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Everything posted by Inspirateur

  1. I agree with the multi-team bosses, and either on cooldown change or reward up, because having both a long cd and bad rewards does not make bosses really appealing i don't think it's exactly the same problem: when a team can vary by let's say half of it's poke, it's not a concern if you know all the teams the boss can have. since you don't know which team you're gonna face this time, you can't be fully prepared, or at least not as much as when the boss has 1 team possible and you know what it is...
  2. Inspirateur


    i'm pretty sure it will at best be classified as low priority feature, but still why not, it could be cool indeed :D
  3. yep, failing messages do need to be more precise... I remember my little brother trying dig on a pidgey and come to me after "dig has no 100% accuracy, it failed twice last time against a pidgey !"
  4. 1 and 2 are great suggestions i support these 100%. Even if i understand some trouble you can have by failing somewhere in training your poke, i don't feel 3 is necessary... this would be a problem in the data storing imo: it doubles the data of every poke everyone have, highly unlikely to be implemented in the game.
  5. The thing is, you can VERY easily make an anti-afk with this feature, even though it just takes a controler to do so on computer, i'm not sure the idea will be appreciated by the staff :/ But maybe !
  6. this can be avoided by many ways: reduce ladder climb with instant surrend win, avoid repetitive match against the same account ... Besides, you don't choose your opponent when pvp, even if at this time while there is very few player in the queue at the same time you kinda can, this will change as the game grows.
  7. You should check captain desillusion's channel on YouTube. I know that it's not what you asked, but after seeing this videos you might change your mind a bit about ghost and alien videos.
  8. This post is half question half suggestion: I'll start with question first: If the sprites of the pokes were taken from the original game why not retake the attack animations and music (i mean ALL the music) ? I just want to know :3 And whatever the answer to this question is, here my humble suggestion to accelerate the animation / music (even map) making of PRO: Your actual system is to recruit people that are able to draw animations, or to make map, which is good because as they're strictly selected you can be pretty confident about the quality of their production. BUT, there's one default imo: there is some people that are able (and that want) to draw good animations or to make good map but that are not willing to fill a full job of "artist", or "mapper", maybe because lack of time or because they don't want to have quotas and amount of work to do frequently. [glow=red]read from here if lazy :p[/glow] So my point is, what if you do like a kind of contest where you announce (maybe special topic in forum for that) something like: "we're searching for good animation for (let's say) the move "magical leaf", post your own creation and we'll take the best (or not if staff is not satisfied) :D !" Like that people that are too lazy to assume a real function like mapper or artist but still would be glad to participate and help the game can try to participate the contest, and as a reward the winner is happy to have his animation in the game :). Ofc this could work as well with maps and music, you just have to give the map editor to everyone (i don't see why it could hurt), and the format in which you want your music/animation to be made. Thanks for reading :)
  9. sorry this is a double post i don't know how to delete it
  10. I found today another utility to this surrender bouton: i was wandering in hoenn like normal and suddenly, after i load the route 104, i get stuck in the green glittering border. I log out and re-login (20 min queue again) and i'm still stuck. So i decided to ask someone to beat me in a pvp battle because i was too tired of queue time and i didn't want to loose more time with a ticket on forum. His poke were around lvl 7, same from mine except i had a lvl 19 kfc. And we got to a point because we didn't communicate well where there was only my lvl 19 kfc standing and i couldn't do a move that not killed his pokes. So i just lost my time again and i thought that a surrender bouton would have be f@#"&! helpful here.
  11. Simple and good change, +1
  12. thanks, at least someone who understand...
  13. At least if no bikes/mounts in stop houses and cave, it would be fair to get the player on his bike/mount again automatically when leaving the stop house/cave.
  14. This idea is to be worked on, I mean party feature is essential to every mmo, so let's not give up and bring this to the final stage. Problems/questions that must be solved: 1) a shiny/very rare poke pops, both players want it 2) unobtainable pokes that become obtainable due to the other player (MS, fishing, headbutt...) 3) what about the run options ? I don't think exp boost is needed (or at least make it little like 5%). I think teleport to party member feature is a bad idea because it's easy to abuse it. Suggestions: - party member visible on map - npcs/bosses that can only be challenged by a group of players ! - dungeons ? The last missing piece of the mmo side of pro imo
  15. Yes, simple changes that add diversity to how players look (important in mmo indeed). Good idea !
  16. Good suggestions, I haven't anything to add, hope some admin see that #thorintensifies
  17. I know it sounds dumb but let me explain: If we could have a checkbox in options to enable the display of our own name (and guild logo) in a distinctive color and with display priority 1) We have a better visibility when we're in a crowded place 2) Maybe it's just me but I'll be happy to see my pretty-guild-logo-I'm-so-proud-of :3 3) I know it's low priority but I'm pretty sure it's not a big deal for Shane (in matter of time) :p So, anybody agrees :D ?
  18. YES, renaming all chat is needed, the involuntary mod chat is real. I accept "General".
  19. Sorry Thor I think I hurt myself in the confusion :confused:
  20. I agree that a description of TM in inventory is needed. But it can be done better than by replacing number with name: I suggest we keep the number, but when we hover the mouse over the TM we get the name and a full recap of what the move is (accuracy, damage, name, description).
  21. I'm sorry but your post, even it's pretty, does not contain any argument. Saying love island is loving our pokes does not explain why the item we bought should be useless on love island. And by the way, if I had to answer at what you said, hm slaving is far from loving your pokes.
  22. I agree, I did also bought a pick axe because I want to support the game but mainly to get rid of hm slave. Every rocksmashable tile should be breakable with pick axe...
  23. Another suggestion on the spawn poll interface: highlight The pokes we can catch now ! (I mean in this time of day)
  24. The pokes that give 2 ev are 2nd tier evolution, 3 ev -> 3rd evo. And about the pokes that gives 2 differents point I think it's 2nd evo but with 2 stats equals.
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