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Everything posted by Coop33

  1. I would just buy for set prices or in an auction i would bid one time and just this one time. Then i would leave it. If someone just post a Poke without price Tag i dont even start a discussion about it. So annyoing. :confused: I mean who is doing Screenshots/Video proof for every single potential trade of trade-chat stuff? Then suddenly insta-price changes and rip i forgot to take the screenshot. xd I know staff is powerless without that and i totally understand that. Otherwise u could blame and get ban any ppl u dont like. xd All this makes me gonna avoid trade-chat at all. I bought 2 Pokes in >1500h game time outside of my guild. And one of it was a 10k horsea at my start of the game. I have so many good pokes in my boxes i could sell but meh, to annyoing to deal with ppl out of the trade-channel. I tried it once with a set price, ppl said they would buy, then they changed their mind etc etc. While 10 other ppl wants a answer, holy moly, thats stressing. I mean its luckily not everyone but there are so many, many ppl out there in the community who are so selfish, trying to use every single possiblity to enrich themselves or to let other ppl suffer. xd I mean thats not PRO-stuff, thats just typical for every single MMO. U cant avoid it. But u can implement systems/rules who prevent such behaviour. So ill sitting back until auction house finally comes, catching with a smile on my face my own pokes or trade in guild, while the mad kids gonna get mad at each other in trade. ;) U might be ofc more resistent than me, but hey, its everyones own choice. :y:
  2. Thats a known bug, but thx for feedback.:) Its also in the bannable moves list for pvp cause of what u just said.;)
  3. My first shiny in PRO: Rattata (yeyy^^), but still! I false swiped it super happy and nervous, it used double edge and died... Another shiny not to long ago: A golden geodude! They never use it in this area but this one just couldnt wait to drop his self-destruct! :boot: Yey^^ Haha and after this experience i almost uninstalled xd : After all the work of completing dex, doing the quest and fighting Celebi, i just catched it! 30 secs later server just went down and i swear i would have uninstalled. :Heart: But rollback was far enough so i could fight and catch it a 2nd time. So it was k. :Angel: Shortly after they introduced nichola-boss for 2nd chances but still, haha.
  4. Just farm some money at Seafoam Bf4.;) Dont worry u get more and more money later in the game and u dont care about 5k anymore that much and u can easily get your bike with that seafoam money. Gl!
  5. Ye its bugged, i already reported it too. Sun is up even if u dont get notification. In future just assume there is sun for 8 turns if u face a ninetales.
  6. Yeah, Pursuit isnt coded. So its like a dark-attack with 40 base damage or whatever base damage it has. Usually the damage get doubled if opponent switches out. U pursuit-trapped him. But in PRO your opponent still switches out and u do not even do the 40 base damage to him. U attack the poke which got switched in with a usual attack. So i highly recommend not using pursuit until its coded. ;)
  7. Imao, Wall of text. xd Whoops, sry. :P Well, to make it clear and sum it up: As it is in the moment: U get no Coins for winning, if your opponent DC´s for whatever reason. This results in a bad feeling for the winner. So the only one who gets punished here is the winner of the battle. Thats just not ok and unhealty for the environment of battling. U shouldnt have a won battle ended with a bad feeling. Solution 1: Then u could add a surrender-button (prevents u from going into queue again, if there even is one. Otherwise you are just 5 secs faster than simply relogging after DC). So here the winner always gets a coin. Could ofc be abused by simply coin farming if u have a friend to go with in queue at same time. One time u win, one time your friend wins and so on. 20 matches a day, easy mount. If u dont have friends who gonna do this some ppl might do it with their 2nd account. Not allowed ofc and will most likely end in a perma-ban but ppl always take those risks for whatever reason. PPl already could do that 2nd account thingy for rating in former seasons. Here is the question how many staff is available and has time to look into this often enough to prevent ppl from abusing this. Cant tell, tho. Also depends on the community. Thats a bad thing too, but it doesnt result into an unhealty pvp-environment. If u go into pvp as a casual player and u beat them in a casual way u get your points and coin. No bad feeling for