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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. Excellent - Thank you, very much! Also appreciating the honesty there. Bahaha! I am just here to have fun, though. Aside from Axew and the five listed in the OP, is there anything else I could acquire? A team of 6 dragon types is overall ideal.
  2. Thank you all, you have been a great help :Grin: ! I have considered Axew, but when I tried buying it in Trade I would get replied with does not exist. I have checked out that linked thread on how to acquire the Pokemon, but could not find Axew. What gives :Shocked: ?
  3. Thank you. Is this player made content still updated to this day, though? Can it be edited by an average pleb, such as myself? I understand not having the time or resources to do it when aligned with the actual team when juggling other projects. However, this is why if PRO took full control over this project, making it official and allowing us to edit it (with some requirements, obviously), it would be even greater.
  4. :Smile: Holy geez, thank you jolly - Those look great! I will definitely use one here soon. You're awesome. Haha.
  5. Never really been the kinda' guy into anime. I did recently finish Sword Art Online, though - very great story and relevant to many aspects of my real life; quite well recommended I would say. I'll finish the second season when there's English audio - free.
  6. Looking to get more into PvP as I build my team solely on Dragon types. Aside from the five that are a WIP as we speak, what other dragon-type pokemon are coded within PRO? Salamance Dragonite Goodra Kingdra Flygon What else is there? I'm struggling here.
  7. Nothing fan related, nothing CTRL+F forum-based; something official - i.e. Wiki. An official collage of content within this very website categorized into what an item is, where it can be found, where a certain pokemon can be found alongside all of it's attributes, basics like these would be a great addition updated in a dedicated, active environment by the community. Again, I am not interested in suggesting further player-written guides that go inactive after so long (not all of them, ik). Instead, simply an implementation to make a database more convenient to us, the players. I'd even love to help with something like this. As it stands, Google answers do not suffice each question I have within PRO when re-directed towards irrelevant threads at best. This is just the basis for my idea. Don't like it? Tell me how to improve it.
  8. Hey buddy. A random offered me a little more and I couldn't find you at the time - sorry. PM me in-game next time you're online and I'll give you the name I sold it to.
  9. It's a shame I had to make a thread for this, but nobody in the HELP channel would answer me for the longest time. My question is - where can I find Trapinch? I don't have it in my Pokedex, unfortunately. While we're both here, if you have a Pokemon you would like to know it's whereabouts or how to evolve it, I will try my best to give you the answer ASAP - or somebody else who hopefully comes along to help.
  10. Really? My thoughts are the exact opposite. My buddy and I always regret joining Blue because everytime it crashes, Red stays Online. Not saying the disconnections always have correlation, because I am sure that they do not, it just feels quite frequent on Blue. Aside from that, OP, I would recommend joining Blue as it may not be as popular, but the economy is easier to adapt to - cheaper prices; usually. As a server (Red) that has been around much longer, the economy adapts to it's players with supply and demand. I have noticed that what may be worth 100K in Blue is almost double (200k - good math, huh) in Red. It's silly. Best of luck with whatever you decide. Hopefully it isn't based solely on popularity.
  11. Merry mom day to any mother's here.
  12. Wow, this looks flawless. Have had all 8 Johto badges for a few days now; scared to E4. Thank you, Windypuff - Profiled.
  13. Thank you again for the suggestions. Went ahead and made one myself, though.
  14. Ahah. Right!? I will be 24 in July. Except, I already enjoy tapioca pudding, bingo and shuffleboard and when I go up my stairs sometimes my knees creak. I'm an old, decrepit man. ARE THOSE NEW SLACKS??
  15. The Dragon's Den is a great training grounds at Blackthorn. Eventually, you will get there. I brought an entire Johto team from 50-70+-ish in a handful of hours; not to mention the money I made, as well (Membership certainly does help)! After that, you pay 200k to get in with the Dragon Club, do the Dragonite mini-quest, defeat Lance, then head to Cerulean Cave for even higher pokemon than Dragon's Den. The grind is certainly worth it in the end, my friend. I can catch some johto 50+ pokemon for you, if you'd like. Maybe just reimburse me for the pokeballs. If, you're truly struggling.
  16. Add the player to your friends list at the earliest convenience. When the server is back Online, use the /msg command. Do this every few minutes or so until he pops up Online. Also, search around in the chat channels to see if he's back sooner. It is also possible the player has an account on here. Search for him/her then message them.
  17. Thank you, all :Smile: . Appreciate the warm welcomes.
  18. Ultras are too expensive though when it takes me 15 of em' to catch a gosh dang Delibird :Frown: . I know there's that dealer who offers 50 regular for 9k, but I consider a pokeball 1:3 catch to an ultra - sadly.
  19. A guy randomly went out of his way to catch me a Houndor. That was pretty neat day :Grin: .
  20. Holy geez. You need a masterball for those :confused: .
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