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Everything posted by Blitzkriegz

  1. Check your discord PMs
  2. 2m 700k Accept pokedollars, CC(as 400k)
  3. Server exclusive spawns will definitely give a game experience closer to OG handhelds. Which mons are going to be exclusives matter a lot howerver. If for example one server gets Sableyes and the other gets Mawiles, the first server will get the new nickname of 'Staller Server'. Overall +1
  4. 1st charizard, pupitar, hydreigon sold. cleffa reserved
  5. 1. Hydreigon- 200k 3. Charizard 500k 4. Charizard 400k 5. Pupitar 150k 7. Cleffa 700k Sold--->
  6. S.O. : 200k Min bid: 50k Auction lasts 2 Days after start
  7. Username: Blitzkriegz Server: Silver Country / Timezone: Bangladesh / Gmt + 6
  8. Isnt this bid 1 min late? The previous one was made at 1:30 PM (GMT+0) while Papoos one now is at 1:46 PM (GMT+0)
  9. won by @Nikhilnick, lmk when youre on for trade
  10. noted, 23h13m left from now
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