the winner. Better than as it is at the moment in my opinion. Solution 2: Then there is the possiblity of punishment for the leaver. Also better than a punishment for the winner in my opinion. U are forced to play the battle to an end or you lose points and a coin. Now it gets a bit more complicated: - The winner always gets the coin. Tho less ppl would disconnet, if they lose the coin + coin farming isnt abusable as mentioned in the first solution. - The winner doesnt get the coin as it is at the moment. Still less ppl would disconnect, which results in more coins-earning for the winner! But no one wins in the end in case of unintentional DC, bad feeling for both. Some ppl also might think (future): I already have enough coins and what i wanted, idc if i lose a coin, mainly i want that my opponent doesnt get a coin so i just dc/surrender on him!" Sad, but the truth.^^ Then there is another way of penalty. U could add a time-penalty. So in case of DC u are not allowed to enter queue again in the next 10-30mins. Which time would be the best? I dont know. Hard to say. It mainly results into the same results as with the coin-penalty. Since u dont lose a coin, abusing the system with a friend 2nd account is a bit harder but still possible. I really dont know if thats better than a coin-loss. So in case of an unintentional DC its a bad feeling for u too. I dont know how many ppl have the problem but letz say: U play 10 games a day, u disconnect once. So u get 1 coin less. Thats a pity but hey, u just lost 1 Coin. Overall u can win enough in the end. U play 10 games a day and u disconnect in 50% of the games. I mean if your internet is that unstable, why even go into PvP? In earlier seasons u had also 0 Chance on a rating into top 25, even if u are the best player in the world. But tbh if the majority of players have that bad internet connection, pvp would die completly. xd I dont know if thats case but if yes a DC penalty is a bad idea overall.^^ Solution 3: U add an AI, which finishes the game for your opponent. As already mentioned, i dont know how hard it is to code that and how much time it takes to implement. Cause i have no Idea of Skripting/Coding. Winner always gets the coin. Un-/intentioanal DC/Surrender doesnt result into a Coin-Loss/Time-Penalty. No bad feeling at all! Well letz say an AI like the AI of bosses gets added. U already might have seen a few pokes of your opponent so u know what u have to await. So it most likely results into a fast finish for you with winning a coin. Most likely u were far ahead anyway since your opponent just DCd with no hope for a win. How long does it need to end the game vs an AI who doesnt switch or smth? 2-3 mins maybe? So this solution is also abusable with friends/2nd Accs. U or your friend/2nd account just have to play 2 or 3 mins longer. Its still not as excessive as insta queuing up and DC. In my eyes this is literally the same as just giving the winner his Coin. So the question is, is it really worth to implement this instead of giving a coin to the winner directly? How long might it take and how long does "winner" still have to suffer under DCs? I might have missed smth but thats how it looks for me. ;) Well as already mentioned each of these solutions is better than it is at the moment.
  8. Do you mean sleep talk in combination with rest? Rest has a defined number of 2 sleep turns. So after u rested u can exactly use for the next 2 turns sleep talk on your poke. On 3rd turn u wake up and if u pressed sleep talk again and it should fail.^^ Why should it be banned? I dont really understand what u mean i think. xd Yeah, thats right. :) But blaziken needs protect-TM, which isnt in the game. It doesnt learn it per level or egg move.
  9. Very nice, thats smth to work with.;) Well first of all there is no protect. So this option doesnt work. But in PRO u cant see the whole team of opponent, so you can easily hide your blaziken until a wall like ferro appears which u could use as set-up fodder. I have to agree. U dont know which danger awaits u if bringing in the ferro or smth similar. So u expect the sd and then u need to have a prio 1hko like talon or possible azu or u face a baton pass etc etc... So Pokes like starmie or gengar wont eat a flare blitz. Im a bit surprised by numbers even a donphan/hipp eats, even without life orb or mega. With sturdy broken u could be done, otherwise u kill blaziken insta with EQ. So they are still no counter, u have to sacrifice smth. Well, good arguments, this shouldnt be the case.:) Well now u have to consider that not everyone finds a ada 31 atk speed boost blaziken. Solid walls are most likely easier to find. But