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Everything posted by Tejkkapadia123

  1. I’ll buy mimikyu+ avalug for 400k ? Does that work ?
  2. Since the auction hasn’t started yet let me know if you would be up for a trade
  3. Hey pm me on discord Tejkkapadia123 #0786. I am currently mute banned in game so message me here on discord
  4. Thank you for the response sir. I am at work right now but I will check it as soon as I reach home and confirm. thank you very much really appreciate it.
  5. you can close this topic... I hope u return my 50k since I have proof that I had actually used the service during the bug... b
  6. Okay so I did reload my ivs but lost 50k doing that... without any fault of my own gg...
  7. any updates.... been a few days I hear its solver but can I have my re rolls back at least !!!!!!!! ping ping ping ping ping someone reply!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I was the one who reported the bug ....
  9. so we don't get our re Rolls back ? the ones we lost because of the bug ???
  10. Anyone please reply ? Atleast can you let us know what is happening? Losing 1.4mil is alot in the game. Please give me back my rerolls
  11. @khaihoan2662004 they can just return the Ivs back to the one before if they want to and return our tickets back.. but I guess they are waiting to solve the issue first before replying to any of us. Let’s see what they decide.
  12. Bro same happened to me too. I have made a report in the general support too. all my boxes were ticked and it still didn't show. 2 of my tickets have gone too
  13. Hi I used 2 re rolls on my Kyurem right now..... and I couldn't see the new ivs. how am I supposed to use my re rolls.... Please return my ivs after the 1st re roll or give me back my re roll.... this is nonsense. The first time I could see my ivs and when I used the second one I couldn't see the change but I had already used my re roll so I had to change it.... but my 1st re roll ivs are atleast better than the new ivs which I couldn't see........ I have attached my previous ivs after using the first re roll and the proof that I couldn't see the new ivs after using the second re roll.... Please return my kyurem with the ivs of the first re roll or give me a new re roll..which I can use after this bug is fixed Please don't make me wait for weeks for a reply on this
  14. I need it to be done urgent
  15. Ricky it’s a tentacruel lvl 100. And some Ivs are already done. Let me know the price and when can you take it ???
  16. Hey bro I want to buy ev service for lvl 100 Pokémon and for 1-2 pokes ev + lvl up service ? Will you be able to do it ??
  17. Bro I’ll buy the torkol relaxed drought for 300k
  18. Would you be willing to start at 1mil ? I am currently on gold but if you are willing and I win the auction we could do the trade after the merge
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