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About Zyreh

  • Birthday 08/09/1999

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. cosmetics and some items are not enough to push people into pvpving over pvpeing, you still get rewarded less overall
  2. I like the fact that you guys want to push people to play pvp but this is hard af, pve>pvp since forever pretty much. You get rewarded more for doing something that requires less skill and less knowledge so if i'm a new player why would i ever choose pvp over pve?, sure you can do both if you want but here we talk about pushing people to play, give them reasons to start learning something that requires an higher amout of skills and effort. I'll leave a conversation between 2 players in the #top25-pvp-chat, maybe you can understand my argument better (the topic was literally the same if i remember correctly but maybe a lot of numbers were different).
  3. sad when ogs leave, gl bro
  4. +1, It would be cool to be albe to order the names in different ways, for example from highest pvp rating to lowest.
  5. +1
  6. +1 please
  7. +10000 even if they will not choose the method that you are suggesting a more structured bid mechanic is needed imo.
  8. +1
  9. Auction is over, the winner is ecsecs . Contact me in game, ign : zyreh
  10. 24 h from now, gl all
  11. Start price : 100k Insta price : 1m c.o : 300k by ecsecs Auctions end 1 day after first bid.
  12. It should be closed at my First bid cuz 24 hours are already gone but Just in case, 700k
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