hey a 10 atk ada blaziken should do almost the same job as a 31 atk blaziken. So if you are good enough and build your team around it, it might be a pain to deal with. Even without sub/protect. I havent met that many in pvp currently. If i meet more i might see if its really a nightmare to deal with. Im still not completly convinved. So staff might suspect it and decide. Gothitelle is smth else, yeah its very good vs a stall team. Im not a fan of stall teams, but i feel they can play around it. Most of them run roar/whirlwind/dragontail anyway on several pokes. Another way is u play also set up like calm mind or nasty plot, clefable, mew, togekiss etc. To set up while shes asleep. Even with blissey its a hard fight since u have to break through her paras while setting up and get that rest off, before u die to seismic toss. And if u run rest, calm mind, sleep talk there isnt much space for smth else. Trick choice scarf is just to important to really break a wall effectivly and cripple it for the entire match and freely set up on the wall. So in PRO she doesnt effectivly break every wall she faces. And if u dont meet a stall team u literally wasted a move slot as death fodder. So its even not easy that easy to climb with her. What ive seen of gothitelles which tried to set up on my walls i was running i just tought: meh?^^ And since its super rare etc i dont feel she needs a ban or being suspected. I really think she being around in maybe 1 of 15-20 matches makes pvp more enjoyable and competitive. Nevertheless if one of them really gets banned ill think of more pokes which need to be suspected, cause u need to carry to many pokes with u against them. Cause of... Its a good argument, no doubt! ;)
  10. I totally understand your arguments. But now its bad manner to do this.^^ Before the update with coins i liked too dc too if i faced teams, where i lost my opportunity to win. Especially if i tought game goes on for longer. And i understand that u wanna preserve your team from being seen. Its not like u can make a strategy like in showdown/wifi-battles before the match by seeing the complete team. Well but now u have to understand if u dc on me and deny me my coin ill always deny it for u too. Doesnt matter how far we went in the game. ;) Thats super-bullshiet, but thats how it is atm. :Angry:
  11. But why make it available for us in first place? Why let us hunt it and ban it afterwards? Forever! To look at it? Why not deleting the h.a.? Where do u begin, where do u stop? Regen is pretty broken right now compared to other stuff, so letz delete this too. Or SandStream. Super good combo in pvp. Letz ban this. I mean delete.* Well i hope u see what i mean. Why is blaziken speed boost or gothitelle shadow tag stronger than a slowbro/chansey/skarmory-Core or a tyranitar/exca core? Im really interested in that, what u think? And yes in my opinion rarity is an argument. It makes pvp versatile. If its super hard to get one, not everyone has it. For gothitelle and blaziken are moves/items missing which are essential for their sets. So would the comittee still say they are uber without that stuff? Choice scarf, life orb, trick, protect, etc pp. Yep, thats true! Afaik ths majority comes from a base of selected players. Not everyone can vote. But correct me if im wrong. xd Dont worry, i dont feel insulted. :Angel: We are just discussing. :) Well it wasnt more of an argument. I just say this cause ppl sometimes sound here like this pokemon would be unbeatable. Whats not the case. Yeah right mewtwo is stupidly op. I mean everyone would use their legendaries in pvp, that wouldnt make pvp very versatile. Rip Butterflies. And no, not same goes for pokes like gothitelle h.a. or blaziken h.a., as explained above. But tell me pls, why here in PRO(now) are gothitelle h.a. or blaziken h.a. stupidly op? And Regen-Cores, sand-teams arent that good? Im still super interested in your opinion. Thx. :)
  12. If Roar was banned everyone would spam Swords Dance, Dragon Dance, Nasty Plot much easier, which could mess up balance. Roar users always move last, as a rule, so you can counter with any of your moves. Keep hitting until the Roar user drops or use Taunt, Leech Seed, status, anything to give it a hard time. after using steal rock , spikes . they use roar continuously what will you do Yeah its super annoying strategy, i agree. Roar/whirlwind has a prio of -6 so it always goes last as SugarRed correctly already said. So u can act before it comes. If u predict the roar, dont switch out and attack. Best way to get rid of this is having a spinner/defogger in your team. Or try to not let them stack the spikes/rocks up for free.
