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Everything posted by Allsmell

  1. there are 9 locations, you've shown 8, your remaining one is also in the bot right, very close to the pictures you have already shown edit: Wrote left meant right, have corrected
  2. swipe down from top of screen
  3. I ment harder, the more predictable a boss is the easier it is to beat, Point of instance 1; Currntly Erikas Ferrothorn has explosion, If you use a scizor vs it, it never uses Explosion under 'Dont use uneffective moves rule'. But scizor will get trounced by volcarona, not to mention if you have applied negative stats to ferrothorn that all dissapears for volcarona. Point of instance 2: not very effective move has 2ndry effect that could cripple your stratergy (confusion/burn/toxic/para). If there is an RNG chance to still use this move Boss is harder
  4. If anyone wants to tell me natures/items/abilities other than the ones listed feel free and ill update it, Moves wise the only move I saw was absol's Knock off, if you want to add these also, then ill make a section on it later
  5. Horon, Thief of Souls Requirements 6 Pokémon (any level) About Location - Dark Valley (the map North of Necropolis) Cooldown - 0 time. You may go again as soon as you lose EVs - 0 EVs on Boss Items - Yes You must deafeat him without having any of your Pokémon faint Once beaten will disappear Rewards Team A Method - 7 Turns
  6. Greninja sold 450l
  7. Scizor 1 won 900k Staraptor 1 won 550k Sableye 1 won 250k
  8. I enjoyed this method of auctioning, might need to also state a maximum timelimit. Also probably doesn't get great returns for seller. But enjoyed the change. +1 for new method
  9. Sad news if true. Makes the bosses harder not easier sadly so not sure should be changed. Especially if it's not every move and there is some RNG element
  10. S solrock added 1.5m S aero sold 400k
  11. S aerodactyl added 400k S solrock sold 780k+s aero+hween weavil
  12. When you're 1iv off being better than every none skined poke
  13. Gardevoir sold insta 550k, can't edit main post till Sunday when I get back to my computer
  14. Updated ongoing auctions 24h left on all Scyther sold 100k Flygon sold 550k
  15. Google 'showdown calculator', play with inputs till you get what you want. EVs to stats points the calculation is (EV*current level)/400. Or Ev/4*current level/100. Round down in all cases
  16. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/121635-url
  17. Edit button is bot right of my image next to report button
  18. Which ones do you find too small? The only one I have problems with is the spanner/chat box up buttons in the bottom right. But I use them so infrequently it's not an issue. My screen size is 5.2inches, 1080p, looks like this.
  19. I'll offer 200k since no s.o.
  20. Allsmell


    Ty for the hug, slowly recovering. More hugs please As you can see I got one move into fight(false swipe) before dc'ing so not a question of it not being saved :)
  21. Allsmell


    Can't tell if 7500 froakie encounters is more or less unlucky than being dc'd at exactly the time you encounter a skin
  22. Allsmell


    Support required is moral
  23. Allsmell


    Only 223 encounters in For comparison Not expecting anything to happen, but rage post is rage :)
  24. Volcarona 2 sold 3m
  25. Tyranitar 2 insta'd by Hayme 450k. SS of trade to follow
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