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Everything posted by Thor

  1. uh, yeah i didnt change the respawn time on the berries. my bad. they should be daily :p
  2. Well, when raikou, entei and suicune becomes catchable, a pre-requisite will be 1000+ hours anyway. Fyi no legendary with 601+ base stats will be catchable, ever.
  3. There is now a lum berry farmer at the back end of lake of rage
  4. You will be glad to know I found another way to do the boss cooldown checker. I just tested it and it works. It will however still require me to edit every boss NPC, so will take a little while But its being worked on :)
  5. this sounds like the new anti botting feature mentioned in the update log
  6. its all well and fine adding animated sprites, but we have a good ~25 custom pokemon for which we would need to make 16-32 frames for. I would prefer the Gen 5 style over gen 6 because gen 6 has absolute horrible edge marking.
  7. what youre suggesting is fairly improbable, without recoding the whole scripting system. NPC data cannot be accessed without interacting with that specific NPC. Only specific variables can be read by other things. I will be experimenting with some things in the near future, if it works, then maybe it could work, otherwise this revised way i mentioned earlier would be the only way for now to give u guys a reliable way of checking boss availability
  8. well, i could always relocate the tutor to somewhere else?
  9. uh, gulpins hold pearl (and so do shellders if i remember rightly).
  10. Thor

    Aspear Berry

    I will add a couple more locations for it when i get some free time.
  11. The disappear/reappear thing is doable. the issue then is people would want to know (exact) cooldown. However, I could do this and then make a NPC that checks for this visibility on each NPC, and depending on their state say whether theyre battleable or not, and place one in each region. How does that sound?
  12. Thank you for the suggestion. However, we already had a well structured and thought out discussion even before starting to make PRO even (2 years ago) regarding legends and this plan wont change due to the MMO structure.
  13. Legendaries will never be tradeable Denied.
  14. Yeah...no The PS Vita (while technically powerful enough due to raw CPU numbers) has nowhere near enough RAM for PRO. wont happen, sorry
  15. I think we're doing these already. But that would be a better question for Carel, our lead Artist to answer.
  16. stones have been removed until their functionality is coded.
  17. Thor


    buy the Magic Mirror item from the donation shop
  18. some people do try and get as much as they possibky can for pokemon, but generally pokemon that are considered overpowered (Hidden ability Dragonite for example) do generally cost a lot more.
  19. Headbutt/dig tracking is impossible. the NPC actually disappears so there is nothing to click on to check. It IS possible to redo, but that requires rescripting every single tree (thars 600+ trees)
  20. Thor

    Bank system for PRO

    I would like to have a bank system in PRO, then i could draw an ATM :p the thing is it might take shane a little while to code this, so it wont be a priority, also it could be used as an extra security system if your account gets hacked, at least ur money stored will be safe behind a pin code. an alternative to this however is make an account with the same name but add BANK to the end. then get 4 badges, and use it to store ur money in. It isnt against the rules to multi-client if ur using it for trading between ur own accounts, so thats always an idea.
  21. It is not currently possible to turn NPC rebattles off, without recoding the whole NPC system. this is why the teleporters exist, as a workaround.
  22. Thor

    Flying mounts

    no, because then it would use the surfing position sprite, which isnt compatable with the walking mounts.
  23. you forget that we already give out a free eevee, in kanto. Giving out another one would make them worthless almost, and also ruins the appeal of Boss Sage.
  24. theyre already ingame (legendary mounts). You have to earn PvP coins to get them
  25. Thor

    A boat

    Thor what do you think about to add an npc who speaks about of abra teleport system, for example : that he trained all the abras used by the teleport system I will do this as soon as shane has fixed what he needs to today.
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