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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Glad to see the issue is solved, thank you for your constantly updates since this case was more special than the most others. I will ask a Admin about the different password changes. Also thanks to @LucasMC for your input. I will lock this topic now as the issue is solved. Kind regards Xylos - Locked -
  2. Hey @Skuler, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Could you make sure that you logged on the right server? Keep in mind that Red and Blue are Silver now and Yellow is Gold. Regards Xylos
  3. Hey @Maeldemlki, you can basicly choose but your progress from Red or Blue, depending on the server you choosed as main server at the merge, will be aviable on the Silver server only. Regards Xylos
  4. Hey [uSER=1969183]Scott3133,[/uSER] Im sorry for this inconvenience. The Blue and Red server where merged into one server and is called Silver now. The Yellow server will stay alone but is called Gold from now on. However, to be able to play on the Silver server and continue your game, you have to merge your Red and Blue accounts, for that take a look at our merge FAQ. In case you should have any problems, take a look at our mergeissue FAQ. Regards Xylos
  5. Hey you two, dont worry, your progress is not lost. The Blue and Red server where merged into one server and is called Silver now. The Yellow server will stay alone but is called Gold from now on. However, to be able to play on the Silver server and continue your game, you have to merge your Red and Blue accounts, for that take a look at our merge FAQ. In case you should have any problems, take a look at our mergeissue FAQ. Regards Xylos
  6. Hey @Miakoa, to make it short and quick: It is not possible anymore as the server are merged already. That doesnt mean you cant merge but, like you said, you are not able to login right now. Your clothes wont be deleted aslong you choose your server, where you wear your clothes, as main server. You have to choose in case you wear clothes on both accounts, sadly. Regards Xylos
  7. Hey @Kumiho, this issue is known and is beeing worked on, in meanwhile please use the Poké Center in Vermilion to heal your Pokémon, there is no ETA when the issue is solved. Im sorry for this inconvenience. Regards Xylos
  8. Hey @blazebrem, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Additionally to the Win10 crash guide you should: Let me know if it works. Kind regards Xylos
  9. For more detailed infomation take a look at our merge FAQ, there is also explained how exactly to merge. In case you should have any problems with the merge, take a look at our merge issue FAQ.
  10. Hey @XoRui1990, to solve this issue you need the help of a staff member. Tell us when you can come online or at which times you are usually online and we will try to hit you up. In case you can come online right now, I am available for you. Regards Xylos
  11. Hey @Joelllllllll, Im sorry for this inconvenience. This issue may occur because you havent merged your account yet. To know what the merge is, take a look at our merge FAQ. In case you have some problems to merge your accounts, take a look at our merge issue FAQ. Regards Xylos
  12. So, your previous issue is solved? You dont have Kanto Pokémon in your team anymore? For your stuck issue: In case you are still stucked, let it me know. Regards Xylos
  13. Hey @Ezio1002, here is a quote according to our merge issue FAQ: Right now there is nothing we can do. Please stay patient and wait for more information. Kind regards Xylos
  14. Hey @Ashplays123, the order of your current Pokémon in your team is random after the merge, please take a look in your storage system and search for your Pokémon. If they arent in your boxes, delete some unwanted Pokémon, restart your whole client and take a look in your storage system. In case your Pokémon are still missing, let it me know. Regards Xylos
  15. Hey @Thomaskutty, be sure to login on the right server, in your case Silver and look if your Pokémon are still missing, they shouldnt. Regards Xylos
  16. Hey @Moniilva, dont worry you haven´t lost any progress since you never had one on the Gold server. The Blue server has merged with the Red one and is called Silver now, your progress is on Silver too. To be able to play on silver you have to merge your account, for that, please take a look at our merge FAQ, there is also explained how to merge. Regards Xylos
  17. Xylos


    Hey @awgbudiman, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Could you tell me which message is appearing when you try to login on Silver? Right now it seems like you can not login because you have merged wrongly. Kind regards Xylos
  18. No, thats not the issue. Gym leader have no cooldowns, once you have beaten them you cant rebattle them but if not, no cooldown is given. Staff is working on this issue, Im verry sorry about that but there is nothing we can do at the moment. Kind regards Xylos
  19. Hey @Zickeos28, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The issue is known and is currently worked on, please stay patient until the Silver server is up again, then, you should have all your currently lost Pokémon. :) Kind regards Xylos
  20. Hey @Hanniee, Im sorry for this inconvenience. Dont worry, you havent lost anything but you started to play in a time where our Blue and Red server get merged into one server, this new server is called Silver now and the Yellow server is named Gold now. To be able to play on the Silver server (Red+Blue), you have to merge your account first. For that take a look at our merge FAQ, there is also explained how to merge. But keep in mind that the option to merge your server profiles, the dashboard, is down. Please stay patient and try it again from time to time. It will be up when you are able to login at the dashboard. So, your mounts are not lost, you will get them after you merged your Blue and Red server profile and play on the Silver server. Kind regards Xylos
  21. The problem is known and is beeing worked on, please stay patient. I will lock this topic now as the question on the beginning is solved. In case you miss a answer or have a specific problem which isnt answered/solved yet, please create a new forum topic. Kind regards Xylos - Locked -
  22. Its because the funktion to merge your accounts is down at the moment, the staff team is fixing it at the moment. Please stay patient for a bit. However, I will lock this topic now as the starting question is answerd. If you have any other issues, create a new forum topic please but before you do, please check if someone posted something about the issue already. Kind regards Xylos - Locked -
  23. Hey @Higie, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The Dashboard or lets say the funktion to merge your accounts is down at the moment. The staff team is fixing this issue currently. Please stay patient and try it again in a bit. Kind regards Xylos
  24. A complete new account, no, thats not possible. For a merged account, yes, it will be done automatically. Regards Xylos
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