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Posts posted by Xylos

  1. hi pro

    i playing for few months i accidently deleted my pokes please restore it those all epic

    and a greninja thats all 20+ i am sry i dont have ss plz restore it if is possible thanks

    Hey Vickey,


    keep in mind, that we have a thread for exactly this cases, please use our Evolution & Deleveling Request Megathread next time.

    However, since we started here, I have recovered your Scrafty and Greninja. You mentioned some other Pokémon which should be recovered, can you name them?


    Regards Xylos

  2. hi so ive tried most and they haven't worked, I haven't the escape rope because I dont have any and I also haven't tried the battling one because no one wants to battle me :(




    I take over at this point as Fluffles is not online anymore. ^^

    Can you login and pm me?

    /pm lachie123-=-xylos


    I will battle you and if see if that work.


    Edit: As it seems like you are logged off too, please try again to ask other players in the All chat to battle you. In case it shouldnt work again, reply here. ^^


    Regards Xylos

  3. Legend1099


    I'm really sorry but I leveled it up and it didn't evolved can u please lower the level and tell me at what time should I level it up



    As mentioned at the beginning of the thread:

    Pokemon that evolve via happiness


    We can't help evolving these as trading will reset the happiness of your Pokemon, and trading is the main component to fix the evolutions.

    However you
    can still
    make evolve your Pokemon yourself. For example if you have a level 100 Riolu, make sure to have max happiness (255) and make it battle during the day. It works for all Pokemon that require happiness during their evolution process.

    [spoiler=Concerned Pokemon]

  4. Hey there,

    i know that it's not prohibited to have several accounts on the same Server - but does that mean that they can interact with each other, like trading?

    I'm aware that only one account can be used in pvp.

    Thanks for help

    Hey potatoland,


    to make it short: It is allowed and not against our rules. Also trading.

    You can have up to four accounts in your ownership.


    Any further questions regarding this topic? ^^


    Regards Xylos

  5. Hello Moderators.

    A Pleasure to see you reading mine thread.


    In every place, I'm there Moderators.

    Please fix it ASAP.

    Thanks in advance if you help me. ^_^


    Hey MinaboUzunami,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    The Sinnoh map is bugged, indeed. The problem is known and is beeing worked on. However, there is no ETA when this problem will be solved. Feel free to take a look at our update logs or at #announcements at our Official Discord server to stay up to date regarding fixes/updates.


    Regards Xylos

  6. How to get this item? It is located in the goldenrod city on the right bottom corner.

    Hey werqulic,


    this item is not accessilble and is placed for fun and troll the players a bit. Just a joke. :D

    It wont be accessible in future and you may find one or two more items like that. ^^


    Regards Xylos

  7. help im at hoenn and talked to the man and the lady and now i need to go to the jagged pass and i cant find it


    Hey HeyImDaan,


    Jagged Pass is a aeria which goes down from Mt. Chimney to Route 112. To enter the Jagged Pass, you first have to drive up to Mt. Chimney with the help of the cable railway at Route 112. You reach Route 112 when you exit Mauville City to the north, follow Route 111 and go the the left right infront of the dessert.





    Once reached the top of the mountain, you have to lead to the south, where Jagged Pass is located.



    Depending what progres you already reached in the Hoenn story, the cable railway or Jagged Pass may be blocked by Team Magmar/Aqua grunts. You have to find a way to get rid of the blocking grunts. Feel free to use our Complete Hoenn Walkthrough as a help. :)


    Let me know if you found it. ^^


    Regards Xylos

  8. My progress on red server did not transfer to the new version of the game. I have not played in a while but I did make a good amount of progress.


    Hey irvketchem,


    you have successfully merged your account and have choosen the Red server as main server, everything should be alright and you should be at the point you reached on the Red server. Maybe you had more progress on a other account? Because I can not see anything wrong on your account.


    Regards Xylos

  9. Hello, I accidentaly released my aerodactyls this morning, some help would be greatful! I m only looking for the 14 atk/31speed...




    I only found a 15 Atk, 30 Speed one which you have released. Is this the one you are looking for? Otherwise, do you have more information about the Pokémon?



  10. Ich bitte sie darum mein Namen von AradonHD zu Adruin zuändern


    Weil es lügen in meine Gilde über mich gab wurde ich gekickt ich will mit neun Namen wieder da rein ist mit nh Office geregelt das Spiel macht ohne Gilde kein Spaß höre sonst vllt auf :c


    Hallo[uSER=645361] AradonHD,[/uSER]


    leider gibt es im Moment keine Möglichkeit Deinen Namen zu ändern. Allerdings bieten wir in unregelmäßigen Zeitabständen Namensänderungen und Account resets an. Das wird dann in unserem Announcements Abschnitt und auf unserem offiziellen Discord server angekündigt. Das letzte mal haben wir diese Möglichkeit, unter bestimmten Kriterien, im Zeitabschnitt vom 1. September bis zum 4. September angeboten, was bedeutet, dass es bis zum nächstenmal noch ein wenig dauern könnte.

    Hier ist der letzte Thread bezüglich der Namensänderungen, falls Du dich für die Kriterien und andere informationen bezüglich diesem Themas interesiers: Klick


    Im Falle, dass Du eine neue Gilde suchen möchtest, kannst Du gerne unseren Gilden Forenabschnitt besuchen. :)

    Hast du noch weitere Fragen zu diesem Thema?


    Mit freudlichen Grüßen Xylos

    • Like 1
  11. i was in battle with celebi and the game kicked me out is there any chance that staff members would help me with this one?? please i've been putting a lot of time and work to catch celebi and being kicked out the game while catching its unfair... please help me in this one, thanks in advance


    Hey @Jiren24,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    Unfortunately we can not manipulate your account variables in such a way, that you can catch Celebi, or any other legendary, again but you are always able to re-catch a not successfully caught legendary Pokémon by beating a ingame Boss - Boss Nikola located at Unknown Place in Trainers Valley.


    You have access at Trainers Valley when you have caught at least 120 Kanto Pokémon and have at least 38 evolutiones which should be completed in your case but you must also have to battled against Red on Mt. Silver in order to have the option to travel to Trainers Valley at the train station in Saffron City or Goldenrod City.


    With this beeing said, I wish you good luck at battling Boss Nikola and catching Celebi! :)


    Regards Xylos

  12. Hi Xylos,


    thanks for your reply. I am not sure about which pokemon are stucked, but i think all because with one of the two account i merged (the main one), i was just arrived in Johto, so I don't think i had already caught any johto pokemon. Otherwise I'd like to move at least Totodile to my party.

    Thanks again


    Okay, I have deleted all. Try to start the Johto story and tell me if you are stuck somewhere, resulting out of this moves.

  13. Hi everybody,


    I just merged my accounts and now my party pokemon, which I think I caught in Kanto, are stucked. I can't either take the starter that I received in Johto.

    Could you help me please?


    Thanks a lot


    Hey cooosmico,


    Im sorry for this inconvenience.

    This is a bug which can occur when you merge your account while you havent finished your current region. It is like you said, your Kanto Pokémon are currenty stuck. Can you name all Pokémon which are stuck in your team? I will move them to your Pc Box. :)


    Regards Xylos

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