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Everything posted by Tejkkapadia123

  1. Okay can you tell me how many hours are left ? I can try selling one and offer here
  2. If you accept cc I can bid 800k
  3. I can trade my shiny breloom if you’re interested
  4. I am outside today I’ll collect it tommorow
  5. the caption is misleading... that snivy isnt epic with the wrong ability..
  6. So if I transfer back to silver it should be alright right ?
  7. Hi Epithet i am on gold and i had finished bidoof quest 1 and 3 on silver. can you help transfer my rewards to gold server ? Thank you waiting for your reply
  8. Name: Tejkkapadia123 server : gold country USA gmt EST
  9. Thank you man !!! You’re great
  10. Thank you so much for replying so fast. i really aprreciate it.
  11. okay thats fine but i will get them right if i swap again ? also could you ask walross and get back to me ? if its possible to get them on gold itself i wouldnt have to use 500k just to transfer back to silver since and also get my pvp rating back. please let me know as soon as possible. and thank oyu for the reply. i will be waitng for the definite anwer
  12. Hey i had finished the WQ' s in silver but i have shifted to Gold rn for a trade. will i still get the bidoof blessing ??? or will i have to shift to silver back ? please reply asap. thank you
  13. Is this shop still open ??? Can I get the scizor impish on gold ??? If I come there or is it sold or something ?
  14. Is there anyway you can send it to silver server ?
  15. I’ll start
  16. Thank you for your time.
  17. I wanted to know how do I create another account on silver and what if I change my name on the second account ? Will it be possI le then ?
  18. how to transfer both my acounts to silver ? my accounts have same name but i want to transfer my gold account to silver too. how do i do it ?
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