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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. Future Sight can hit through Wonder Guard. As a psychic type attack, it should not.

    an any admin confirm if this is the correct way for wonder guard and future sight to interact?


    Hey Didact,


    Future Sight works a bit different than other, usual attack moves. Not only the two turn waiting mechanic, also the way how it interacts with other Pokémon and abilities.

    It is like Lightwaves mentioned, Future Sight is able to hit and defeat a Pokémon with Wonder Guard ability. Thanks for the reply! :)


    You can find very nice definitions and detailed information on bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net, a page for all kind of Pokémon stuff.

    Here the page for Future Sigh: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Future_Sight_(move)


    Do you have any further questions regarding this topic?


    Regards Xylos

  2. hello, i have another account RaaptooR i loged in last time without a problem now i want to trade over some pokemon on a new account but i carnt log in in silver gold works fine but silver says wrong username or password, can i know why i carnt log in ?


    Hey Kristofyx,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    It seems that you haven't merged your 'RaaptooR' account yet. The merge is needed in order to login on the silver server.

    What the merge is and how to merge properly, is noted in our Merge FAQ.


    Here a small quote out of it where is explained how to merge:

    How to merge:

    1. Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required!

    2. Step 2:


    Don't forget to select your right main server! (Red in your case).


    In case you have successfully merged but still can't login or have any other issues, please check out our Merge Issue FAQ.


    Kind regards Xylos

  3. Please help idk in route 11. What i gonna do.


    Hey Drtic232,


    there is nothing special in Route 11, its just a route which connects Vermilion with Route 12.

    Story wise there is nothing what can be done.


    If you are stuck in the Kanto story and don't know how to continue, feel free to check out our Complete Kanto Walkthrough.

    If you are searching for any possible information about Route 11, feel free to check out the PRO Wiki page for Route 11.


    Let me know if that helped you or still have questions.


    Regards Xylos

  4. Hello, I accidentally let my Croconaw evolve at a low level. Is there a way to devolve it or duplicate it as a totodile?



    Hey PlayWithFire111,


    unfortunately it is not possible for us to de-evolve any Pokémon.

    As stated in our Evolution & Deleveling Request Megathread:




    Anyway, it is still possible to go through the story with evolved Pokémon. Indeed, they don't gain as much Exp as before but are much stronger than their pre-evolutions.


    Kind regards Xylos

  5. Phione can evolve to manaphy?


    Hey nave420,


    Phione is not able to evolve into Manaphy as it is not possible in the original games.

    Here a picture out of the Bulbapedia page of Phione:




    Keep in mind that breeding is not implemented in Pokémon Revolution Online and therefore it wont be possible to breed Phiones when Manaphy is implemented.

    There is currently no way to obtain a Manaphy.


    Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this topic.


    Regards Xylos


    • Like 1
  6. and yes i got data uxie :RowletHeart:




    just to clarify following again:


    Anyway, the seen data of Shaymin and Victini can not be obtained at the moment, the seen data of Cresselia can be obtained through a quest explained here.

    But again: They are not part of the Lake Trio quest.


    Its not Cresselia which causes the issue to catch Azelf.



    Well I have one at what time does Cresselia come out?


    Now you have Darkrai's data, it's time to meet with Cresselia.

    Go in the Canalave House 4 and talk to Sailor Eldritch between 12:00 to 14:00.


    A quote out of the linked Legendary Mega Thread.



    Regards Xylos

  7. How could I register these pokes?

    I think I'm missing because they do not let me capture azelf


    creselia victini shaymin


    Hey immimo,


    indeed, you need certain seen data of some Pokémon, which are Dialga, Palkia , Arceus, Azelf, Mespid and Uxie which, it seems, you already have obtained. Cresselia, Victini and Shaymin are not part of them.


    Have you done following:

    To make your chosen Lake Guardian appear you need to speak to Dawn at Rowan's lab in Sandgem town, she will ask you which one you will be trying to catch and then that guardian will appear in it's lake.

