Rather than the name itself, set of rules introduced with the new currency is complex. The new legendary reroll services can be bought with coins and be nontradable. This makes them being exclusive to the person that earned the coin. There are already items on the pvp coin market that are nontradable ( mounts and cosmetics).
About the quests, I will write some quests when I have more time but I think they should be in a way that it encourages people to play more without straining teambuilding. I wouldnt wanna get frustrated while playing a match that I have no chance of winning because of the obligations that quests brought with it.
You want to make people play pvp regularly and not just the end of the month so a cumulative quest like " get to 100 rating only first week of the month, get to 200 rating second week, 300 rating third week, 400 rating last week " sounds (in theory) good. The reward can be obtained only that specific week. You can get 200 rating quest reward only in 2nd week for example. ( you can theoretically get 4 rewards if you play and get to 400 in first week but thats alright you make people play starting first week of the season). Things like that can be added and I will add more when they come to me.
About tokens I also agree with @teerav that they are complex. I have a new way of distribution of pvp coins if you would like to know as well. But it will be in another post and not the topic rhat we should discuss here imo.