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Everything posted by Tejkkapadia123

  1. I buy crawdant . Got money on silver
  2. If you can come to gold rn or even if you can take the money after the server merge I can continue at 900k for the seismitoad
  3. I released a clefairy timid magic guard 20+ stats and found in excavation I don’t know the number of the Pokémon and I don’t have the ss
  4. I can do 3.5 mil for foongus let me know
  5. Hey I have added you on discord accept my request pls I have many pokes for ev service
  6. Ohh sorry it’s silver server didn’t see that
  7. would you be willing to sell for 7mil ?
  8. ANY officer or leader please reply.... i want to join your guild on discord for a few days... your guild membert has scammed me and i need to talk to him.!!!! it would be good to get a reply from someone from your guild. his name is arcaneshub... my discord is tejkkapadia123#0786. add me to your guld pls or atleast tell him to message me. I have already reported him but the mods havent looked at the report yet so if you just send me a request to the guild i can talkj to that mf scammer
  9. Actually I insta even without re roll I have money
  10. I’ll insta if you take re roll
  11. Start alomomola
  12. the speed is a bit low will you be willing to start at 350k ?
  13. 200k confaguris
  14. I won arcanine I think
  15. I’ll start hydragon, victribell and arcanine
  16. I’ll start the calm rotom
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