    Do it in case you haven't.


    In case you still can not catch Azelf, do you also have the seen data of Uxie?

    Also, have you obtainetd the seen data of mentioned Pokémon through the, in the Legendary Mega Thread mentioned, way?

    Obtaining the seen data in a other way than mentioned in the thread can cause issues. Please check the guide again and look if you have missed any step.


    Anyway, the seen data of Shaymin and Victini can not be obtained at the moment, the seen data of Cresselia can be obtained through a quest explained here.

    But again: They are not part of the Lake Trio quest.



    Keep me up to date.


    Regards Xylos

  8. Hello,

    simple question: If i want to catch Heatran I have to enter to Stark Mountain Main Cavern Pt with ONLY one Pokemon. Then I need to beat NPCs. If I want to catch Heatran can I catch Pokemons into this cavern and use them in battles against these NPCs? Or I need to use only one Pokemon? Making it simpler: am I forced to ENTRY with on Pokemon or to USE only that one Pokemon what I entered with?

    Thanks for quick help :)


    Hey PokemonDzoto,


    you can only access Stark Mountain with one Pokémon which has a level of 60 or less. Also, once you entered, a NPC will take all Master Balls and Rare Candys you own and will keep them untill you finished the quest or leave the cave. However, you are still able to catch additional Pokémon when you are in the cave and use them. :)


    Keep in mind, there are two ways to catch Heatran, once without leaving the cave and without Master Ball and once by leaving the cave and and re-enter it with Masterball, Rare Candys and extra Pokémon.


    Here a small part out of the Heatran quest mentioned in our Legendary Mega Thread:


    After you beat Commander Mars you can fight the level 99 485.png, you can decide to catch it without 320536master.png when you chose to do the quest with a Synchronize Pokemon or just beat it.




    If you decided to beat it, you can talk to Buck, he will give you back all your 441384rarecandy.png and 320536master.png and also teleport you to the entrance of Stark Mountain.

    You can go back to the Pokecenter, grab a synch Pokemon now and go back to Stark mountain Heatran Pt, where you challenge a level 30 485.png now. On this Heatran you can use a Masterball to catch it.





    Let me know if you have any further questions regarding this topic.



    Regards Xylos

  9. Hi guys,

    im having trouble entering the dragon shrine, i already have 344 evolutions, dragon medallion, one level 100 dragon type pkmn, and I already beat lance in B1 dragons den what else am i missing?


    Hey Cappedbaldy,


    the exact requirements are:

    • Lance in Dragons Den B1F has been defeated.
    • 150 or more Evolved data in Pokédex.
    • Any level 100 Dragon type Pokémon is shown to him.

    Did you have the level 100 Dragon type Pokémon in your team as you tried to enter Dragons Shrine?


    Also, keep in mind that the entrance of Dragons Shrine is on the bottom right part of Dragons Den and not at the building in the middle of Dragons Den.





    Regards Xylos


  10. So I got 455 hrs game play. I got all legendaries seen data, GM told me to post thread here cause we can't figure out why the quest doesn't continue..[ATTACH=full]48942[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]48943[/ATTACH]


    Hey Tidus,


    It seems you have caught your legendary dog, was you able to get rid of this problem?

    Just to go sure I want to mention that you currently can catch only one of the three Legendary Dog's.


    Regards Xylos

  11. I have found that the area map where it shows the pokemon found in this area is missing Pidgeotto on route 25. I have come across it multiple times so I assume it's not just a glitch.


    Hey Moarte,


    for me Pidgeotto shows up, on both, Pokèdex and the sidebar.







    In case it is not showing up for you, can you provide a screenshot?


    Regards Xylos

  12. Hello guys,

    I killed Registeel unintentionally and went to fight against Nikola for a rematch, but when I beat him and chose Registeel he told me that he was not fit for it. What have I done wrong?


    Hey Agus,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Also, sorry for the late response.

