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About Rajubhaiya

  • Birthday 08/15/2004

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I think if its an abuse to use nikola for bad ivs, then this is a great idea.
  2. Ah, I forgot about it. Your bot is great keep it up.
  3. Name: Zelf(Shiny NPC) Description: Zelf is a npc which Dev can add in any event. Zelf will grant you a chance to catch a random shiny pokemon once you complete the event quest. The pokemon Zelf Grants you will not spawn again if you mis the chance to caught it, It would not be a tradeable pokemon like legendary and mega stones. How to Obtain: Any Event
  4. Name: MetaPlate Description: The Plate Will changes a legendary forums any time or any where. Like: Zekrom Christmas forum is only available for christmas and players have to wait months and days to change its from. How to Obtain: It can a purchasable item from the shop using cc coins.
  5. I have sent you friend request on your discord
  6. It is in my profile picture
  7. Wtb Galvantula for 100k, spatk is low. message me on discord for further discussion
  8. Omastar #1 - 200k and Jolteon#1 - 100k message me on discord for more info
  9. Better add codes like reborn it is a reborn replacement now, great bot though
  10. Pidgeot pm me on discord
  11. Are you still selling
  12. The Dungeon was fun. Entering to an unknown place with friend was something new, I would love to see more of them.But only problem was thomas 11.1 and 11.2 Because of him many of my friends quit the quest and making new team again and again was little to tiring. Rest all quests and rewards were great. And i Would like the see more of Dudgeon type quests in future.
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