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Everything posted by Blitzkriegz

  1. S.O. --> 300k Min bid --> 100k Insta --> 1.5m Auction lasts 24h from start
  2. -1 on the shiny rate. 1/1000 is absolutely low. If it was reduced to 1/3k from 1/4k would've been understandable but this chance wont ever be tweaked with. They can however bring back the pinkan event from october 2019 where pink chances were increased to 1/1250 from usual 1/1500. That would be great.
  3. Player name: Blitzkriegz Server: Silver Timezone: GMT +6
  4. Only reason the economy stagnated is because of easier spawns/repel tricks during year round events. Even before summer 2020 lots of decent mons had good marketvalue. The whole economy started visually dropping right at that time. If we look back at some previous events, 1. During halloween 2019 event, the repel tricks for Larvitar, Togepi, Ralts were turned off to preserve the rarity of the event forms. 2. Xmas 2019 had dratini/dragonair spawn without repel in the event map and the usual N time repel in Love island. It became 24/7 repel trick in both easter 2020 and xmas 2020 maps. 3. Gible market crashed the hardest with double repel tricks in b2b events summer and halloween. More examples can be given but the point is already put up.
  5. If people are still having problems with the chess puzzle heres the fast/effective process again with screenshots. This is the start position, with the Timid carbink at the top, jolly at bottom and 2 supports in the middle. STEP 1: Mark their positions from above as 1, 2, 3, 4. Align all the carbinks in the 2nd row. We swap jolly one from the 4th position to the 3rd position. We setup calm mind and sharpen with the offensive ones. Double screens with the def ones. STEP 2: This is the crucial turn. Remember we're talking about their positions from above only. At this point the timid one is in 1st and jolly in 3rd position. Swap their positions. As you can see in the ss the jolly is in the 1st position now and ready to rock slide 3 ninjasks at once :). After you're done fixing their positions, now we click rock slide with the jolly one which is at the top. We calm mind up again with the timid one as theres nothing to attack infront of it. And click sandstorm, toxic with the rest 2 and the turn is done. Be very careful to direct the faces of the carbinks towards the direction of the enemies otherwise they'll hit nothing but air. STEP 3: If your rock slide hit all ninjasks there should be none left but 1 missed here in particular. It doesnt matter much. From this point we just attack whatevers in front. This might be random for each players but all with all carbinks alive and setup we're in an advantageous position. As you can see from the above 2 ss, we kept the timid in its 3rd position while we swapped the jolly from 1st to 2nd position to hit 3 targets with rock slide, these swaps help to make the process faster. I clicked rock slide again with the now 2nd position jolly one, dazzling gleam with the timid one in 3rd position, and toxic on the other two since the screens are still up. STEP 4: No ss here as its different for each one. Hit whatever infront with the offensive ones and try to move their positions for optimal damage. Spam Rock slide and Dazzling Gleam. Setup screens again for safety incase you miss attacks or the greninja dodges (Was +3 EVA for me here) STEP 5: Cleanup
  6. Do you have dynamic lighting turned off? If so try with turning them on
  7. There are 4 lightbulbs for each entrance. Follow the one that is lit out of the 4 till you get to the end of the maze.
  8. Lost first 5 times then won the next one comfortably just by changing formations a bit. 1. The 2 attacking set carbinks are at the corners of the row, position 1 and 4 from above. Switching the 2nd offensive carbink from 4th to 3rd place should help more. This allowed me to rock slide into 3 ninjask in a single turn and ohko them all. [[ Edit: Its not necessarily that the rock slider Carbink has to be in a fixed spot. Whichever position it can move to to hit as many enemies is fine, if its at topmost, for example ]] 2. First turn should be prioritized by setting up the 2 offensive sets and screens with the defensive ones. 3. Sandstorm and toxics from the support sets should help next turn and after that its just landing the moves with the offensive ones and changing their positions suitable for getting maximum damage output. I prioritized moving the offensive carbink with stone edge to kill the greninja first since it spams double team.
  9. The metangs can be old and non OT. EDIT: The -70 ivs mons wont work if they're too old. I myself submitted 3 Medis caught the day before the stones were released and they were accepted. Just tried now with really old mons and didnt work out. So fresh ones are accepted 100% or those caught just 1/2 days back (cant confirm the exact number of days/hours). I apologize for the trouble. @Bhimoso
  10. Few things here 1. The time limit is 120 seconds. Had several 130+ sec runs that failed to confirm it. Obtained the stone on a 118s one. 2. Trainers also have Shuckle, Blissey, Alakazam besides the aforementioned mons. 3. Rheat is allowed but would be a bad choice since Blisseys there. 4. I used ada scarf crawdaunt. Waterfall, knockoff is needed basically other moves dont matter. 5. Skipping the trainers is essential to ensure fastest run. Cut and smash tools are must.
  11. Including the apricorns as ingredients for some of these customized pokeballs would be great. Would revitalize headbutt runs
  12. According to the previous opinions, assuming buyers check both their respective sub server forums and the other one as well, what would be the need for cross server forums anyways? If potential sellers who want their mons to reach as much audience as possible have to spend 1 cc to deliver, we'll see how many guys would still want to post in the cross server subforums. Imo keep it as it is now.
  13. Week 1 terminator, oak, erika, george, shamac, entei , koichi, chuck, urahara, brock shary, klohver, jenny, battlebot, bugsy, misty, thor, pewdie, neroli, bruno (20) Week 2 elm, lance, morty, tigerous, steven, jones, suhuzen, toothless, raikou, surge, birch, spectify, link, rowan, medusa, maribela, letrix, saphir, logan, ash(20) List is based on personal preferences such as rewards, time, convenience. You can switch in some bosses like Cie, Lorelei, Suicune guardian if you want stuff like specs, lapras mounts. The above ones are selected so that most of them give rare candies, costumes, good 3rd time reward choices etc.
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