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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Hey @Handea, Im sorry for this late response. Please try following steps to be unstuck: Let me know if it works. Regards Xylos
  2. Hey @oPATTHo, Im sorry for this inconvenience. It seems like you lost your Bike Voucher during a server rollback. We apologize but unfortunately there is no way to refund any lost Pokémon, Items or game progress at all. Once again, we are sorry for this but there is really nothing we can do in this case. I will lock this topic now as its answered. Kind regards Xylos
  3. Hey @Tanujj, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The issue of some disapparing NPC´s is known and worked on. There is currently no ETA when this issue is fixed. In meanwhile please stay patient. Regards Xylos
  4. Hey @Shishigami, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The problem of some disappearing NPC´s is known and worked on but there is no ETA when this problem is solved. In meanwhile you have to stay patient, I apologize. Kind regards Xylos
  5. Im glad to see your issue is solved and thank you for the information how you have fixed your issue! :D I will lock this topic now as your issue is solved. Regards Xylos - Locked as solved -
  6. Im glad your issue is solved and thank you for information how you have fixed your issue! I will lock this topic now as @InfernoMaster64 gets helped in a other topic and your issue is solved. I wish you a great day! :) Regards Xylos - Locked as solved -
  7. Hey @TaserBone, Im sorry for this inconvenience. You may have done this already but could you try to close the whole client and start it again? Let me knowe your result. Regards Xylos
  8. Hey @rabsel, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Your Huntail should have a OT now, please take a look on it and confirm the change. Kind regards Xylos
  9. Hey you two, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Try to follow this issue guide: Let me knowe if it works. Kind regards Xylos
  10. Okay, thanks for the info. Glad to see that the issue is solved and no Content Scripter was needed. I will lock this topic now since the issue is solved. I wish you a great day! :) Kind regards Xylos
  11. Hey @tolias91, unfortunately Unburden is a not coded ability. There is no ETA when the ability will be coded but you can check the Ingame Update Log from time to time to stay up to date in case it will be implemented. If you want to know all currently not working moves you can check out our PvP Rules and Revamp of Bugged Moves / Abilities/ Items not to be Used in PvP - thread where all currently not coded or bugged moves and abilities are listed. Kind regards Xylos - Locked as answered -
  12. Hey, is is possible for you to send a screenshot about that issue where you enter the spot with your legendary dog at the first place of your party? I want to avoid any missunderstanding before I´m asking a Content Scripter for help. Kind regards Xylos
  13. Hey @Handea, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Try following steps to solve the issue: Let me knowe if it works. Kind regards Xylos
  14. Hello TWill8108 and welcome to PRO!
  15. Hey @tuxrulez, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Try following steps: Let me knowe if it works. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey @Dysproz, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Have you also tried to enter the spot where you caught your legendary dog (Secluded Lake in case of Suicune) with your dog at the first spot of your party? Sometimes it does only work in this way. Kind regards Xylos
  17. Hey @darkmace10, you need to give a Pecha Berry to the doctor located in the kitchen in order to cure the captain but the Pecha Berry in the trash bin will only appear in case you dont have one in your possession. Take a look in your bag and look if you already have one. In case you have one, just talk to the doctor and he should tell you to go to the second floor and meet Janson. In case you shouldnt have a Pecha Berry, try to talk to the doctor and search again for the Berry located in one of the kitchens trash bins. Let me knowe if it works. Regards Xylos
  18. Nice! :D Good luck with your Heatran! I will close this topic now as the issue is solved. :) Kind regards Xylos
  19. Hey @BilboDabbins, Im sorry for this inconvenience. At the time you posted your first topic it seemd like you wasnt able to connect to the server because of a server maintenance, and that may be even the reason. To fix your issue try to follow following steps (As I saw in your first post you have already done some of those steps but please repeat them to avoid any chance of a misunderstanding): In case you still cant connect to the server or have any questiones to any step, feel free to reply at this topic. :) Kind regards Xylos.
  20. Xylos


    Hey @sgarac, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Normally it shouldnt be possible to lose a ranked game because you have to wait for your opponents turn and be AFK and get finally kicked because of that. In the past there where some issues about never ending PvP-Battles but the issue was fixed and never occurred again. Unfortunately we cant reset this unlucky lose, we apologize. In case you have a similar case in future, you can avoid a kick because of beeing AFK by sending a message in any chat after the symstem tells you you are AFK. However, in case this should happen again or you have a never ending PvP-Battle, please report it in our Bug Resolution Center, if possible with evidence. I hope this was just a isolated case and will not happen again. I wish you a great day! Regards Xylos.
  21. Hey @siddharth2004, Im sorry for the late response. First of all, you may knowe it already, you can click on your account field on the top right or left corner (depending on your forum style) to see a selection of links to useful optiones, also for your signature. Now, after you clicked on the signature link, you can edit your signature and can also add a picture by clicking on the shown icon and enter your pictures url. And thats the way it should work. In case you cant add images on this way or have any other questiones regarding this topic, feel free to reply at this thread. Regards Xylos.
  22. Hey @Rxnwenzo, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Before you follow the steps mentioned in @AyeStewiee´s link we should check where exactly you have this loading issues. For me it sounds like you are still on the login screen and wait for a login, without any blackscreen or other issues. In this case, when no other message apperas besides the "logging in" message, you may be caught in a ghost queue wich is appearing when many player try to login at the same time. You need to wait 1-2 minutes in this case. More information regarding the ghost queue: In case you pass through the login screen and you have a loading map issue, @AyeStewiee´s link may help you to solve your problem and if you didnt, please tell us which message appears when you try to login. In this screenshot for example "Connecting To Server". Let us knowe which issue you had and if you can login right now. Regards Xylos
  23. I will lock this topic now as I see the question is answered. Thank you very much @FireLordIzumi for your fast and correct answer! :) I wish both of you a very nice day! - Locked -
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