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Everything posted by Han1996

  1. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <t>merry xmas^^</t>
  2. this is a guide made my carl ho^^
  3. gg :Smile:
  4. the time isnt the best for everyone^^ If we change the time, its 2-4am for others.
  5. I can't say better :thanks: well the meaning of it being rare makes it more precious to you when you catch it. Its not impossible and i more people finding Xmas swablus^^ LUCK will only get you so far, but.... FAITH will take you all the way (from google) and with faith, i hope RNG will be with you :Smile:
  6. our guild has the same issue :Frown:
  7. welcome to PRO :Heart: :Heart: :Heart:
  8. farm for xmas pokes and wish rng goes with you :)
  9. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r>MERRY XMAS EVERYONE <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  10. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r><QUOTE author="Sabetha"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey sabetha thanks for applying for our guild^^ i'll pm you the discord link <3</r>
  11. may rng be with you^^
  12. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r><QUOTE author="Serveresta202"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have to copy the link and post in on the tab^^</r>
  13. wow gg
  14. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r><QUOTE author="Serveresta202"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey serveresta202 thanks for applying for our guild^^ I'll send you the discord link^^</r>
  15. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r>bumps really really hard <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  16. still not working rip :Cool:
  17. it doesn't work for me also :Nervous:
  18. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r><QUOTE author="joacimsm"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey joacimsm thanks for applying for our guild^^ I will pm you the discord chat link^^</r>
  19. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r><QUOTE author="ThePokeMaestro"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> thanks^^</r>
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