Dusclops (Reaper Cloth)

    - Drilburr (Blk Medallion)

    - Swanne (Choice Scarf)

    - Chandelure (Choice Scarf)

    - Bisharp (Choice Scarf)

    - Two more Pokémon with a Choice Scarf. I dont remember which, sorry.


    Please be much more careful when you delete Pokémon, we can not recover them always and wont recover them always.

    The items should be recovered with the Pokémon, please check that.


    Regards Xylos

  10. Can't put volt-switch on rotom, this is a game breaking bug, please fix.


    Hey[uSER=1332699] Scopolamine,[/uSER]


    you can teach Volt Switch to your Rotom via Tm which is working but not via move tutor - as intendet.

    ‣ TM122: Volt Switch - Mauville City Game Corner - $2,500


    In case you have any problems with teaching Volt Switch to Rotom via Tm, could you please provide that with a screenshot?


    Regards Xylos

  11. Hey,


    indeed, like said, you have a 20% chance for a legendary dog fom the proper guardian when you are in property of a bell - a 100% chance in case you should win 4 times in a row.

    This should be clarified now, as so, I will lock this topic now.

    Have a nice day and good luck for your catch! :)


    Regards Xylos

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