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Everything posted by Xylos

  1. Hey @RefinedSalt, Blue and Red are merged now. Yellow is Gold now and Blue + Red are Silver now. Take a look if you are on the right server. Regards Xylos
  2. Hello everyone, Im sorry fot this inconvenience. For the Invalid Username or Password - issue: Make sure you have merged your account. All information and how to merge at all, please take a look at our merge FAQ. Kind regards Xylos
  3. Xylos


    Hey @Qwertyllols, the server are currently locked since there are still some things that need to be worked on. The server will be accessible in around 20 minutes. Regards Xylos
  4. Hey @kc07, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The server are currently locked since there are still some things that need to be worked on. The server will be accessible in around 30 minutes. Make also sure you have the newsest version of PRO, you can download the newest right here. Also keep in mind that you need to merge your account in case you played on Blue or Red. Take a look at our merge FAQ how to do that. Regards Xylos
  5. Xylos


    Hey @Mohit15, im sorry for this inconvenience. The server are currently locked since there are still some things that need to be worked on. The server will be accessible in around 30 minutes. Make also sure you have the newsest version of PRO, you can download the newest right here. Also keep in mind that you need to merge your account in case you played on Blue or Red. Take a look at our merge FAQ how to do that. Kind regards Xylos
  6. Hey you two, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The server are currently locked since there are still some things that need to be worked on. The server will be accessible in around 30 minutes. Make also sure you have the newsest version of PRO, you can download the newest right here. Regards Xylos
  7. Hey @Erlian, I locked your topic after I answered your last post because many users abused this post as question thread, like I mentiones at the end. You know what you have to do but the problem is, you have no access to the website since its a error page for you. I do read you posts. :) Yes, you tried already the incognito mode but still, please stay patient for a bit, you can also try a other web browser, and if this is not working as well, wait a bit. When you still cant login in, lets say ~20 minutes, give me a reply here and we will find further steps. Once again, sorry that your previous topic was abused as general question topic. Kind regards Xylos
  8. Xylos


    Hey @Napo312, you can merge right now if you want, and you can also do it when the server are back up, dont worry. :) For all information about the merge, visit our FAQ. Regards Xylos
  9. Hey @Kyukai, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The servers are online but not accessible right now since there are still some things that need to be tested, this will take ~30-40 minutes. Please stay patient and try to login form time to time, it shouldnt take a long time. You can also join our Official PRO Discord Server for any new information. You always have to download a new version of PRO in case of a update, there is unfortunately no update buttom. You can do that right here. Kind regards Xylos
  10. Hello, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The servers are online but not accessible right now since there are still some things that need to be tested, this will take ~30-40 minutes. Please stay patient and try to login form time to time, it shouldnt take a long time. You can also join our Official PRO Discord Server for any new information. Glad you were able to download the new Client, make sure to delete all old PRO versions before you download a new one to avoid any problems. Kind regards Xylos
  11. Hey, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The servers are online but not accessible right now since there are still some things that need to be tested, this will take ~30-40 minutes. Please stay patient and try to login form time to time, it shouldnt take a long time. You can also join our Official PRO Discord Server for any new information. Kind regards Xylos
  12. Sorry, you are totally right, its your topic, I just answerd the other questiones too because of the huge ammount of questiones at the moment. Like i wrote a second ago (Me missed each other): And for the website: You can also try a other web-browser. I hope this answer helps you. I will lock this topic now as its not a collecting topic, if you have other questiones, please create a new one. Regards Xylos - Locked -
  13. Hey @nhocngusay, you have only one account and play only on blue but you can login with your account on all server, even when you never did. Now you have to merge your Blue progress with your Red progress even when you dont have some progress on Red. You can see at this FAQ how to merge. Kind regards Xylos
  14. Hey @Devilsid, Im sorry for this inconvenience. The servers are online but not accessible right now since there are still some things that need to be tested. Please stay patient and try to login form time to time, it shouldnt take a long time. You can also join our Official PRO Discord Server for any new information. Kind regards Xylos
  15. Xylos


    Hey @volkyrion12, you have no access to the server rigth now because, like you already mentioned, they are locked. They are locked because there are still some preperations to make to finish the serevr merge. Please stay patient, it shouldt take much time, try to login from time to time and if you have Discord, check out the Announcement channel in our official Discord server for any new information. Regards Xylos
  16. It seems like the server are up but locked, try it again from time to time or take a look at our Discord server for new announcements. You should have access soon. Regards Xylos
  17. Hey @ReinaReeves, Im sorry for this inconvenience. This message was sent at our official PRO Discord server: For more information about the merge, check out this topic. Regards Xylos
  18. Hey @ZzCrouftZz, do not ask for the server status in the forums - your topic will be closed immediately. However, this message was sent ~10 hours ago. Edit: The server will be accessible soon, please stay patient for another moment. - Locked -
  19. The server are down because of a maintenance and the server merge. However: Do not ask for the server status in the forums. You can check the server status right here. For more information about the server merge, take a look at this topic. I will lock this topic now as its answered. Regards Xylos Edit: The server are online but locked because there are still things that needs to be worked on, the server will be accessible soon. Please stay patient. - Locked -
  20. But the disappearing images are "fixed" now, right? It was just a thing of your phone? Regarding the unwanted spoilers and other stuff, I cant tell you if this is supposed to be like that or not but the most issues regarding unwanted spoilers, changed image code or similar things are appearing when you use the untoggled BB code-mode and add, edit or change your text in any other way (maybe in a wrong way, I dont know). I dont knowe any other way than a manually fix and maybe do a save data on your PC to have a always right version in case of some other issues. Right, but in this case its fine because its not a Imgur link like you have used for the majority of your shop, its a picture which is saved on your computer and was inserted and uploaded as one. The size of the imgaes are caused by the type of link you´re using, the extremly tiny images ar all those images, which are inserted as a Discord link. I think this specific problem is not caused by a bug, way more about in which size Discord, imgur or whatever saves/uploads their images. I hope I was able to clarify and help a bit with my answer. Regards Xylos
  21. Okay, the bug is reported and is worked on, there is no ETA when it will be fixed. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do right now. Please stay patient until the bug is fixed. Regards Xylos
  22. Hey @Kawaiiyummers, please stay patient, wait a few minutes and relog again. In case you dont recive your coins after ~10 minutes you can create a topic in our Donation And Coins Issues - aeria. This aeria is private, only you and staff member will be able to see your topics there. I wish you a good day. Regards Xylos
  23. Hey [uSER=1487503]STRATEGIST[/uSER], Im sorry for this inconvenience. You may have done this already but try to click on the Toggle BB Code sign and check your text and code. There may be some pictures inserted but not showing up, when you toggle the BB Code you may see the problem. When you delete stuff at the toggled mode it should be deleted to 100% as well. Let me knowe if it works. Kind regards Xylos
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