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Everything posted by Scorpionsrl

  1. im not sure if this the real place to post this But im kinda mad for not able to sell normal liepard mount but the shiny version yes anyone can fix this :/
  2. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Nero Friendliest: ultron Funniest: djwolf Coolest: celery uwu Comeback Player of the Year: Chaosknight Most Talkative: dark2017 Most Trustworthy: hellsing177 Most Helpful: celery and hellsing177 Most Missed Most Influential Most Intriguing: Most Experienced Player: Best/Funniest Username: all my friends from my guild owo Most Professional Guide Maker: Most Professional Discord Moderator: STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: BerserkerOP Best Artist: Best Community Coordinator: Best Moderator: Best Trade Moderator: Best Game Master: Best Admin: Best Staff Username: Most Professional Staff: Most Dedicated Staff: Funniest Staff: Friendliest Staff: Most Honorable Former Staff Most Missed Former Staff:
  3. 1/8192
  4. i think they have a cooldown try on the next day or hours
  5. duh of couse u can
  6. he evolved the larvesta into volcarona LUL if u think bug catching is impossible try to evolve a pokemon with more points
  7. bajalo denuevo
  8. hola a todos soy loparceus anteriormente mi daycare de evs and level services quedo abandonada y esta vez empiezo desde 0 creando una daycare de level up service solo para gente que habla español y como veran en el titulo me dedico a subir pokes al nivel 90 si andan interesados aqui les dejo el nuevo discord https://discord.gg/gVmaF9V buenas noches
  9. Smh use https://pokemonrevolution.net/status.php for the next time
  10. can u accept 350k for the easter timid serene grace togepi?
  11. sylveon > the rest
  12. does gold server have a s diggersby with huge power? cuz i have one :dab:
  13. postea la foto del shiny
  14. server is still on maintenance no eta when the server is gonna be back
  15. try using 32 bits version
  16. i agreed with this idea i hate the same thing of ignoring the same user everytime and i preffer a block list
  17. nope nikola boss doenst restore your legendary if you release it thats only for the person who got disconnected or killed for error the legendary
  18. i agreed with this also to access snowpoint temple you need to catch the 3 regis sadly you only can catch one so my suggestion is adding rotom evolve to rotom frost in seafoam island or ice path
  19. Nice thanks for the guide <3
  20. -1 because i found stupid this idea for having reroll tickets for shinys
  21. te compro el sharpedo
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