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About Pabloriquel10

  • Birthday 08/02/1990

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    aeronatuthic ceo
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Pabloriquel10's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Hi, like i said to Eaty, i like that idea, but only if each one can decide. I think the on/off button was the perfect idea. Thanks!
  2. Hi How are you? I have a problem. I was did the 6th day challenge yesterday, today it's supposed to be the 7 and last day challenge.. he ask me for an abra. I get and show to the npc and he says and give me the 1st day reward... 15 pokeballs.. Can help me with that ? or check the failure please? Thanks a lot and I wait for the answer.
  3. Hi. How are you? I would like to know if someone have or can make a list of the items can be sended by mailbox system. Several peoplen ask me for that and i cant say for sure and i like to have that info to add it to the wiki. The people will apreciate that im sure. Thanks and hope somebody can send me that list.
  4. no, nightime, 23:00 and now sentret , same time.
  5. Hello. So Sorry to revive an old topic but is not closed, and i need to ask and correct something. First my quiestion is.. -is that correct/up to date? Because at the official PRO wiki says dome locations : Digs: Digglet cave, Route 14 , Route 15, Rock Tunnel. Excas: Haunted Site only. Brook boss. Are the other locations mentioned there still working? And i would like to correct or if i wrong pleas tell me.. Honey is working. (tested by me) Locations: I dont found any honey at any headbutt tree anywhere. I get honey with the Recycler thanks god And with Aroma lady too, he gives honey 1 in 24 hrs for berries. I also add.. At PROWiki says it can be purchase with PVE points but thats no true. And also Combee and Vespiquen can hold them but thats not true. I catch them at all spawns to test that and none of them have any honey. Thanks for your atention and have a nice day
  6. i encountered ledyba at my 4th tree
  7. its finish eevee? i preffer dont trained
  8. only left golem shiny ?
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