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Muskon last won the day on February 8 2022

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About Muskon

  • Birthday 08/15/2004

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  1. Image not visible
  2. Shiny qwilish 26spd Auction S.o 800k min bid 100k insta 2m Starts 7:28 GMT Ends after 24hours 7:28 GMT Thanks Good luck
  3. I didn’t use it I was saving it for BabyXD or darkrai
  4. Thanks your reply’s, horon gave me chance to go the ream again and caught darkrai . But now I am not able to access locked ivs.
  5. Thanks your reply’s, horon gave me chance to go the ream again. After I finish my quest well I be able to catch Darkrai or the will disappear. I have to have a Pokemon with miracle eye or something else?
  6. I did the quest twice and second time when I interact with Darkrai he said it is just an illusion can you please explain this?
  7. Oo ok, but I battle horon yesterday and he came here (picture down below) will he go if I battle horon and he gives me Darkrai? Or should I do the quest?
  8. If I choose darkrai I still have to go to darkrealm?
  9. Which option should I pick? First or second?
  10. I did darkrai quest twice because first time I didn’t had master ball but second time when I talked to him to battle and catch him he said it’s just a illusion and disappear (picture 2). I reported this bug and Mod told me to battle Horon Thief of souls to get darkrai I told them it was my second time already when he told me it is a illusion and disappeared. I still battled him with no Pokemon fainting and get back to the castle. Darkrai was not there and the guy who send me back to the ream was there(picture 1). I really want darkrai please help me is it a bug or something else?
  11. Wtb Pelipper 120k Discord:Selmanboi#9807 In game ID:Muskon
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