    Can you answer following questions for me, so Im able to analyze the problem?


    • What happends when you talk to Boss Nikola, does the same dialogue appear?
      • If yes, could you provide a screenshot of it?
      • If no, do you remember the exact dialogue after the match?

      [*]What happends when you go to the to the respective aeria for Registeel?

      [*]Have you any other legendary Pokémon fail caught?

      [*]Are you sure you have choosen Registeel and not any other Regi?


    Regards Xylos

  13. I know this is not the most appropriate place but I'm reporting it here so that it can be moved and answered to the correct section:


    The first bug we're having is in a guild of our alliance, Air Raiders. It is affected by the promotion bug, Sailorgary can't promote anyone to officer. We already did try the demoting, kicking the leader, reinviting and giving leadership again solution and it didn't work, we have tried many more things but nothing works.


    The second one is urgent: I am currently stuck in Sinnoh without being able to do anything. I'll explain what happened exactly:


    I grabbed 5 Sinnoh Gyarados from my PC in Kanto, brought them to Sinnoh via Vermillion Boat - Canalave. Surfed from Canalave to Jubilife through route 218. When I gave Mdwinn the Gyaradoses, I said bye and went again to route 218. However, each time I reached the middle part of the route, the game simply freezes. I can talk and use the chat but it's as if I was stuck in a wild battle. I've tried using repels and I still get stuck so I don't know if it's related to that. I've tried going to other routes and everything works fine everywhere except in route 218. I can provide screenshots of whatever you need or anything that can help you :) It's not on a specific spot, I always get stuck more or less around the same area.


    Thank you very much for the help!



    Hey Bhimoso,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Regarding the promoting problem, you can try following:

    • Demote the Officer to Initiate
    • Kick him from the guild
    • Both, you and the demoted Officer, do a relog
    • Invite him back
    • Promote him to Officer

    Let me know if that helps.



    You got stuck every time you travel on Route 218? Also, could you provide a screenshot of the exact location you got stuck and how did you got rid of it?


    Regards Xylos

  14. Simple, I use U-turn and it makes me select my pokemon before he executes the attack, so I can't see if my enemy switches or attacks. In pokemon games, you use u-turn and after the hit u're given the choice of which pokemon you wanna bring...


    Hey vincitytaymo,


    this is indeed a bug which is still tolerated in PvP matters as it does not give you any big advantages in a fight. This also counts for Volt Switch which is bugged in the same way.

    If you are interested in which moves are not or not fully coded, feel free to visit the List of broken moves and abilities thread, if you want to know which moves are allowed in PvP matches and which not, take a look to our PvP Rules and Revamp of Bugged Moves / Abilities/ Items thread.


    Anyway, there is no ETA when the move will be fixed. You will find all updates on our Update Log, take a look at it from time to time to stay up to date. ^^


    Regards Xylos

  15. Hi,


    IGN : Moethchdn

    Server : Silver

    Pokemon ID : 25046429 (snorlax)

    GMT Timezone : GMT+1 (France)


    Request :

    Sorry to bother you with this problem (I hope I'm in the good place). I was doing Heatran quest according to this guide https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/71445-url . I choose a snorlax as it is recommended in the guide. I just have a normal type attack so I can't go farther in this quest because a trainer is using a ghost type Pokemon (spiritbomb). The problem is my snorlax took one level (it is level 61 now) during this quest (I defeat the first trainer) so I can't try it again.

    Is it possible to bring back my snorlax to the lvl 60, I mean to degrease it of one level please (I caught it, EV trained it and paid 21K for the moves, specially for the quest) ?

    The guide recommends to use a snorlax but doesn't precise there is / are ghost type Pokemon in the quest ...


    Best regards,


    Hey Moethchdn,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Unfortunately we can only de-level Pokémon which arent able to evolve on the specific level in order to make that possible.

    Im extreamly sorry for your case but we can not help you in this case.


    Regards Xylos

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