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Deita last won the day on May 18

Deita had the most liked content!

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Deita's Achievements

Experienced Trainer

Experienced Trainer (6/12)



  1. I will be online for the next 7 hours or so again.
  2. Hey I'll be online for the next few hours, feel free to pm me in game!
  3. @Boomsmoke You won congrats. Feel free to message me in game (deita) or on discord (deita.) when you are available.
  4. Start Bid: 100k Min raise: 50k Auction Duration: 48 hrs from first bid
  5. Start Bid: 1m Min raise: 100k Auction Duration: 48 hrs from first bid
  6. Added Pokemon: Shiny Amoonguss, Shiny Gyarados, Easter Tangrowth, Pink Poliwrath, Easter Lickilicky, Easter Exeggutor, Valentines Politoed, Valentines Poliwrath. Sold Pokemon: Clone Charizard, Easter Quagsire, Halloween Abra, Halloween Gengar, Halloween Meditite, Halloween Shiftry, Halloween Torkoal, Shiny Garchomp, Pink Cloyster, Pink Hippopotas, Pink Pidgeot, Shiny Magnezone, Shiny Pidgeot, Shiny Sableye, Summer Kingdra, Valentines Hippopotas, Valentines Nidoking, Xmas Golduck x2, Xmas Mawile.
  7. You won, congrats I can be contacted in game (deita) or on discord (deita.)
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