  13. Edit: I found one in Kanto (it was either by using dig or rock smash, I forget). U find plenty nosepass in rock smash mineral site in hoenn. I think u dont even need many exp. And u can find them in Jura Cave or granite cave b2f in hoenn. All day long. If u are lucky u find one in Rock tunnel dig spot. Afaik there is a place on sevii island too, three isle path if im not wrong. Gl :Heart:
  14. Aww man... Im still wondering why i even post. I should just start saying smth if staff really bans a pokemon. And some of my arguments are already in this thread. Not sure how much of the thread u have already read, cause its a big one. But just for u i´ll do it one more time, just cause i dont wanna have pokes banned, which dont deserve a ban. Cause sentences like this.... ...arent very motivating. I said: Blaziken Base spd is 80. Rayquazas is 95. So of course is blaziken faster than rayquaza after a single speed boost. I never said (look above) it wouldnt be faster. Like so many other pokes on +1, doesnt matter if its a dragondance or anything else which speeds u up by +1. Thats the only thing i said. Garchomp is faster than Rayquaza so why u dont compare blaziken with him or a starmie with 115 base spd? Read more carefully pls before blaming other persons. U are so right. Life Orb isnt implemented, same with mega. So why u want a poke to be banned with speed boost? Just cause it gets +1 spd every turn? Why is that so much better than other stuff like regenerator or any other useful, working ability? Just cause u can baton-pass that u suddenly have a unbeatable poke to face? Sry, i dont see that. And yeah sharpedo has no baton pass afaik, might be wrong but yeah i think so too. Do a bit more research. Tip: 112 Base speed Poke Well, thats what i mean. U say literally the same thing as me. It does get protect in the original titles. So why u want a ban? Why now? U could MAYBE discuss it if it has also protect available. Cause protect is a safe free speed boost turn, which u can baton pass imideatly after, if necessary. Its like with gothitelle, shes not the same without trick. And now to the "old arguments". This is not Showdown, this is PRO. Everything which is uber in smogon isnt automatically bannable in PRO. Is it fair for players who waste a lot of time to get a speed boost torchic? I dont have one, im pretty sure u gonna assume this, but i know how it feels to hunt h.a. extremely rare pokes. Since its so hard to get, PvP isnt full of it. Best example is gothitelle. So many ppl claim its broken, i still dont see many. Tiers in smogon are based on the %-usage of a pokemon. If u would want it banned there are many other pokes which would need a ban too here in PRO. Sure we all want Pro-PVP as competitive as possible. But isnt it a competition too, who can catch a rare poke with h.a., which is extremely rare and fits into their team so u can make the best use of it? Its not like u click your pokes in 5mins like on showdown. And just cause u have the best pokes doesnt give u a free win in PVP.^^ I give that back to u. And the rest of your text, so personally, holy moly. I wont even answer this. But hey, get the speed boost blaziken ready and show me how easy it is to rush on top of the leaderboards with it. If u made it at end of this season just cause of him, pls let me know. And even if u dont like smileys, here i got one more. :Heart: Cause i like them.:P Couldnt agree more! In future i´ll just write smth if a pokemon really gets banned and i dont see why.
  15. tada: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33433
  16. Yeah eh, rayquaza base spd 95, who isnt faster than this after a single +1 speed. :P But nice try! Yeah well after a SD u have to eat an attack or u face smth which got switched into it. And u know what, blaziken is missing life-orb/mega as well as protect/substitute. Thats essential for most of his sets. Dont get me wrong, its strong poke, but in my opinion u can counter it. And if u arent prepared, well then u lose this time, same goes for other pokes which u need to prepare for. And there is another poke in pro who has all what blaziken has here, but this one even has protect, why u dont suggest a ban of him? And btw im still waiting for the gothitelle who wrecks my team and sweeps me. Cant find. I still dont understand that bohoww about her. :banned: Yep, not banned.
  17. Im master of archeology according to gingery jones. I own MS. Im wondering how it is still possible that i get the message: "Oops, the findings were smashed, i guess i need more experience." Happened twice today in feral site.
  18. Go look for it. :) sarcasm on* Ez rushing of leaderboards with the rayquaza2! :Sing: and off* xd
  19. Ive seen speed boost torchics already.^^ So you are just unlucky.:)
  20. Yeah should be 4 days afaik. I just pick them up while moving to erica boss every 2 weeks so idk for 100% if the cd might have changed.^^
  21. Its probably fixed, cause it just needed a server reboot according to fliks last post. As long as it is in the list i wouldnt use it, since its still in bannable list.^^ And as long as it is in the list i personally would still report ppl using it. ;)
  22. Yep totally agree. I for myself have a little list with players who dc from a safe win. So if im about to lose vs them in another match ill just do the same. A bit stupid, but hey.^^ Hope there comes any solution for it any time soon. Atm u just feel betrayed after a long good battle in cas of DC on purpose. At least there is a little punishment with queue time when servers are full for them.
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