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Everything posted by Tejkkapadia123

  1. 400k nidoking
  2. i am online coming vermi
  3. Hi , I am online right now in vermi. can we trade now?
  4. I’ll buy the heracross and drapion
  5. I’ll take the togekiss for 2.5mil from Alcatraz
  6. hey bro is this shop just for gold or silver too ?
  7. I can do 200k for the milotic
  8. I can pay 400k for that
  9. I can buy the 250 k bisharp if you can ev train hp instead of speed I can even add another 35k which is 285k
  10. i can start torkol at 300k if you want
  11. Now when i opened it shows i have recieved pvp coins from tigerous but can y'all check i have recieved from other bosses too. please check it fast so i can continue with the bossing
  12. I have taken this ss before, during and after winnning the game against tigerous boss. I got the other rewards like money and tokens but didn’t receive any pve coins
  13. I only did chuck and kochi boss on medium which gives me 3 pve coins and others on hard mode which should give me 5
  14. No bro I have done them on hard mode I am sure of it.
  15. Hi, i think i havent recieved any pve coins from the boss battle. i have recieved other rewards but not pve coins. i had 193 pve coins before i started bosses and i completed 8-9 bosses atleast but the pve coins remain the same. pls can you check this matter if i have recieved the coins or not ? thank you
  16. No problem for the delay i am glad you gave a precise answer. thank you for that
  17. ohhh my god thats bad..... so if i go to gold will my sets be recovered again ?
  18. I just checked my torn and zapdos sets and everything has been deleted.... only the latest one that i saved right now are there.... what is going on ??????
  19. Any mod here who can make the trade ? Transfer the ttar to my account and send the 700k to his account?
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